Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 499

The door of the house was closed, and all three of them were closed by Lin Kai.

Three people are stupid.

They didn't expect Lin Kai to be so heartless!

Give them no face at all!

You know, Yang Mi is the first lady of the Yang family! After saving the master of the Yang family, Lin Kaike has made a great success!

And Lin Kai disdains to have a relationship with the Yang family at all!

This made Yang Mi very embarrassed.

Although Yang Mi knows that she is here to ask for help, she just can't let go of her dignity as a young lady of the Yang family. She just doesn't want to bow down in front of Lin Kai.

She felt that everyone had to obey her, because she was the first lady of the Yang family, because behind her was the Yang family!

From small to large, it is true that everyone follows her, because she is the first lady of the Yang family.

Because she is the chairman of the Yang Group, no one dares to listen to her.

But now, she actually met a person who didn't pay attention to her at all. This person is Lin Kai!

Lin Kai doesn't care if she is a young lady of the Yang family. He doesn't give her a little face!

It seems that the Yang family is just a joke in his eyes!

Yang Mi blushed and clenched her fist. Her heart was very angry.

One side of the maple boundless sighed and said: "Miss, we come to ask for help after all, the attitude should be softer, let's be softer?"

After listening to maple boundless words, Yang Mi said with a red face: "bow your head? Soft? For what? I'm Miss Yang

"And what is he? Just an ordinary citizen! "

"I have given him great honor to ask him to treat my father."

"Why should I bow my head?"

Seeing Yang Mi's appearance of such a rogue, Feng Wuyuan sighs.

Although he has a high power in the Yang family, he is only under the master of the family after all, and he has no right to decide the affairs of the young lady of the Yang family.

At this time, ye Miaoshu said: "Miss, if you delay one more second, the owner will be in danger of another second!"

After listening to ye Miaoshu's words, Yang Mi also bit his lips.

Now for the safety of her father's life, she can't fight with Lin either!

At that time, Yang Mi took a deep breath and knocked on the door of Lin Kai again.

Bang bang bang.

There was a knock on the door.

Soon after, Lin Kai opened the door impatiently and asked, "my aunt, are you finished?"

Yang Mi blushed and said, "Lin Kai, I want you to save my father."

Seeing Yang Mi's red face, Lin Kai also thought it was very interesting at that time.

"Why should I go?" Asked Linkai.

Yang Mi blushed: "what do you want? I Yang family can give you, you want money, to house, to rights, can! As long as you save my father! "

After listening to Yang Mi's words like this, Lin Kai hugs his arm and laughs.

"Ha ha, I don't want money. In this way, if you serve me as a maid for a month, I will save your father!" Lin Kai said with a smile.

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Yang Mi was furious on the spot.


"You have gone too far!"

Yang Mi's face was flushed. Half of her face was opened by Lin, and the other half was because she was teased for the first time.

Because she is a young lady of the Yang family, she seems to be very high. No one dares to tease her.

Lin Kai was the first one to tease her. She felt a little shy.

"Too much? My conditions are not excessive! I'll do it. Your father can live. Your price is just to be my maid for a month

Lin Kai hugged his arm and laughed.

Yang Mi looked at Lin Kai seriously. This time, she was angry: "Lin Kai, I asked you, I don't want to be your maid, do you want to go?"

Lin Kai shook his head decisively: "No

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Yang Mi sneered: "ha ha, OK, this time you don't blame me for being rude!"

After that, Yang Mi took a step back.

Subsequently, maple boundless then stood out.

Maple boundless but the first master of the Yang family, is not the last few small fish shrimp.

Although Lin Kai's skill is good, Yang Mi doesn't think that Lin Kai has the strength to defeat Feng Wuyuan.

"Old maple, take him back and force him to cure my father!" Yang Mi said sharply.

Yang Mi doesn't believe it. When the time comes, the knife rest will be on Lin Kai's neck. Lin Kai dares to say no!

Feng Wuyuan was one of the first two big. Although he thought it was very inappropriate to do so, Yang Mi was his own master, and he had to listen to Yang Mi.

At that time, maple boundless nodded and stood out.

Feng Wuyuan stands out, in fact, for another reason. In the monitoring, Feng Wuyuan sees the strength of Linkai. He wants to compare with Linkai, who is stronger in the end!At that time, maple boundless a fist: "young man, I'm sorry!"

Said, only heard a crack in the air sound ring, maple boundless then hand.

Experts a hand, know whether there is no, maple boundless a move to seize the hand, straight grasp the open arm of Lin.

I'm a master!

But Lin opened his eyes, did not hide, did not flash, let Maple boundless grasp his arm.

Only heard a clap, maple boundless two hands then seized Lin Kai's arm.

Maple boundless eyes exposed a fine light, he was so easy to get it?

It seems that Lin Kai is not as strong as the one under surveillance! Is he just a showman?

This is maple boundless's first idea.

But then, Feng Wuyuan didn't think so.

Lin Kai only heard a sneer, he shook his arm, and then a huge force came!

It was just a shake, but Lin Kai's arm threw out tons of strength! On the spot Maple boundless only felt a fit of numbness at the mouth of the tiger, and his hands fell off.

Lin Kai just shook his arm, maple boundless hands, has lost the combat effectiveness.

It's so strong!

Maple boundless, pale face.

Because his arms were trembling at this time. Linkai's shock almost hurt his internal organs!

But he can see that Lin Kai is still merciful. If he wants to die by himself, it's as simple as stepping on an ant!


And it's a secret master!

At that time, the maple boundless open a fist to the forest, a bow then bowed down.

"Offended." The Maple Road is boundless.

Lin Kai is polite to see the boundless maple, so he doesn't die.

Lin Kai said faintly, "all of them are martial arts practitioners. I'll make friends with martial arts. But don't have another time, or I'll let you pay the price of life!"

If someone else said this to maple boundless, maple boundless would have taken the other party's life!

But the person who said this is Lin Kai, who can't afford to offend him!

Maple boundless even a fart dare not put, hastily nodded to say is.

And Yang Mi is stupid.

Even Maple boundless is not his opponent? How strong is the boy?

In Yang Mi's memory, maple boundless is the strongest in the Yang family. People in the whole island have to give Maple boundless face, but in front of this young man, maple boundless can't take a move!

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