Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 498

"I see!" At this point, ye Miaoshan pats his thigh and says.

"One of these silver needles is indispensable! It is because Li Ming moved these silver needles that the ribs of the owner's chest have not recovered! "

Ye Miaoshan's words, everyone nodded.

That's why!

It's all because of Li Ming and Yang's family leader's injury that he didn't recover. Now his life is in danger!

At that time, Feng Wuyuan looks at Li Ming, and his eyes become extremely cold.

Feng Wuyuan helped Yang Jianxiong kill a lot of people. The Yang family leader who Li Ming killed is now in danger. Naturally, he doesn't intend to let Li Ming go.

As long as Yang Jianxiong orders, Feng Wuyuan will kill Li Ming immediately!

At that time, Li Ming knew that he had made a big mistake. At that time, Li Ming knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the Yang family leader.

"Master Yang, master Yang, I didn't mean it!"

"I didn't think silver needles could save you at all."

"I thought he was a charlatan!"

"Master Yang, don't kill me!"

At that time, Li Ming's legs were shaking with fear.

Who is the head of the Yang family? That's definitely Xiaoxiong! Yang Jianxiong's hands are not clean.

Why can the Yang family become the top ten families? It is because the Yang family is cruel enough, and Yang Jianxiong is cruel enough!

If he is really angry and wants to kill himself, it's just a matter of words.

Is Yang Jianxiong angry?

Of course, Yang Jianxiong is very angry. He would like to kill Li Ming now, but Yang Jianxiong knows that it is useless to kill Li Ming now.

I'm afraid the only one who can save himself now is the guy in the surveillance.

Yang Jianxiong very weak said: "quick, please that miracle doctor come over, quick!"

After listening to Yang Jianxiong's words, Feng Wuyuan and ye Miaoshu just want to act. Yang Mi said with a white face: "I'm afraid he won't come over."

"Well?" Smell speech, everyone looks to Yang Mi.

Yang Mi looks very ugly. Is Lin coming to the meeting? Yang Mi doesn't think Lin Kai will come.

After all, at the scene of the accident, he scolded him so badly that he would not come over.

After all, people have temperaments. If they save their father and sister, even if they don't appreciate it, they still treat them so rudely.

How can people come here?

"Mi Mi, what's going on?" Yang asked anxiously at this time.

Yang Mi looked at the surveillance video and said, "you keep watching."

After hearing this, they continued to watch the surveillance video.

Then, Yang Mi came quickly.

In the surveillance video, Yang Mi began to abuse Lin Kai.

Lin Kai was angry and turned to leave the scene, but at this time, the Yang family also appeared, and the Yang family blocked Lin Kai.

Lin Kai has no way to go. He can only argue with Yang Mi.

Yang Mi points to Lin Kai and is very arrogant. Although he can't hear the sound, he can see from the monitoring that Yang Mi is abusive.

Finally, Yang Mi asked his bodyguard to beat Lin Kai!

But fortunately, Lin Kai is very skillful. He put down the four bodyguards by three times and five by two.

Then Lin Kai walked out of the crowd and left the scene.

After watching this scene, the scene was silent.

No need for Yang Mi to say, they also know why Lin Kai won't come, because Yang Mi offended Lin Kai to death!

A martial arts master, but also a master of medical skills, was so offended by Yang Mi to death!

Yang Mi stood in the same place, red face and low head, she also had no face to face her parents.

She scolded the Yang family's savior! Also ordered the bodyguard to beat Lin Kai!

Will Lin Kai help Yang Jianxiong? Yang Mi doesn't think so.

After all, Lin Kai is so young and vigorous!

Yang Mi's heart is a regret. She knew that Lin Kai had such strong strength and profound medical skills. She would never have provoked Lin Kai.

On the contrary, she would treat Lin Kai respectfully.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

If his father Yang Jianxiong died because of this, Yang Mi will never forgive himself!

The scene was silent, everyone was silent.

At this time, Yang sighed and said: "secret, you have to tie the bell to untie the bell. Go to find the young man and apologize to him in person."

"What?" Yang Mi's eyes widened. She was the chairman of Yang's group. She asked her to apologize to an 18-year-old young man?

When Yang saw Yang Mi's unhappy face, he became stern at that time: "what? Don't you like it? "

"If there's something wrong with your father, I'm not finished with you!"

After listening to Yang's words, Yang Mi also blushed.She nodded and said, "I'll go, I'll go..."

After that, Yang Mi walked out of the ward and went to look for the whereabouts of Lin Kai.

With the strength of the Yang family, it is not very difficult to find a person on the island.


In the evening, Lin Kai sleeps until evening. After waking up, Lin stretches out and washes.

Just after washing, there was a knock on the door.

Linkai put on his pajamas and went to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Lin Kai found three people standing outside the door.

Two elderly people in their 50s, one wearing a black Tang suit and the other wearing a white one.

In front of them is a woman. Lin Kai has seen this woman. It is Yang Mi of the Yang family.

Yang Mi was wearing a white suit, a short skirt and a pair of black silk stockings on her legs.

Although already 30 years old, but the figure is still hot, has a mature woman's charm.

And her facial features are also very delicate, flaming red lips, especially the kind of high female president's breath on her body, make men have the desire to conquer.

"Is it you?" Lin Kai eyebrows a pick, leaning against the door frame, a face of fun looking at Yang Mi.

Yang Mi looked embarrassed and said, "please come with me."

After listening to Yang Mi's words, Lin Kai also laughed: "why should I go with you? Who are you? Are you a policeman? "

Yang Mi has always been a high-ranking role in the Yang family, and no one has ever dared to disobey her orders.

Now Lin Kai dared to talk back. At that time, Yang Mi felt very uncomfortable.

In particular, thinking of Lin Kai's arrogant appearance at the scene of the accident, Yang Mi's heart is even more angry.

"Linkai? I come to invite you. It's your honor. You'd better not be shameless! " Yang Mi held his arm and said high up.

What she said seemed to be an order, which could not tolerate Lin Kai's refutation!

Lin Kai sneered: "ha ha, mentally retarded."

After that, Lin Kai went to close the door of the hotel.

But before the door of the hotel was closed, it was pushed by a hand.

He looked at Lin Kai and said, "this little brother, we really have something urgent to look for you. My young lady's words conflict with you. I apologize to you on behalf of my miss."

"Who's going to apologize to her?" Yang Mi holds his arm and doesn't have to look at Lin Kai with his eyes.

Lin Kai didn't want to talk to Yang Mi. As soon as he tried, he slammed the door.

And pushing the door of the maple boundless looking at the closed door, showing a look of shock.

His hands are still on the door!

But just now Lin Kai closed the door with one finger.

The strength gap between the two is a little big!

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