Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 485

"Congratulations to the host! Saving one life is better than building a seven level pagoda. You have gained 50 upgrade points and 50 attribute points in this charity action

After saving Jiang Zhengyi's life, Lin Kai gets 50 attribute points and 50 upgrade points.

Now Lin Kai has a total of 290 attribute points!

Getting closer to the target!

Jiang Zheng sat on the ground, panting for air, and the sweating on his forehead dropped drop by drop.

He was glad that he had picked up a small life.

If Lin Kai didn't show up just now, he would have completely explained it here!

In Jiang Zheng's mind, it was a fear. His car had been hit into a discus, which was too bad for him!

It seems that what Lin Kai said is true. He is really under the influence of bad luck!

At this time, Jiang Zheng finally believed what Lin Kai said.

How can you explain what's happening now if you're not crushed by bad luck?

One after another, I almost died here.

Think about it carefully, it seems that I have been in bad luck for the past two years!

At that time, Jiang Zheng looked up at Lin Kai and hugged his fist: "little brother, you are really an expert!"

Jiang Zhengfu!

Wang Kun also ran over. He was relieved to see that Jiang Zheng was OK.

If the director of the medical bureau died at his door, he Wang Kun would be in trouble!

Lin Kai said with a faint smile: "Oh, Mr. Jiang, with all due respect, although you have escaped a robbery temporarily, if you do not discard the pendant, you will have a second robbery soon!"

Just now he vowed that he would not believe Lin Kai's Jiang Zheng. After hearing this, he pulled the pendant off his neck and threw it out directly.

"Get away from this evil family!" Jiang Zheng looks ugly.

After all, it is the baby who has been wearing it for two years, but I still have some reluctance.

After the three small robberies and one big one, the bad luck of Jiang Zheng dissipated immediately. After the pendant was thrown out, the bad luck of Jiang Zheng dissipated a little.

At this time, Jiang Zheng was no longer in a big way.

"After you go back, don't go out. If you stay at home for a week, your bad luck will naturally dissipate. Pay attention to the fact that all the windows in your home are open and keep the ventilation." Lin Kai warned.

Lin Kai saved Jiang Zheng's life. At this time, Jiang Zheng didn't care to blush. He stood up and bowed to Lin Kai: "little brother, thank you so much."

"Just now it was me, Jiang. I didn't know Taishan. I bumped into you. Please forgive me!"

"From now on, wherever you can use ginger, you will make a noise!"

Jiang Zhengfu!

Lin Kai's eyes are too spicy.

At this time, he finally understood why Wang Kun recognized such a little boy as the eldest. Wang Kun was not old, but he had unique vision.

He saw something different about Lin Kai.

Linkai is not a thing in the pool!

Lin Kai glanced at Jiang Zheng and said, "Mr. Jiang is out of sight."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Jiang Zheng knew that Lin Kai must still care about what he had just done.

At that time, Jiang Zhengdao said: "little brother, don't worry. After I go back, I will take care of the business of the Liu family."

Jiang Zheng patted himself on the chest, saying that it was on him.

Although Liu's family has done the biggest business in traditional Chinese medicine on the island, there are still Western medicine to contend with it.

Over the years, Jiang Zheng has been supporting western medicine, thus ignoring traditional Chinese medicine.

It seems that Liu's family is the first family of traditional Chinese medicine, which is booming, but compared with western medicine, its profit is very low!

Hearing that Jiang Zheng wanted to help the Liu family, Lin Kai directly refused: "if Mr. Jiang helps the Liu family a cent, then don't recognize Lin Kai as a friend."

Lin Kai directly rejected Jiang Zheng.

Jiang Zheng hears the speech, is very embarrassed, looked at Wang Kun, Lin Kai, this is the rhythm of soft and hard do not eat!

Wang Kun quickly came out to play the round: "ha ha! My boss means that Liu's business is good, so you don't have to take care of director Jiang! Ha ha ha

"Come on, director Jiang. Let's take the initiative to suppress the shock."

With an embarrassed smile, Mr. Jiang entered the Wang family.


Soon after, Lin Kai left Wang Kun's home.

The relationship between him and Jiang Zheng also eased down.

Drive on the Rolls Royce and take youyou to the parking lot of the five-star hotel.

After arriving at the parking lot, Lin Kai has a glance.

"Now, get out of the car." Lin Kai's eyes are cold.

"Ah?" You were stunned.

Originally, Lin Kai took her back to the hotel, and she was very happy. She thought that Lin Kai would do something wrong to her.

But when he got to the parking lot of the hotel, he let himself off?

"Get out of the car, don't you understand?" Lin Kai stressed again.Why does Lin Kai let you get on the bus? Because Lin Kaifa is now covered with a red gas over Ouyang Yan's head, which means that Ouyang Yan is doomed!

You may suffer if you follow him.

So Lin Kai took her away just to save her life.

Youyou blinked his eyes very innocent: "little Lin, don't you take me up?"

Asked you longingly.

She can't wait to see what happened with Lin Kai.

After all, she can see. Just now, even the director of the medical bureau has been very respectful to Lin Kai. Such a big man has been on for a lifetime!

"Go down!" Lin Kai snapped.

The sound of a sharp drink makes you scared. You can only open the door and go down.

The car stopped at the elevator and drove into the parking lot.

I didn't expect you to follow in.

"Can't I take the elevator?" You long blinked, deliberately showing a lovely look.

Lin sighed and ignored her.

When you get to the 18th floor, youyou follows.

Came to the door of his room, Lin Kai took out the room card, glanced at you, he was helpless.

He is cruel to women, especially beautiful women like youyou.

"What do you want to do Lin Kai asked helplessly.

"Nothing. I just want to go in and sit down. When I'm in a good mood, I'll leave." Youyou pinches the corner of his clothes and looks at Lin Kai with his big eyes.

Lin opened the door and said, "come in."

Leisurely smell speech, happy as a child, skipping into the room opened by the forest.

Lin Kai's room is the most luxurious presidential suite. As soon as you enter the room, youyou is shocked by the luxurious decoration and wide space.

"Wow Youyou jumps onto the super big water bed. The comfortable water bed bounces you up.

Linkai took off his coat and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

At this time, youyou quickly came to the table, picked up a water cup, took out a bag of powder from his pocket, poured the powder in, and opened it with water.

After all this, Youyou, like nobody else, sits on the sofa watching TV.

Lin Kai came to the dining table after washing his face. Without any precaution, he drank the glass of water directly.

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