Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 484


Jiang Zheng roared angrily, "do you know who I am?"

"I'm the director of the medical bureau!"

"I'm an atheist!"

"You even use these nonsense to prevaricate me, no matter what your purpose, I will not lightly forgive you!"

"The Liu family is your grandmother's, isn't it? Wait. When I go back, I'll make a thorough investigation of the Liu family to see what shady business they have in the end

Jiang Zheng was completely angry.

After saying these words, he took another look at Wang Kun and sneered: "Wang Kun, you are really more and more confused and go back, who do you make friends with? This kind of person is also worthy of being the boss of Wang Kun

Wang Kun was embarrassed.

Lin Kai's performance made him lose face!

Wang Kun didn't believe these things. Nobody believed them.

This time, not only did Lin Kai offend Jiang Zheng, but also Jiang Zheng and Wang Kun.

After all, Lin Kai cursed Jiang Zheng and his family for their bloody disaster!

"Director Jiang..." Wang Kun wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Jiang Zhengyi.

"You don't have to say anything. It's not your fault. As for Lin Kai, I will investigate his identity and background after I go back!"

"If I find something unclean, I will immediately take him to prison!"

Jiang Zheng's words are absolutely certain. He is not joking!

If it wasn't for Wang Kun's face, he would have caught Lin now!

He is just temporarily giving Wang Kun a face. When Lin Kai leaves Wang Kun's home, it will be his end!

With these words, Jiang Zheng turned to leave the top of the villa.

At this time, Lin opened his eyes, because he found that the bad luck on Jiang Zheng's head had condensed to a certain extent, and it was about to break out!

That is to say, Jiang Zheng is going to have a bad time soon!

Bang, only Lin Kai could hear the sound. He saw that the dark cloud on his head had already burst open. The dark cloud turned into a little bad luck and was sprinkled on Jiang Zheng.

It's hard for Jiang to live long!

"Director Jiang, listen to me, stay with me, I can save your life, or you will die when you go out of the Wangs house!"

Lin Kai's words were heard by Jiang Zheng. Jiang Zheng was so angry that he almost roared. Lin Kai was still cursing him!

Jiang Zheng looked back at Lin Kai coldly: "ha ha, you see how I got out of the Wang family! Let's see if there will be a bloody disaster in me

Having said that, Jiang zhengtou did not return to the outside.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, Jiang Zheng's whole body fell into the swimming pool.

Jiang Zheng rowed several times in the swimming, and then he came out. Jiang Zheng was quite embarrassed and got on the bank and threw his own water.

At that time, Jiang Zheng's face was black.

"What a bad luck!" Jiang Zheng didn't take Lin Kai's words to heart, thinking it was just an accident.

Director Jiang, please change your clothes again Wang Kun asked with a smile.

Jiang Zheng was in a bad mood. He ignored Wang Kun at all and went straight out.

But he just walked two steps, only to see one side of the sun umbrella suddenly fell down, just hit Jiang Zheng!

Jiang Zheng didn't expect the accident to happen so quickly. He didn't react at all. He was directly hit by the sunshade!

At that time, there was a bloodstain on Jiang Zheng's forehead, which was obviously smashed and bleeding!

Wang Kun ran to the side of the umbrella and helped Jiang Zheng up.

At this time, Jiang Zheng was wet all over, and his forehead was smashed and bleeding by the sunshade. He was not in a mess.

Jiang Zheng's face was extremely iron green.

Is that too bad?

Is it hard to say that I'm really in bad luck?

How could Jiang Zheng shake his head? I'm just a little unlucky. I have nothing to do with that bad luck.

"Let's go." At that time, Jiang Zheng shook off Wang Kun's hand and went to the stairway.

At the foot of the stairs, Jiang Zheng just took a step. Unexpectedly, his feet slipped, and the whole person rolled down!

At that time, a scream sounded, and Jiang Zheng rolled directly from the top to the courtyard!

After Jiang Zheng appeared in the yard, he looked like a mess.

His suit was in tattered condition. There was a lot of blood on his body, and several big bags were knocked out on his forehead.

Jiang Zheng stood up unsteadily, and his face was almost turned into a round face.

Jiang Zheng held the wall, gasped and looked at the stairway.

What a close call! Just now, Jiang Zheng almost hit the corner of a marble. If he did, he would die!At this time, Jiang Zheng began to be afraid.

The first time may be bad luck, the second time may also be bad luck, what about the third time?

He's had three bad times in a row!

Is it hard to come true? Just like Lin Kai said, he was under the influence of bad luck?

There is no such thing as bad luck in the world! I'm an atheist. I shouldn't believe these messy things!

At that time, Jiang Zheng went straight to the gate, and the journey was smooth, which relieved Jiang. It seemed that just now it was just bad luck.

But Jiang Zheng walked out of Wang's house and came to the main road. His nervous tension finally relaxed completely.

"What kind of bloody disaster, all deceive people!"

Jiang Zheng looked back at Wang's villa and disdained to smile.

Jiang Zheng strides towards his own car.

But at this time, a crazy whistle sounded!

A whistling voice sounded from behind Jiang Zheng!

Jiang Zheng looked back subconsciously. At that time, he was scared to death, and his eyes almost glared out!

A big truck has hit him! The truck seems to be out of control, running out of the main road, the target is him!

At this time, Jiang Zheng had no time to escape, because the truck was about to crush him into meat cakes!

It's really bloody!

Knowing this time, Jiang Zhengcai found that Lin Kai was not fooling him. He was not a prodigy. His own bloody disaster really came!

Jiang Zheng felt very regretful at this time. If he had known that Lin Kai's words were true, he should have believed Lin Kai, otherwise he would not have died!

Seeing that the roaring truck was about to kill Jiang Zheng, a hand suddenly appeared at the critical moment, which directly grasped the collar of Jiang Zheng's clothes and pulled him back.

At the same time, there was only a loud bang. The truck hit Jiang Zheng's car and hit the wall. Jiang Zheng's car was directly hit into a discus.

Jiang Zheng has recovered a small life.

"Hoo..." Jiang Zheng gasped for air, and the whole person collapsed and sat down on the ground.

Looking back, it was Lin Kai who held him.

Lin opened his hands and took a cold look at Jiang Zheng: "Mr. Jiang, now you should believe what I said?"

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