Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 486

After drinking the water, Lin opened his mouth and said, "the water is a little sweet."

However, Lin Kai didn't think much about it, because he had a warning cat's eye. If the glass of water was poisonous, it would remind him.

While sitting on the sofa watching TV leisurely, the corner of his mouth showed a proud smile.

"Lin Shao, I'll take a bath first. You wait a moment."


Before Lin Kai speaks, youyou has trotted to the bathroom.

Lin Kai was a little dumbfounded.

Things seem to be a little tricky!

Originally, Lin Kai thought that youyou would leave after sitting for a while, but she didn't realize that she had to take a bath!

Let's take a bath. Lin Kai doesn't think so. He is still full of confidence in his determination.

After lying in bed for ten minutes, Lin Kai suddenly found that his body seemed to be a little strange.

Looking down, Lin Kai is startled. He doesn't know when his body will react!

Lin Kai doesn't have any idea about that!

What's more, Lin Kai found that his skin was beginning to turn red.

There is a bath fire, attack on the heart!

Damn it!

Did you prescribe the medicine?

Lin Kai realized at this time that he was drugged by that little girl!

Watch your cat's eye. Why don't you remind yourself?

It seems to know what Lin Kai is thinking. The system reminds Lin Kai: "it's not dangerous to be drugged. It's spring."

"I'll fuck you!" Lin Kai scolded.

"Hey, hey, hey..." The system gave out licentious laughter.

Just then, with a click, the bathroom door opened.

Lin Kai looked, and his eyes were straight at that time!

You came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe. You stepped on the catwalk. Although you had taken off her makeup, she still couldn't cover her charming appearance.

The long figure is very hot.

A pair of white legs, more smooth white tender, more beautiful than the model's legs.

It can be said to have the face of an angel, and the body of the devil.

Wet hair, casually draped on the shoulder, God and blurred eyes, it is difficult to hold.

"Lin Shao..." A long and quiet cry.

This sound made Lin Kai tremble all over.

"No, it can't be done!" Lin Kai doesn't go to see youyou and tries his best to control himself.

You must control it!

I'm a virgin!

But youyou is so charming that Lin Kai can't help but want to have a look.

After a look at it, I can't control it.

I saw you sitting on the edge of the water bed, with her hands on Lin Kai's shoulder.

Cherry small mouth: "Lin Shao..."

The crisp voice to the bone, let Lin Kaihu body a shock, almost can not control himself.

Calm down! I must calm down!

But then, Lin Kai can't calm down, because youyou is ready to jump at Lin Kai as soon as he uncovers his bathrobe.

At this time, Lin Kai didn't know where the courage came from. He buttoned the quilt on youyou's body and ran out of the room like a slipper.

Youyou looks at Lin Kai's back and stupidly stops.

Is the medicine under oneself fake? Doesn't it work?

Youyou has always been confident in her charm, but now, she has some doubts about whether she is beautiful or not. As a man, she can't resist her seduction.

But Linkai resisted!

What kind of disease does he have?

Youyou begins to doubt whether Lin Kai is a man with normal sexual orientation.

Lin Kai shut himself in the bathroom, opened the shower head and took a cold bath. After the cold bath, Lin Kai finally calmed down.

In this way, Lin Kai stayed in the bathroom for an hour to make sure that the medicine had passed before he dared to come out.

After coming out, Linkai finds that youyou has left.

It seems that she finally knew that she had come back from the difficulties. Lin Kai breathed a sigh of relief and lay on the bed. She felt a little tired and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Lin Kai was woken up by a burst of cell phone ringing.

Take out a mobile phone to see, it is actually a call from Liu Qiao.


"Lin Kai, the Liu family needs your help. Come here." Liu Qiao seems to be ordering Lin Kai in a domineering tone.

Lin opened a smile: "Oh, little aunt, if you have something to say on the phone, I will not go to the Liu family."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Liu Qiao on the other side of the phone was also stunned.

Lin Kai, who always goes along with Mao, how did he blow up his hair today? Dare you disobey her orders?

"I want you to come, you come, where so much nonsense?" Liu Qiaoli said."Who do you think you are? This is an island! Our Liu family's territory! Get the hell out of here

"Dudu Dudu..."

The phone was hung up.

Liu Qiao on the other side of the phone is very sure. In a moment, Lin Kai will run over.

Not because of anything else, but because of their deterrent power in the island.

If Lin Kai wants to wave on the island, he must rely on her Liu family!

Lin opened a smile, left the phone on the bed, did not pay any attention to Liu Qiao.

Liu Jia Lin Kai has been to Liu's house several times. Every time, he touched his nose with ash. He never went to the door of Liu's house again and again!

After washing, I had breakfast downstairs and massaged on the massage chair for a while. After returning to the room, Lin Kai's mobile phone had been knocked out!

Dozens of missed calls, including Liu Qiao, Liu Yong and Liu Qiang.

Lin Kai called back. As soon as he dialed, Liu Qiao's shrew voice rang out over the phone: "Linkai! How dare you. Our Liu family have been waiting for you for more than an hour. Are you still coming? "

"Don't you want to hang out on the island?"

"We Liu family usually treat you so well, you are very kind. As soon as I heard something happened, we didn't even enter the Liu family."

"What a pity! You won't come even if your grandparents invite you? What a white eyed wolf

"How can the Lin family have such a bastard like you!"

Liu Qiao insulted Lin directly.

Lin Kai sneered: "ha ha, Liu Qiao, I warn you!"

"I'm not a person you can afford to provoke!"

"Don't call me a bastard. If there is another sentence, I will definitely let you pay the price you deserve!"

"Don't think I'm joking. My patience is limited."

As soon as Lin Kai's tone cooled down, Liu Qiao over there wanted to swear.

But at the thought of asking for help from Lin Kai, she suppressed the tone in her heart.


"Linkai, I'll get to the point!"

"Chen Tang Pharmaceutical has hunted and killed our Liu family! The Liu family's capital chain is broken, and its inventory is insufficient, and it will go bankrupt soon! "

"You can call us one billion now. Your grandfather's card number is limited to 10 minutes!"

Smell speech, Lin opened a smile: "ha ha, I have an obligation to give you money?"? The blue and white porcelain I sent you is worth one billion yuan? "

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