Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 483

Jiang Zheng said not coldly or lightly, and directly refused Wang Kun's good intentions.

It can be seen that Jiang Zheng's face is not very good-looking.

After all, he is the director of the medical bureau, but now he specially came to meet a little fart child. He is very angry in his heart.

If it was not for Wang Kun's great influence on the island, he would have broken out.

What medical skills does a child of eighteen or nine know?

Wang Kun heard the speech and said with a smile: "director Wang, you don't think my eldest brother is young, but the medical skill is absolutely first-class!"

"You've got this little flaw in your hand."

After listening to Wang Kun, Jiang Zheng stares at Lin Kai suspiciously.

"Brother Lin, do you have a medical qualification certificate?" Jiang Zheng asked suddenly.

The medical qualification certificate is the certificate that every doctor must have. If you have the medical qualification certificate, you can be regarded as a real doctor.

Lin Kai is young, and he doesn't look like he has got his medical qualification certificate.

Lin Kai shook his head very straightforwardly: "No

After hearing that Lin Kai didn't even have a medical qualification certificate, Jiang Zheng's face was completely cold.

This time, Jiang Zheng was not polite and said in a cold voice, "do you know that if you don't have a medical qualification certificate, you will not be qualified to practice medicine!"

"You have no right to see someone else!"

"Although I don't know how you deceive Wang Kun, it's impossible to deceive me, Jiang Zheng!"

Jiang Zheng's hard words came out.

At that time, the scene atmosphere incomparable embarrassment, introduced two people to know Wang Kun, the face is also mercilessly slapped.

Well, kindness is regarded as a donkey's liver and lung. Jiang Zheng doesn't eat it at all!

"Well, since Mr. Jiang doesn't believe me, that's it." Lin Kai smiles and nods.

He doesn't care. Jiang Zhengxin believes in him or doesn't believe it. Lin Kai can't influence other people's ideas, and he is too lazy to influence others' ideas.

Just be yourself.

Just as Lin Kai got up to go, Wang Kun stopped Lin Kai and said with a smile, "boss, don't go. Today we must make it clear."

Wang Kun's position is undoubtedly on Lin Kai's side.

Wang Kun looked at Jiang Zheng and said, "director Jiang, do you still believe me? How can the people introduced by Wang Kun be ordinary people? Why don't you just let my boss have a try? "

Hearing this, Jiang Zheng hesitated for a moment.

Although Lin Kai looks unreliable, Wang Kun is one of the most famous people on the island. His vision is not bad.

At that time, Jiang Zheng sneered and said, "Oh, for the sake of brother Wang, I'll let you have a try."

"However, if you really have that ability, you can say it. If I find out that you are cheating, I will definitely let you down!"

Jiang Zheng said coldly.

Jiang Zheng's condition is very evil. His disease is different from other diseases.

For other diseases, you can prescribe the right medicine, but Jiang Zheng's illness is different. Jiang Zheng has a headache today, a leg ache tomorrow, and a stomach ache two days later.

It seems that there are problems all over the body, go to the hospital for examination, but the doctor said it's OK.

This strange disease has plagued Jiang Zheng for two years. During these two years, Jiang Zheng has suffered a lot, and he has been in despair.

He believes that no one in the world can cure his own strange disease.

Lin Kai opened his golden pupil and glanced up and down at Jiang Zheng's body. Lin Kai found that Jiang Zheng's vitality was very strong, and there was no damage all over his body.

It's just that there's a black gas all over him.

This evil sect is so dark that it can't be seen with the naked eye.

Lin Kai couldn't tell what the black air was.

Suddenly, Lin Kai thought of one of his skills, crow skills, crows can see each other's bad luck.

At that time, Lin Kai recited a crow silently.

Then, the scenery in front of Lin Kai changed. Jiang Zheng in his eyes was covered with black air. On top of his head, there was a dark cloud, in which lightning and thunder were thundering, which represented that Jiang Zheng was in a great difficulty!

Above the dark clouds, there are eight big characters: bad luck pressure body, blood disaster!

And the thing that sends out bad luck is just a pendant on Jiang Zheng's neck.

The pendant is a jade Buddha Pendant, which is emitting a steady stream of bad luck. It is precisely because of this pendant that Jiang Zhengzheng has had bad luck in the past two years.

"What do you see after all this time?" Jiang Zheng asked.

The corner of Jiang Zheng's mouth reveals a trace of ridicule. Western medicine needs machines, while traditional Chinese medicine needs pulse. What can Lin Kai see with only a pair of naked eyes?

Lin Kai came back to his senses, and his face was not very good-looking: "Mr. Jiang, you are not ill, but you are under the pressure of bad luck, and there will be bloody disaster immediately!"

As soon as Lin Kai's words were said, the atmosphere on the scene almost solidified!The expression on Jiang Zheng's face froze, and he froze. After a while, his face became extremely ugly!

He is an atheist. Linkai is insulting his IQ!


A ring, Jiang Zheng hit the table, stood up, angry: "nonsense!"

"What kind of bad luck? Are you a doctor or not? If you don't check your pulse and auscultation, you can say that I'm under the influence of bad luck with your naked eyes

"There is no bad luck in this world. I don't believe in evil luck."

"You're not a doctor at all, you're a prodigy! Naked stick

Jiang Zheng was furious.

He looked at Wang Kun and seemed to question Wang Kun.

Wang Kun also had a hot sweat. He didn't expect that Lin Kai's words were amazing.

How could Jiang Zheng believe such superstitious things?

Isn't Lin Kai doing death? Offending Jiang Zheng, the Liu family can't survive on the island!

"Boss, are you wrong?" Wang Kun wiped his sweat and winked at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai held back his hands and said straightforwardly, "I'm not wrong. Mr. Jiang is under the pressure of bad luck. Within two days, there will be bloody disaster! If it is light, one person will die; if it is serious, the whole family will die! "

Hearing such vicious words from Lin Kai, Jiang Zheng was almost furious!

Jiang Zheng stood up. The big man stood in front of Lin Kai. He was angry, his fists clenched, his eyes fixed on Lin Kai. His eyes seemed to eat people!

"You said I had a bloody disaster? Say my family died? Are you cursing me

Jiang Zheng looks ugly.

He was extremely angry. Lin Kai, an unlicensed doctor, used some superstitious remarks to deceive him, the director of the medical bureau. This is just a groundbreaking act on Tai Sui's head!

Jiang Zheng doesn't believe in any bad luck. Now he just wants to put this cursed bastard into prison and let him pay the due price!

Lin Kai still said solemnly: "yes, it's the pendant on your neck that sends out bad luck. After two years, the bad luck accumulated in these two years will break out. When the bad luck breaks out, you will die of bad luck!"

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