Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 482

As soon as he stepped on the gas pedal, Rolls Royce roared straight out of the parking lot.

Ouyang Yan and others can only look at the rear of Rolls Royce's car in a daze, with a black face.

Soon, the luxury car on the road, toward Wang Kun's home.

All the way, youyou has been staring at Lin Kai with a kind of adoring eyes. His eyes seem to melt gently.

Soon after, the car stopped at the gate of Wang Kun's villa.

After seeing Wang Kun's villa near the sea, youyou exclaimed: "this is Kunge's house!"

Wang Kun's seaside villa is very famous in the whole island.

Youyou naturally knows Wang Kun's home.

Is this man in front of him still know brother Kun?

If so, he must be a great man!

Thinking, youyou pasted Lin Kai.

I saw youyou's enchanting body like a snake spirit stuck on Lin Kai's body. When he opened his mouth, a smell of fragrance came to his face.

Leisurely eyes hook people, looking at Lin Kai, jade hand hook Lin Kai's chin, light voice way: "brother, let me be your woman, OK?"

If it is ordinary people, certainly do not have such a strong determination, already hungry and thirsty to rush up.

But is Lin Kai an ordinary person?

Although he had received professional training in the army, he could feel a fire burning in his body, but he could suppress it completely.

At that time, Lin Kai said coldly, "leave me!"

Hearing Lin Kai's cold tone, youyou is stunned.

Obviously, she didn't expect that her beauty scheme would fail.

In the island, countless men are playing around in the hands of the company. Even young masters like Ouyang Yan are fascinated by her, but Lin Kai is not moved.

You dare not to leave Lin Kai, so you have to leave him.

Lin opens the door and walks down. Youyou also follows quickly.

Arrived at the gate of Wang Kun's villa, the security guard saw that Lin was coming, so he went to inform Wang Kun.

After a while, Wang Kun, who had no time to wear his slippers, ran out with his bare feet.

"Boss, are you here, boss?" Wang Kun's face was happy, and his expression was like seeing his father.

It's respectful to welcome Wang Kun in person.

Youyou on one side is stupid.

This is Wang Kun?

Is this the island's grey world overlord Wang Kun?

How can you be like a little brother in front of this one?

Lin Kai didn't even look at Wang Kun and strode into the yard.

Wang Kun also noticed youyou at this time. When he saw youyou's unique color, he was also in front of him.

But then his eyes became respectful.

Wang Kun nodded to youYou and said with a smile, "are you sister-in-law? My name is Wang Kun. Just call me Xiao Kun. "

After listening to Wang Kun's words, youYou can be said to be flattered. Wang Kun, the overlord of the grey world of the island, actually calls himself sister-in-law and asks himself to call him Xiaokun.

In the past, she was afraid to think.

But now, in front of her, for a moment, she felt like she was dreaming.

Everything is so unrealistic.

At this time, Lin Kai said faintly: "she is not my woman, she is just a common friend of mine."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Wang Kun nodded, but he was still very respectful to you.

After all, it was Lin Kai who brought him.

When they arrived at Wang Kun's villa, they all came to the top floor. In the open-air swimming pool on the top floor, several hot-blooded beauties were playing in the water in bikini.

This is Wang Kun's daily life.

In Lin Kai's ear, Wang Kun said with a smile: "boss, you are really a miracle doctor! I used to be three seconds, but now, at least thirty minutes! "

Wang Kun admires Lin Kai from the bottom of his heart. Before, Wang Kun looked masculine, but in fact, he was very guilty in the face of women.

But now, Wang Kun straightened his back, he dares to say, he has become a man!

Lin Kai said: "you said you would like to introduce a great man to me? Where are the people? "

Wang Kun nodded: "yes, this big man, will be here soon, boss, you have a rest, I'll change my clothes."

With that, Wang Kun went to change clothes.

Soon after, Wang Kun changed into a formal suit and came to the top of the building.

This time, there was a man behind Wang Kun.

This man is a man with a strong back and a strong back. He has a Chinese face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his eyes look sharp.

This is a strong man with a height of 1.8 meters. He has a straight back and a steady pace. He seems to have been a soldier.Wang Kun welcomed this one in front of Lin Kai and said, "boss, introduce me. This is Jiang Zheng, director of the medical bureau."

Smell speech, Lin Kai heart move, the medical bureau, or a director, this is a big official!

Liu Futong, his grandfather, spends a lot of money on his relationship every year, most of which goes into the pocket of the medical bureau.

"Hello, my name is Lin Kai." Lin Kai reached out and shook Jiang Zheng.

Jiang Zheng shakes hands with Lin Kai, but there is a trace of disdain in his eyes.

After all, Lin Kai is so young, but for Wang Kun's introduction, Jiang Zheng would not have paid attention to Lin Kai.

After they took their seats, Wang Kun waved his hand, and several bikini beauties in the pool retired.

Wang Kun said with a smile: "this time, please come here. First, I want to introduce you to each other."

"Jiang Zheng, director of the medical bureau, is in charge of the island's Department of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Everything related to medicine and medicine is under the charge of director Jiang."

Wang Kun introduced Jiang Zheng and Lin Kai: "this one is my boss. Lin Kai is not only strong in skill, but also very skillful in medicine."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Zheng sneered.

Strong? How strong can Lin Kai's thin arms and legs be?

Good medical skills? How skillful can a child of eighteen or nine years old have?

"It seems that brother Lin is not an ordinary person to be appreciated so much by brother Wang!" Jiang Zheng said politely.

The words are polite, but the disdain in the eyes can be seen by anyone.

If it wasn't for the Bureau of Wang Kun's group, Jiang Zheng would have left without his sleeve!

Wang Kun said with a smile: "boss, this time I asked director Jiang to come to see him."

"Director Jiang has been suffering from a lot of discomfort recently, such as headache and fever, low back pain, and often distracted. Seeing many doctors doesn't work."

"Boss, your medical skills are excellent. You can certainly help director Jiang."

Wang Kun said, winking at Lin Kai.

Wang Kun knows that Lin Kai's grandfather's family is a medical family. Helping Lin Kai get to know director Jiang is equivalent to making Liu's family prosperous on the island!

But he didn't know that Lin Kai was at odds with the Liu family.

"No, I'm not ill. I'm just tired recently."

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