Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 475

In front of Lin Kai, Xu Changkong and Wang Kun of Weizhen island are just like two obedient children.

Sit cross legged and watch Lin Kai quietly.

Lin Kai is their only hope. One is congenital heart disease, the other is hidden disease in bed. Both diseases are extremely difficult to cure.

Lin Kai showed them hope. At the same time, they were afraid that Lin's meeting made them despair.

"Brother Lin, can I really cure this congenital heart disease?" Xu Changkong asked with a worried face.

His congenital heart disease has been bothering him for a long time. He almost died of this disease several times.

When hearing Lin Kai say that he can cure, Xu Changkong's heart is very happy.

This is his hope to live! Otherwise, in the future, when Xu Changkong gets a little stimulation, he may die!

Wang Kun is also staring at Lin Kai. As the most powerful man in the whole island, he is actually a man of three seconds, which is his biggest sorrow.

If Lin Kai can cure his hidden disease, he will not hesitate to be a cow or a horse for Lin Kai!

At this time, Lin Kai smile: "ha ha, you two people's disease, I can cure."

After that, Lin Kai took out two small bottles from his pocket.

In these two small bottles, one contains silver needles and the other contains disinfectant.

He is going to cure the two men with silver needles!

"Silver needle? This... "

After seeing the silver needle, Xu Changkong and Wang Kun's faces showed hesitation.

Their disease, see Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine have no use, with silver needle can do?

"Believe me." Lin Kai light way.

Wang Kun and Xu Changkong looked at each other and bit their teeth. Up to now, they can only use the dead horse as a living horse doctor!

At that time, Xu Changkong took off his clothes and prepared to let Lin open the needle.

But at this time, the door of the tea room was suddenly opened, and two people came in from the door.

One of them was a young man. The sweat of the young man's head was overjoyed to see Xu Changkong.

"Dad! I have invited master Ku The man was excited.

Master Ku?

Hearing this, Lin Kai also looked at the man named master Ku.

Bitter master Lin kaiheard that he is a famous master of traditional Chinese medicine on the island!

Even his grandfather Liu Futong is not as good as master Ku, who is the first scattered person on the island.

Ask him to see a doctor, even if it costs hundreds of millions, master Ku may not be able to come!

Unexpectedly, Lin Kai met master Ku here.

I saw master Ku wearing a very simple sportswear, more than 60 years old, bearded, a casual temperament.

After hearing of master Ku's arrival, Xu Changkong was overjoyed and quickly stood up.

"You are master Ku?" Xu Changkong asked excitedly.

But I didn't expect that master Ku didn't pay any attention to Xu Changkong, and his eyes were fixed on the silver needle on the table.

"Silver needle? Who's going to give you the needle? It's a joke. How can a heart attack be saved with a silver needle? It's ridiculous Master Ku sneered.

As soon as he entered the room, he immediately found the silver needle on the table.

Xu Jinlong, Xu Changkong's son, also looked at the silver needle on the table.

Although Xu Jinlong doesn't know medical skills, he also knows that heart disease and silver needle do not match at all!

"Silver needle? Dad, who's going to give you the needle Xu Jinlong asked.

Xu Changkong looked at Lin Kai and said, "it's Lin Xiaoyou. Lin Xiaoyou saved my life on the plane."

Smell speech, Xu Jinlong looked at Lin Kai, eyes a narrow, a face is not good.

"Are you the prodigy?" Xu Jinlong asked directly.

"Prodigy?" Lin Kai looks puzzled.

"Yes! God stick

"I heard about what happened on the plane. Even the director of the island central hospital can't do anything about my father. After you press it twice, you press my father right?"

"You say, you are not a prodigy, so what are you?"

Xu Jinlong's tone is not good. He doesn't treat Lin Kai as a lifesaver at all.

Xu Changkong at this time also very embarrassed dry cough: "golden dragon! How do you speak to your benefactor? "

Hearing this, Xu Jinlong was not afraid of his father: "Dad! He is a prodigy

"How young do you think he is? Is he a doctor?"

"He just wants our money! Dad, he must have been lucky last time. Don't be fooled by him

"Besides, do you have a medical qualification certificate?"

As soon as Xu Jinlong reached out, he asked Lin Kai for a medical qualification certificate.

Everyone looked at Lin Kai in unison. As a doctor, both Chinese medicine and Western medicine must have medical qualification certificate.Only those who have medical qualification certificate can be regarded as a real doctor.

Lin Kai shook his head: "No

Seeing that Lin Kai said no, Xu Jinlong sneered: "ha ha, you don't even have a medical qualification certificate. Do you dare to come out and treat others?"

"Believe it or not, I'll call the police to arrest you?"

Xu Jinlong was so noisy that even Xu Changkong doubted whether Lin Kai had the ability to cure his heart disease.

After all, it is unheard of to treat heart disease patients with silver needles.

What's more, Lin Kai doesn't even have a medical qualification certificate. He's just wild!

At this time, the bitter master also quite disdained a smile: "Oh, the river lake swindler is just, dare to take the silver needle to treat the heart disease patient, is really ignorant!"

The bitter master glanced at Lin Kai's silver needle, rather disdainful.

"Patients with heart disease, in the case of stimulation, will appear myocardial infarction, heart beating and heart not beating and other symptoms, even western medicine is difficult to treat, not to mention traditional Chinese medicine."

"It's a joke to treat with silver needles!"

With a bang, master Ku kicked over Lin Kai's silver needle bottle directly. At that time, the silver needle fell on the ground.

After listening to master Ku's words, Wang Kun also looked at Lin Kai with questioning.

Lin Kai, can you really cure yourself of not lifting symptoms?

Wang Kun was dazzled by joy yesterday. Now think about it carefully. Lin Kai doesn't look like a man with such great ability!

He is young, has no medical qualification certificate, and uses silver needle to treat heart disease. All kinds of signs show that Lin Kai is a big liar!

At this time, master Ku gave an order: "come on! Pull this swindler out and break your legs

"I don't think you dare cheat in the future."

Master Ku's words, I saw two strong men coming in from the door, and they wanted to catch Lin Kai.

At this time, Lin Kai sneered and asked, "master Ku, do you often lose sleep recently? And feel dry mouth, there is an impulse to want to retch? Besides, you've lost a lot of hair recently

After listening to Lin Kai's words, master Ku was stunned and recalled carefully. It seemed that Lin Kai had all the symptoms he said!

"How do you know?"

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