Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 474

Zhang Qiming is also furious!

He is afraid that Xu Changkong is good, but he is not afraid of Lin Kai. If the rabbit is forced to be anxious, he will bite people, not to mention he is a living man?

"Linkai! Don't bully people too much! I am a young director of Zhang's group! How could you gnaw at this broken table

Zhang Qiming said angrily.

Less directors of Zhang's group? Smell speech, Xu Changkong also looked at Zhang Qiming more.

"Is Zhang Daoming your father?" Xu Changkong asked.

Uncle Zhang's, Chen Qiming nodded

"Now, keep your promise." Xu Changkong not cold not light said.

How about even the few directors of Zhang's group? Xu Changkong did not put it in his eyes!

Because in Xu Changkong's eyes, Lin Kai is more valuable because he can cure the heart disease that has puzzled him for many years!

After listening to Xu Changkong's words, everyone was dumbfounded.

Xu Changkong actually for the sake of Lin Kai, asked Zhang's group's few directors to fulfill his promise!

How old is Lin Kai?

Lin Kai smiles and looks at Zhang Qiming.

At that time, Zhang Qiming's face was red. Xu Changkong did not hesitate to offend him. Zhang's group also wanted to support Lin Kai, which he did not expect.

If I don't keep my promise today, I'm afraid that Xu Changkong's Changkong group will deal with his own Zhang's group!

If his father knew that he had offended Xu Changkong, he would not have killed himself?

For a while, Zhang Qiming was under great pressure.

Just as Zhang Qiming hesitated, he heard a group of people coming in from the door of the jewelry store.

There are about a dozen of them. All of them are big men in black waistcoats. They are full of dragons and tigers. Different from the street gangsters, they all exude a faint murderous spirit.

As soon as the group of strong men appeared, the scene was silent.

Then a man in a black vest appeared.

The man was strong and fierce, with a scar on his forehead. He strode over with a step that he didn't recognize.

After seeing the visitors, all the people present took a breath of cold air, because they were the big brother level figures who made the whole island tremble for, Wang Kun!

Wang Kun is here!

In the full view of the public, Wang Kun strode to Lin Kai, holding his fist and bowing to Lin Kai.


Later, more than a dozen strong men behind Wang Kun bowed in unison: "boss!"

But Lin Kai's face is indifferent, it seems that Wang Kun bows to him, is a very common thing.

He waved: "get up."

"Thank you, boss." Wang Kun stood up and stood behind Lin Kai like a little brother.

At this time, the scene is quiet, even the sound of a pin falling on the ground can be heard.

All the people looked at Lin Kai straightly. It seemed that they saw the reincarnation of dinosaurs.

Shocked! Shock!

All the people's hearts beat hard, the heart beat faster and the breathing became worse.

This is incredible!

The biggest brother of the island, Wang Kun called Lin Kai boss! And bow!

Is this Wang Kun?

Is this the biggest brother on the island?

How do you look like a street thug?

Is Lin Kaizhen just an ordinary employee in a massage shop? If so, why are even Wang Kun and Xu Changkong such big people respectful to Lin Kai?

What the hell is he?

Chang Weiwei beside Lin Kai is also shocked. Her colleague Lin Kai is more and more unable to see through.

Is Chenglin really the second generation rich to experience life?

Zhang Qiming felt sick after eating excrement in his heart. Lin Kai, who had been trampled under his feet just now, turned into a big man he couldn't stand up to.

Even Wang Kun is a little brother of Lin Kai.

What is he worth in front of others?

Even a leg hair of others can't match!

The expression on Liyuan's face is also extremely wonderful, the face is hot, she is ashamed at the same time, but also very jealous of Chang Weiwei.

Chang Weiwei's boyfriend, really better than Zhang Qiming!

Even the island elder brother level figures are the younger brother of their boyfriends. Zhang Qiming is not worthy of carrying shoes for Lin Kai.

At the same time, she is also very jealous of Chang Weiwei.

She thinks her beauty is no worse than Chang Weiwei, but now Chang Weiwei has caught up with prince charming.

Do you want to be young and handsome?

Li Yuan's look at Lin Kai changed from disdain to admiration.

Such a big man is the prince charming she wants.At this time, Lin Kai looked at Zhang Qiming and said, "now you can eat the table."

"Xiao Kun, get him some vinegar."

Wang Kun, a big brother level figure on the island, after listening to Lin Kai's words, he went to get vinegar.

Soon after, Wang Kun came over with a bowl of vinegar and put it in front of Zhang Qiming.

"Here, this is the vinegar my boss gives you!"

At that time, Zhang Qiming even had the heart to cry.

This is vinegar given by Wang Kun himself. Dare he not eat the table?

If they Zhang's group fought against the Changkong group, they could survive.

Add a Wang Kun, absolutely can swallow his Zhang's group, even residue is not left!

At that time, Zhang Qiming smashed the glass table with an ashtray, picked up a piece of glass and dipped it in vinegar.

At that time, Zhang Qiming's hands were shaking.

With a plop, Zhang Qiming knelt down in front of Lin Kai and cried out: "Lin Shao, Lin Shao, I'm wrong, Lin Shao! Please spare me this time! Lin Shao

Looking at Zhang Qiming kneeling for mercy, Lin Kai smiles and ignores him directly and walks by his side.

Lin Kai is not going to give Zhang Qiming a little chance!

And Wang Kun's people are eyeing Zhang Qiming! As long as Zhang Qiming dares not to follow Lin Kai's advice, they will immediately put glass fragments into his mouth!

However, Zhang Qiming put a piece of glass into his mouth.

After that, the sound of chewing was heard, and Zhang Qiming had blood in his mouth.


After choosing the gift, Lin Kai took Chang Weiwei downstairs and sent a special car to send Chang Weiwei back.

Then, Lin Kai sat on Xu Changkong's Rolls Royce and drove to a teahouse.

Wang Kun's Land Rover also followed closely.

Soon after, Lin Kai, Xu Changkong and others arrived at the teahouse, whose name was Wupin teahouse.

This teahouse has high consumption and good environment. People who have no status in the island can not afford to consume.

When they came to the space on the fifth floor, Lin Kai and others sat cross legged.

The environment of tianzijian is very good and covers a large area. The tea sets are made of mahogany, and the tea lovers are made by masters. Even the mat on the ground is made of superior bamboo of 10000 yuan level.

Now, Lin Kai is going to treat Xu Changkong and Wang Kun!

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