Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 476

Since Lin Kai's divine eye was upgraded to golden pupil, it has added many functions.

It's not just the magnification and perspective of the past, but now the golden pupil can directly identify antiques and identify the patient's symptoms.

What kind of disease does Master Ku have? He can see it at a glance.

"You don't even know you're sick, but you dare to call yourself a master?" Lin Kai had a good laugh.

"Am I ill?" Master Ku frowned and questioned Lin Kai's words.

But he did feel a little strange recently. At first, he thought he was old and had some small problems.

Now it seems that it is not so simple!

"Master Ku, according to the condition I just said, you should be able to figure out what disease you have?" Lin Kai gave a slight smile, with some irony in his eyes.

Master Ku pinched his fingers and muttered to himself, "retch, listlessness, hair loss..."

All of a sudden, master Ku's eyes widened and his face was incredible.

"Is it Syphilis? "

Master Ku's face turned white at that time.

The onlookers are clear and the onlookers are clear. Lin Kai tells us the symptoms of master Ku's illness!

Syphilis is a very difficult disease to cure, once suffering from syphilis, if not treated in time, there is only one way to die!

"Master Ku, think about it carefully. Have you ever had sex with other women recently?" Asked Linkai.

Master Ku smelled the speech and thought about it carefully. He was more and more ugly.

Yes, a month ago, he had sex with a woman in a romantic place!

The woman was extremely beautiful. At that time, master Ku wondered why the other party was attracted to her. Now it seems that she completely wants to infect herself!

"One month, there's still time to..." Master Ku wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Syphilis is not incurable, just a month, not to the point of irresistible.

Master Ku looked at Lin Kai with gratitude. If it wasn't for Lin Kai's reminding, maybe after a while, master Ku would die!

Lin Kai was very young, but he was so deep in Taoism that he could see his illness at a glance. At that time, master Ku gave Lin Kai a big fist.

"Thank you for your advice

Master Ku of Tangtang island is bowing to Lin Kaiquan at this time!

"This..." Xu Jinlong was also speechless.

Master Ku was fooled by Lin Kai?

"Master Ku, he is just talking nonsense! What syphilis? He lied to you Xu Jinlong's anxious way.

"Shut up!"

Master Ku couldn't listen to Xu Jinlong's words and gave a angry rebuke.

Later, master Ku held his fist at Lin Kai again: "little brother, since you can see that I am suffering from syphilis, do you have a way to cure it?"

Master Ku is just a tentative question.

Lin Kai recognized that he suffered from syphilis. Maybe he is really a master.

Of course, master Ku didn't hold much hope. For a disease as difficult to cure as syphilis, master Ku still relied on Western medicine.

Unexpectedly, Lin Kai smile: "ha ha, minor illness, a needle down will be good."

After hearing Lin Kai's words, master Ku's face changed.

A needle down can cure syphilis?

Isn't that crazy?

But because Lin Kai saved his life just now, master Ku did not dare to question Lin Kai.

"You don't believe it, do you?" Lin Kai glanced at master Ku.

"Well, please look after it."

After that, Lin Kai picked up the silver needles one by one and washed them in the tea. Then he put the silver needles into the disinfectant for disinfection.

After finishing the silver needle, Lin Kai waved to Xu Changkong.

"Dad Xu Jinlong just wanted to say something, but master Ku stopped him.

"I can't die by pricking a few needles. It's just that I also want to see the excellent medical skills of this little brother!" Master Ku said.

Lin Kai's words were so crazy that people doubted whether he understood medical skills or not. He could see that he was suffering from syphilis, but he said that silver needles could cure all kinds of diseases.

Master Ku has no idea whether he is a master or not.

Now it's up to Lin to make the needle.

Hearing this, Xu Jinlong snorted: "hum! You better fix my dad! If it can't be cured, I want your life! "

Xu Changkong fell down and showed his back.

Lin opened his hand and held a silver needle, which went straight into Xu Changkong's back.

There is no need to pay attention to any acupoints. It is just a random prick. After seeing this scene, master Ku frowned. What kind of acupuncture is this?

Then, Lin Kai's heart murmured a Ganoderma lucidum, and a powerful green energy gushed out from Lin Kai's elixir field and went straight to Xu Changkong's heart.

After seeing this scene, master Ku couldn't help but exclaimed: "use Qi to move needles!"Master Ku was so excited that he almost cried! Because he finally saw the legend of carrying needles with Qi!

According to legend, only the sage of medicine, Bian que, can transport needles with Qi. There are very few people who can use this technique in modern times!

But he actually saw a needle transported by Qi today!

Master Ku saw the steady stream of true Qi on the silver needle at a glance. The true Qi, but vitality, can repair all the defects on the human body!

More can eliminate the evil virus from the human body!

It can also stabilize human organs!

It's really moving needles with Qi!

Master Ku was so excited that he was about to kneel down for Lin Kai. No wonder Lin Kai was so rampant. He turned out to be an expert in the medical field!

Xu Changkong at this time comfortable all called out the sound, he only felt a warm current into his body.

The warm current stopped at its own heart, as if to repair its own heart.

Xu Changkong usually feels his heart beating violently when he is nervous, but now, he feels his heart is very comfortable, without a trace of discomfort.

It's amazing!

The process lasted three minutes. After three minutes, Lin Kai pulled out the silver needle.

And Xu Changkong is also all over a shock, only to see that he has a body of sweat.

Xu Changkong stood up and hopped twice in place, showing a look of joy.

He has not felt a relaxed feeling for many years. He feels that his heart is no different from that of normal people.

No fear of heart disease recurrence after stimulation or tension!

"I'm ready?" Xu Changkong looked at his body, his face was incredible.

Lin Kai smile: "you can go to the hospital to have a check-up, you have recovered."

Xu Changkong laughed, a face of joy: "do not check, I know in mind, I really good!"

After Xu Changkong said that, master Ku could no longer control his emotions. He only heard a plop. Master Ku knelt down in front of Lin Kai, and three loud heads directly knocked down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"The saint of medicine lives again! Teacher, please accept me as an apprentice today, or I will be on my knees! "

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