Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 473

Four bodyguards in black suits walked into the jewelry store, followed by two beautiful looking secretaries.

Behind the secretary was a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is dressed in a proper suit and a pair of glasses.

There is a successful man's temperament on the body, stride into the meteor.

Everyone's eyes widened, because the comer is not others, it is the chairman of Changkong group, Xu Changkong!

At that time, all the salesmen bowed in unison: "welcome to the chairman!"

Zhang Qiming and others are also stunned, Xu Changkong, this is a real big man!

It seems that Xu changer's charming look is not bad for her age.

In addition, Xu Changkong is rich and powerful. He is almost the prince charming in the hearts of most young girls.

Chang Weiwei's heart is also more shocked, Xu Changkong really came! This is Chang Weiwei's first meeting with Xu Changkong.

Of course, people don't think that Xu Changkong is called by Lin Kai. After all, the identity gap between them is too big.

At this time, Zhang Qiming turned his eyes and strode to Xu Changkong.

Although Zhang's group is no better than Changkong group, it still has a certain reputation in the island. Zhang Qiming wants to take this opportunity to get to know Xu Changkong!

At that time, Zhang Qiming walked past confidently.

"Hello, chairman Xu. I'm Zhang's group..."

"Get out of the way!"

Zhang Qiming's words have not finished, only saw a suit bodyguard very violent push Zhang Qiming aside.

Zhang Qiming's feet were unstable and fell directly to the ground. At that time, Zhang Qiming's face was black.

Xu Changkong didn't look at Zhang Qiming at all and walked directly past him.

Xu Changkong ran to Lin Kai and walked over.

After seeing Lin Kai, Xu Changkong showed a smile on his face and walked quickly: "brother Lin, didn't you wait for a long time?"

Xu Changkong held Lin Kai's hand warmly.

Lin Kai looked at his watch and said with a smile, "ha ha, you will arrive in five minutes. It's already very fast."

"It happened that I was also inspecting the Changkong shopping mall. I knew that you were here, so I came here nonstop."

Xu Changkong is very approachable to talk with Lin Kai. It seems that Lin Kai's status is even higher than Xu Changkong.

Xu Changkong is respectful to Lin Kai.

After seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Did Xu Changkong really come to find Lin Kai?

Does Lin Kaizhen know Xu Changkong?

No way! One is the boss of the group with a fortune of over 10 billion, and the other is a massage technician in a massage shop. How can two people with such a big identity gap have contact?

For a while, everyone can't accept such a shocking result!

Look at those salesmen. Their faces are white. They are scared out by Lin Kai!

Lin Kai is Xu Changkong's guest of honor, and they even asked Lin Kai for a card certificate just now. Isn't this a death wish?

That supreme card was really given to Lin Kai by Xu Changkong!

The expression on Zhang Qiming's face is also very wonderful.

He was slapped in the face by Lin Kai!

Lin Kai doesn't care to be honest with himself. Because of his identity, he dumps himself eight blocks!

Even a big man like Xu Changkong has to be respectful to him. What is he in the eyes of others?

I'm afraid he's just a clown, isn't he?

Li Yuan's face was also flushed. She laughed at Chang Weiwei's lack of vision just now.

Now it seems that I have no vision!

Weiwei's boyfriend is a good friend with Xu Changkong!

And it seems that even Xu Changkong has great respect for others.

Know Xu Changkong, Lin Kai can almost walk horizontally on the island!

Don't mention Li Yuan. Even Chang Weiwei is very shocked in her heart. Lin Kai has such a big head!

No wonder, no wonder Lin Kai dare to be so arrogant after beating brother Kun's younger brother. It turns out that Xu Changkong is the supporter.

Maybe Lin Kai is some relative of Xu Changkong. Chang Weiwei thinks so.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was not right, Xu Changkong asked, "brother Lin, what's the matter? Why are you here? "

Lin Kai smiles and throws his supreme card on the table: "brother Xu, is the card you gave me a fake one? I've been asked for a card certificate

Lin Kai's question about the supreme card made those salesmen grow up one by one, and the cold sweat on their heads fell down.

When Xu Changkong heard the speech, his face turned black.

This supreme card was sent out by Xu Changkong himself!Now, is it a fake to be questioned? Moreover, he was questioned by his own staff, which made his face pale!

"Do you doubt that the card I gave to brother Lin is fake?" Xu Changkong looked at the salesmen in front of him and asked in a cold voice.

Dozens of salesmen on the scene bowed their heads and did not dare to speak.

"You're fired!" Xu Changkong said directly in a cold voice.

It's so overbearing!

As long as you have something that bothers me, there is only one result, and that is to be expelled!

At that time, the faces of dozens of female salesmen on the scene were all white, extremely white! Changkong group's treatment of employees is excellent.

If they leave Changkong group, they will never find a second group that can give them such good treatment!

In their hearts, it was a regret. They knew that Lin Kai had such a big head. They dare to question Lin Kai?

Lin Kai glanced at these saleswomen and waved his hand: "brother Xu, forget it, they are not easy."

Lin Kai is quite understanding. There must be innocent people among so many saleswomen.

What's more, he doesn't really look like a person who can have a supreme card. It's normal to be suspected.

There is Lin Kai pleading, Xu Changkong this just nodded: "look at Lin elder brother's face, this time let you off!"

After listening to Xu Changkong's words, all the saleswomen were relieved. They all bowed to Lin Kai.

"Thank you, Lin Shao."

Oh, Lin Shao called.

As soon as Lin Kai looks back, he sees Zhang Qiming and others who are ready to leave.

At that time, Lin Kai yelled: "wait a minute! You haven't eaten this table yet

Zhang's face was more difficult to see than his face.

"Lin Shao, don't be kidding. Where is the table for people to eat?"

"Are you kidding? Who's kidding you? A man, a man, a man. Eat it There is no doubt about Lin Kai's words.

Hearing the speech, the smile on Zhang Qiming's face gradually disappeared, and a trace of grim expression appeared on his face.

"Linkai! Don't bully people too much! I Zhang Qiming is not easy to offend

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