Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 472

"It's mine." Lin Kai replied.

"Please show me your card certificate." The salesman said again.

"Card proof? What is this? " Lin Kai is at a loss.

"You don't even know what the card certificate is. This card is really yours?" Once again, the salesman's tone was completely cold.

Zhang Qiming is right. Lin Kai is a technician in a massage shop. In his capacity, how can he be qualified to have the supreme card?

It seems that this card is really picked up by Lin Kai, or stolen!

Lin Kai is very helpless, he said: "this card is your boss Xu Changkong sent me, do not believe you call to ask Xu Changkong."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the audience was quiet for a few seconds, and then a burst of laughter broke out.

Everyone was amused by Lin Kai's words.

"Ha ha ha ha! Xu Changkong gave it to you? Don't brag

"What is Xu Changkong? That's the chairman of Changkong group! Worth tens of billions, who are you? You are just a male technician in a massage shop. How could Xu Changkong send you the supreme card? Stop dreaming, all right

"It seems that you really picked up this card, or stolen it! thief! No quality! "

At that time, a burst of shouting and swearing sounded, and everyone was questioning Lin Kai!

After all, Lin Kai didn't even know what the card certificate was, and said that the card was given to him by Xu Changkong. Who can believe this?

Will Xu Changkong know such a small role as Lin Kai?

No way!

So, Linkai is exposed!

At this time, Chang Weiwei's face is also hot, Lin Kai exposed, she also felt very ashamed.

It's so embarrassing. Lin Kai embezzled other people's cards. Now he has been found.

And Li Yuan already thinks Lin Kai is her boyfriend. What face will she have to see Li Yuan again?

When we meet again in the future, we will only be ridiculed by Li Yuan even more!

At that time, Chang Weiwei's heart was very angry, she did not dislike Lin kaiqiong, but she hated those who had no money to pretend to be rich!

Why does Chang Weiwei like Lin Kai? Because she thinks Linkai is different from other men.

Lin Kai has responsibilities, and he seems to regard money as dirt. He is a real man.

But now it seems that Lin Kai and those big pig hooves are all the same.

They like to show themselves in front of girls, even if they use some vulgar means.

Chang Weiwei swears in his heart that he must stay away from Linkai after this thing is over!

Such a person, even if he saved himself twice, can only be friends with him.

When Lin Kai was questioned by everyone, suddenly, Lin Kai's mobile phone rang.

Lin Kai took out his mobile phone and took a look at it. He found that it was Xu Changkong.

At that time, Lin Kai answered the phone directly: "hello? Mr. Xu? "

"I'm in Changkong shopping mall, here is Changkong jewelry. Do you want to come? OK, I'll wait for you. "

After that, Lin Kai hung up the phone directly.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Kai said: "Xu Changkong just called me. He will come in person in a moment. If this card is true, I will know later."

After Lin Kai's words, there was another burst of laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha! Lin Kai, you're killing me

"Did Xu Changkong call you? You're really acting like that! Ha ha ha

"Why don't you say the mayor called you? Will Xu Changkong call a massage technician? Come to pick you up in person? Ha ha ha

There was a burst of laughter.

Chang Weiwei is to cover their own face, at this time, she felt very humiliating.

Lin Kai is really capable of pretending to be forced, and he has no brain to pretend to force!

Bragging doesn't come with a draft.

Will Xu Changkong call him?

Will Xu Changkong come to meet him in person? If Lin Kai really has that kind of ability, then he will not become Chang Weiwei's colleague, he will become a big man that everyone can't afford!

At this time, Zhang Qiming also sneered: "ha ha, Weiwei, do you see it? This is Lin Kai's true face! "

"A bad massage, not to say that he knows Xu Changkong, but also to say that he has a supreme card!"

"Such a person is a scum of society! Not a trace of breeding! Such a person is not worthy of being your boyfriend! Weiwei, promise me to be with me

Zhang Qiming took advantage of this opportunity to enter. He also saw that Chang Weiwei was not happy.

He simply took advantage of this opportunity to let Chang Weiwei become his girlfriend.

But he belittled Chang Weiwei, but also looked up to himself.

Even if Chang Weiwei doesn't stay with Lin Kai, he can't be seen as Zhang Qiming!At that time, Chang Weiwei said coldly, "Zhang Qiming, I advise you to die this heart! I will never be your girlfriend

When Zhang Qiming heard the speech, he also sneered.

At this time, Li Yuan also criticized Chang Weiwei: "Weiwei, why are you so ignorant?"

"Zhang Shao takes the initiative to show you, that's your face! Here's your face, you have to

"Look at your boyfriend. Who is this? This is a loser! Only bragging

"Zhang Shao dumped your boyfriend for thousands of miles!"

"Zhang Shaoyao is in love with me. I will definitely burn Gao Xiang for my ancestral grave! You don't want to face back, ha ha! "

Li Weiyuan was afraid to talk back, but Weiyuan was more and more afraid.

Just at this time, Lin Kai's mobile phone rang again, took it out and found it was Wang Kun calling.

"Hello? Wang Kun, what's the matter? "

"Are you coming to pick me up?"

"I'll send you the location. Come on. It happens to be cured together."

"Mm-hmm, OK."

After that, Lin hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Kai found that all the people in the jewelry store were staring at themselves. The eyes seemed to be looking at monsters.

Soon after, another burst of laughter broke out.

Lin Kai made people laugh again.

"Ha ha ha ha! Who was Lin Kai calling just now? Wang Kun? Did Wang Kun call Lin Kai? "

"My God! I'm scared to death! I didn't expect this smelly massage, even brother Kun knew it! "

"I'm a cow! Kun elder brother all knows, can't afford, big person, younger brother to you compensate is not! Ha ha ha

Bursts of derisive laughter came, and some people even more tears of laughter came down.

What is Wang Kun? The first cruel man on the island! No one on the island doesn't know Wang Kun.

And who is Lin Kai? The massage technician in the massage shop, such smelly rubbish, actually knows Wang Kun?

No way!

Lin Kai boasted that he knew Xu Changkong and Wang Kun?

Let them pick him up. Who does he think he is?

These two, however, are the most famous figures in the island city. Even the mayor, they are not qualified to be picked up by them in person!

Linkai is so inflated that he can even blow out this kind of cow!

At this moment, only a sound of foot steps was heard, and a group of people crowded in from outside the jewelry store.

Everyone looked back. After seeing the visitor, everyone's eyes widened. Was it him?

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