Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 451

This blow, Zhu long to beat muddled.

Lin Kai moved his muscles and bones. He picked up the wooden stool next to him and smashed it up!

A crackling sound sounded, and soon after, the dying Zhu long had fallen into the corner.

At this time, Zhu long, who was beaten, was a terrible sight, all over his body was covered with blood, and his clothes were broken.

Even if his mother came, he would not recognize Zhu long.

Lin Kai patted the dust on his clothes, sneered and left Zhu Long's office.

Not long after, they rushed in, who were also beaten to death.

This group of people helped Zhu long up and went to the hospital together

After leaving Zhu Long's office, Lin Kai's ear heard the sound of the system.

"Congratulations to the master, punish the evil and promote the good, fight against injustice for yourself, reward attribute points and upgrade points by 20 points each!"

After listening to the system, Lin Kai was stunned.

Later, overjoyed, the original for their own fight against injustice, can also get attribute points!

For a moment, Lin Kai was full of energy.

The next time, Lin Kai will help other technicians in the massage shop.

Lin Kai's beating up has also spread in the water Pavilion, so the men and women technicians near the water Pavilion do not dare to offend Lin Kai.

Lin Kai watched others massage for a day. Because of his talent, he thought he had learned something.

At six o'clock in the evening, Lin left work, changed his work clothes and walked out of the water Pavilion.

Liu's house is far away from the water Pavilion. When he got out of the pavilion, Lin Kai wanted to take a taxi.

But during the rush hour, I waited for a long time and didn't wait for a taxi.

However, Lin Kai can only walk back to the Liu family.

Before long, Linkai walked out of the bustling city center and came to the slightly remote edge of the city.

It's also prosperous here, but it's a lot worse than downtown.

At 6:30 in the evening, the island city was very lively. However, walking on the road, Lin Kai, his ears moved, and he noticed something strange.

He seemed to hear someone calling for help!

Yes, it's a call for help.

Because Lin Kai's hearing is several times that of ordinary people, Lin Kai can hear a voice that ordinary people can't hear.

It's on the right!

On the right is a dark alley.

Lin Kai went straight in because the cry for help came from here.

"Golden pupil!"

Reciting the golden pupil silently, Lin Kai's eyes brightened, and the scenery in front of him changed.

He saw through the wall. Lin Kai saw that behind the wall not far away, two strong men were dragging a girl out of the alley.

Outside the alley, there was a black van.

Human traffickers?

This is Lin Kai's first idea!


Lin Kai stepped on the ground and rushed out like a rocket!

Just a few breathing time, Lin Kai has come to the two strong men!

The two men were covered and could not see their faces clearly.

I can only see that they are very big, with daggers pinned to their waists.

And that girl, Lin Kai, feels a little familiar.

On a closer look, Lin Kai recognized the girl.

Isn't this the financial sister of the water pavilion?

When near the water Pavilion, Lin Kai met her, and she left a deep impression on him.

Very quiet a girl, skin is very white, she is near water Pavilion financial accountant.

The name is Chang Weiwei.

Chang Weiwei's face panicked at this time, tears were scared to flow out, mouth with a group of white toilet paper, simply speechless!

When the two strong men saw Lin Kai, they stopped very warily and pulled out the dagger from their waists.

"Who are you?" A strong man asked with great vigilance.

Lin opened his eyes and said, "Oh, who am I? You don't need to know. Let her go now, and I can think about it. "

Lin Kai has a gentle smile.

Chang Weiwei also made a voice, Lin Kai is her hope!

The two strong men looked at each other with disdain.

A young man with such a big voice?

"Boy, if you're smart, get out of here! We can take it as if we didn't see you. "

"Otherwise, watch out for my white knife and my red knife!" A strong man said coldly.

Lin Kai's physique, in his eyes, is not enough to fight!

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? Now let the girl go Lin Kai said coldly, with his hands behind his back, and his face was arrogant.Lin Kai's appearance completely angered the two strong men.

A strong man sneered: "ha ha, it's really looking for death!"

"Anyway, there are not a few people killed by Laozi. More than you are, more than one is less than you are!"

"Up! Kill him

With the order of the strong man, the two men went to Lin Kai at the same time and threw the bound Chang Weiwei to the ground.

Lin Kai crooked his head and said with a wicked smile, "Hey, it's really a toast. You don't eat, eat, or punish wine!"

"Die!" The strong man roared and stabbed Lin Kai in the abdomen!

But Lin Kai did not hide or dodge, allowing the strong man to stab him in the abdomen.

Just heard a crack, the bright dagger directly broke into two!

The strong man's eyes showed a surprised look, the boy's clothes hidden steel plate?

This is his first thought.

He didn't know what was going on, but Lin Kai's knee was on his stomach!

At that time, the strong man's eyes suddenly widened, and his body flew up into the air.

With a plop, the strong man fell to the ground and covered his stomach. His body bent into a shape of shrimps and spit out a mouthful of blood directly!

Another strong man stabbed Lin Kai in the neck.

This is to want Lin Kai's life!

Lin Kai's eyes narrowed, stretched out his two fingers, directly clamped the strong man's dagger.

The dagger was broken with a gentle break.

"No way!" The strong man subconsciously roared.

"No way, your sister!" Lin Kai angrily scolded and kicked out.

With this kick, the strong man was kicked out four or five meters away.

He was kicked to lose combat effectiveness.

These two ferocious men are not enough to fight in front of Lin Kai!

Lin Kai untied the rope on Chang Weiwei's body, tied them up with a rope and threw them into the corner of the wall.

And Chang Weiwei pulled out the toilet paper in his mouth, and he cried.

Chang Weiwei hugs Lin Kai directly, tears drop by drop on Lin Kai's shoulder, and soon tears wet Lin Kai's shirt.

Chang Weiwei's soft body makes Lin Kai one of them.

At this time, Chang Weiwei is very pitiful and charming. His body fragrance makes Lin Kai all fascinated.

The sound of crying makes Lin Kai, a big man, feel a strong desire for protection.

Subconsciously, Lin Kai hugged Chang Weiwei and whispered in her ear, "don't be afraid. I'm here."

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