Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 452

This concern, let Chang Weiwei's body shake, she realized that she was in a bad mood, quickly pushed Lin Kai away, wiped her tears.

And Lin Kai was able to take a close look at Chang Wei.

Chang Weiwei looks like she is twenty-two years old and may be a female college student in her internship.

And her body, also just mature, not to say very hot, but very slim, a pair of slender legs, especially hook people.

And her face, full of collagen, skin is very good, can be said to be very beautiful.

She can't be said to be a beauty of school flower level, but her pure breath reminds Lin Kai of her first love in the last life.

He felt the smell of his first love.

Even if she is a more beautiful woman than Chang Weiwei, Lin Kai has not never met her, but in the face of Chang Weiwei, Lin Kai has a feeling of heart.

Chang Weiwei has been staring at by Lin Kai, but also a little embarrassed.

She lowered her head and said, "thank you, Linkai."

Lin Kai scratched his head: "you're welcome. They are all colleagues. They should be."

After that, Lin Kai glanced at the two strong men and asked, "who are they? Why did they kidnap you? "

Speaking of this, Chang Weiwei's face showed a look of fear.

She approached Linkai, and her voice trembled: "they They are traffickers in the newspapers! Killing maniacs

"They have committed many crimes on the island. Many young female college students have been sold into the mountains by them."

After listening to Chang Weiwei's words, Lin Kai glanced at them in disgust.

It's a human trafficker!

Damn it!

"Since it's a human trafficker, I'll have to call the police."

After that, Lin Kai took out his mobile phone and dialed 110.

Soon after, two police cars came to the scene. After collecting the evidence, they took the two traffickers into the police car.

As witnesses, Lin Kai and Chang Weiwei also need to go to the police station to take notes.

After the recording, Lin Kai's ear sounded the sound of the system.

"Congratulations to the host for another good thing! 30 bonus attribute points and 30 upgrade points! "

Lin Kai is very excited about getting attribute points again.

After finishing the record, Lin Kai and Chang Weiwei left the police station.

Because Chang Weiwei's mood is very unstable, Lin Kai personally sent her to her home.

At the door of Chang Weiwei's home, Chang Weiwei holds her little hand tightly and looks at Lin Kai gratefully.

"Thank you so much today, Lin Kai. I'll definitely invite you to dinner some other day." Chang Weiwei's small face is full of gratitude.

Lin said with a smile: "this is what I should do. Even if you are not my colleague, I will help you. After all, I can't watch someone do something bad in front of me!"

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Chang Weiwei's face appeared a trace of smile: "there are not many brave people like you."

"I'm going home. Shall we see you tomorrow?"



Half an hour later, Lin Kai returned to the Liu family.

Walking into the Liu family, in the Liu's restaurant, a family of five is eating.

Lin Kai walks into the restaurant.

After Lin Kai appeared, it was only for a moment that the atmosphere in the restaurant cooled down.

Several glances at Lin Kai, his eyes are not good.

In particular, Liu Qiao's eyes can emit fire.

With a bang, Liu Qiao slapped his chopsticks on the dining table and stood up.

"Good, you Linkai! The first day I came near the water Pavilion, I beat Zhu long, right? And made a mess of my VIP room! I knew that you came to our Liu family to make trouble! "

Liu Qiao's chest was up and down, his face flushed.

How angry she is at the bottom of her heart!

Why does Zhu long have her important position?

It's because she has a small face!

Zhu long is white and clean, and has muscles. He has always been loved by Liu Qiao.

But now, Lin Kai beat Zhu long like that. How can she not be angry?

Uncle Liu Qiang also said coldly at this time: "Linkai, don't think this is Jiangbei, here is an island!"

"It's not a place where you can be wild!"

"There are too many people on the island. You can't afford to offend you. If you dare to act wild here, you will only end up being driven out of the island!"

"Don't you look good when the eldest young master of the Lin family was driven out of the island?"

Liu Yong sneered: "ha ha, brother, what do you say to him so much? He just can't help ah Dou, the mud can't help up the wall! "

Liu Futong's face is not good: "the first day in the small near water Pavilion trouble, really do not put my Liu family in the eye, hum!"There are five people in a family, and four of them are criticizing Linkai!

Only grandma Liu looked at Lin Kai helplessly.

She couldn't help Lin Kai.

Lin Kai stood at the door of the restaurant, frowning.

"You only saw that I beat Zhu long, but you didn't see it. Zhu long sent someone to beat me up!"

Lin said sharply, straightening his back.

"You fart Liu Qiao began to curse: "you are the person I took to the past, Zhu long dare to disrespect you?"

"Lin Kai, I know who you are

"You must rely on you are Lin family big young, in my near water pavilion to do evil, also hit my manager!"

"Lin Kai, I tell you, this is not Jiangbei. We Liu family don't protect you! Even if you are dead here, you have nothing to do with my Liu family! "

"So, I advise you not to be so crazy!"

"The island is not a place where you can be wild!"

Liu Qiao angrily rebukes a way, to Lin Kai only one face disgust.

Lin Kai looked at Liu Futong and frowned: "grandfather, do you think this is my fault?"

"You say it's my fault, regardless of the circumstances?"

"You only saw that I beat people, but you didn't see how much Zhu long did things!"


Liu Futong slapped on the solid wood table and angrily said, "enough!"

Liu Futong stood up and looked at Lin Kai coldly: "Lin Kai, Zhu long is half of my Liu family. Even if he does something wrong, you don't need an outsider to do it!"

Hearing this, Lin Kai's heart is cold.

He was completely disappointed with the Liu family.

If it hadn't been for grandma Liu's face, Lin Kai would have left the Liu family now.

At this time, I saw a security guard of Liu's family in a hurry.

Gasping for breath, the security guard nearly fell down several times along the way: "Mr. Liu! Master Liu! Not good! Huang Dingtian brings people to look for something. He says he wants to find Ask for Lin Kai

Smell speech, everybody's facial expression is a change.

Liu Qiao is gnashing his teeth in anger: "Lin Kai! You trash! What else would you do to make trouble for the Liu family? "

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