Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 450

At the command of the supervisor in white, four or five male technicians rushed forward, waving their fists and greeting Lin Kai!

The female technicians behind them all screamed, cheering for the male technicians.

They can't wait to see Lin Kai dying!

Lin Kai also gave a cold smile. He didn't move his muscles and bones for a long time. These people don't seem to respect themselves very much!

Who are you? He is the captain of the wolf Squadron, the new king of the southeast military region, and his rank is Lieutenant Colonel!

And this group of people, is just a group of male massage shop technicians, such a group of people, also want to ride on their own neck prestige?

At that time, Lin Kai sneered and saw him move.

His body is like a strong wind, directly rushed out!

People can't see Lin Kai's figure at all. They only hear a dull bang. Lin Kai directly bumps into a man!

And the man was hit by a train, his body fell on the wall, his eyes rolled, and he fainted.

Then, Lin Kai looked back, and his fierce eyes showed up!

The feeling of being watched by Lin Kai is like being watched by a crazy wolf!

Lin Kai grabbed a male technician and gave him a punch!

Bang! One punch to the face, the male technician's nose was crooked by Lin Kai at that time!

It's bloody. It's terrible!

"Ha ha! Come on Lin laughs!

The rest of the male technicians look at each other. Lin Kai is a practitioner! We have to go together!

At that time, several people rushed to Linkai at the same time and waved their fists to attack Linkai!

But Lin Kai sneered, directly in place a high whip leg, one leg threw to one of them!

The speed is so fast that people have no way to react!


A dull sound, I saw that man was taken by Lin Kai, his head was crooked, and he vomited a mouthful of blood directly.

There were two teeth in the blood.

Then, Lin Kai turned around, and a high whip leg swung past.

Bang! Bang!

Kick them straight!

Three five divide two, several younger brothers in charge of white clothes are all put down by Lin Kai.

At this time, the audience was silent.

Originally, those female technicians who were cheering at this time did not shout. They all looked at Lin Kai stupidly, showing an incredible face.

This boy, how can you fight?

Is it not a problem to hit five or six?

These girls are stuck. They are all rebellious girls who like to look for excitement.

But when they found out that Lin Kai, who was ridiculed by them, was actually a practitioner, they couldn't laugh.

It's not exciting at all!

The supervisor in white was stupid.

My little brothers, are they just laid down?

How can this boy fight?

The white supervisor didn't realize the seriousness of the matter!

Even if all his people were knocked down by Lin Kaikai, he was not afraid at all!

The director in charge of White said in a cold voice, "boy, do you dare to beat my people, do you know what will happen?"

Lin Kai looks at the director in white. A cold look flashed in his eyes.

"I don't know what's going to happen to me, but I know it's going to be a terrible end for you now!"

After that, Lin Kai showed a fierce look and approached the white clothes supervisor step by step.

The white supervisor is frightened by Lin Kai's momentum and subconsciously takes two steps back.

Now he realized that Lin Kai really dared to move him!

"Dare you touch me? I'm manager Zhu long! Offended manager Zhu long. From now on, you can't live a good life in the water Pavilion! "

Lin Kai sneered: "I go to your mother's Water Pavilion!"

At that time, Lin Kai grabbed the hair of the director in charge of white clothes and knocked his head against the glass table.


Glass smashed, the face of the director in white, a face of glass, blood DC, miserable.

There was a scream, and the girls were scared and ran out.

And the white supervisor also made a killing pig like cry, which was painful!

Lin Kai doesn't want to let go of the white supervisor. With a bang, Lin Kai kicks him to the corner.

"If you offend me, I'll give up your hand today and let you have a long memory!"

After that, Lin Kai picked up the ashtray on the table and pressed the white supervisor's hand on the wall.

At this time, the supervisor in white has a face of panic! He was shaking all over his body, and a yellow liquid flowed out between his legs.

He was scared to pee!

"Big brother, big brother, don't..."White supervisor's words have not finished, Lin Kai's ashtray has been smashed down!

A cry of killing pigs came, and with a crack, the ashtray was smashed, and the hand of the supervisor in white was also discarded by Lin Kai.


After all this, Lin Kai patted his hand, glanced at the white supervisor and said, "you can go to the hospital now. It's too late. Your hand is really useless."

After that, Lin did not return at the beginning and left the massage room directly.

And at the door of the female technicians, do not dare to block Lin Kai, as if to see the evil star general far away.

At this time, in the office near the water Pavilion, Zhu long is smoking Chinese cigarettes and looking at the computer leisurely.

He didn't care about Lin Kai at all.

In his opinion, Liu Qiao's poor relatives only, the white clothes supervisor with a few people can give him a meal.

Lin Kai, who has been cleaned up, will surely understand what happened.

At that time, he will come to honor himself.

Zhu Long's wishful thinking is very good.

But at this time, with a bang, the door of Zhu Long's office was kicked open.

I saw Lin Kai come in fiercely, eyes cold, staring at Zhu long.

Zhu long was startled. He was angry when he saw that the man was Lin Kai.


Zhu long patted the table, stood up directly, and said angrily, "Damn it! You new comer can't knock? If you dare to kick my door, believe it or not, I will destroy you

Lin Kai said in a cold voice, "I'll scrap you first."

After that, Lin Kai grabs Zhu Long's collar with one hand.

At this time, Zhu long also reflected that the boy had been cleaned up by his subordinates?

How now stand in front of their own intact?

And look at his ferocious appearance, it seems that he has already known that he is going to clean him up, so he has come to revenge!

So, how many of the people that I sent to get rid of by this guy?

No way!

So many people, how can not even one person beat? What's more, he is so white and tender.

You should be able to put it down with one fist!

Zhu long has not yet figured it out, only to see a fist in his eyes gradually enlarge, bang!

Zhu long was knocked down on the sofa by Lin Kaiyi, one eye has become a panda eye.

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