Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 443

He Zhijun is standing outside the ward, looking at Lin Kai with guilt on his face.

Lin Kai said, "come in, Brigadier he."

Smell speech, he Zhijun pushed open the door of the ward, walked in.

He Zhijun sat beside Lin Kai's hospital bed and said with an apologetic face: "Lin Kai, I'm sorry. I can't do anything about three days ago."

Linkai nodded.

In fact, he doesn't blame he Zhijun, because he Zhijun is also small in front of Ye Nantian. He can't help himself at all.

"It doesn't matter, Brigadier he. I don't blame you." Lin Kai was indifferent.

After that, Lin Kai looked out of the window, and there was a trace of stubbornness in his eyes: "I only blame me for not having the strength to revenge!"

He Zhijun felt more guilty when he saw Lin Kai's appearance.

Because what he said next may kill Lin Kai!

But he Zhijun did his best.


"You know, once the special forces have a permanent illness, they have to retire."

When he said this, he Zhijun was talking with his head down.

Almost all of Linkai's limbs were comminuted fractures.

He is no longer a soldier.

Hearing this news, Lin Kai didn't have much reaction. He still understood the rules of the army.

But Lin Kai is not a real comminuted fracture. After seven days, Lin Kai will appear in front of he Zhijun.

He Zhijun took out a document and said, "but, Lin Kai, I have won you a month's time. This is what I can do."

"If you can recover in one month, you don't have to retire."

When he said this, he Zhijun's face was red.

Comminuted fracture, how to restore?

He can keep Lin Kai as a soldier for a month!

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai nodded, just in time, he was upset and didn't want to stay in the army. Now, he can go out and breathe.

"Thank you, Brigadier he." Lin Kai smiles.

Seeing Lin Kai's smiling face, he Zhijun's heart also relaxed.

"Lin Kai, you are good at healing. I believe you."

He Zhijun finished this sentence, stood up, saluted Lin Kaijing and left the ward.

After he Zhijun left, Lin Kai asked, "system, how can I defeat Ye Nantian?"

The system's answer made Lin Kai's eyes shine.

"Open the flat headed brother ability, you can defeat Ye Nantian!"

After listening to the system, Lin Kai was a little excited.

Flathead brother extraction ability, can let Linkai in a short time, all attributes double! Combat effectiveness is greatly increased!

In that case, there is a real hope that ye Nantian can be defeated!

After all, it's a demigod ability.

But Lin Kai remembers that the ability to extract flat headed brother seems to have been unavailable all the time, because his own strength is not enough.

"So how can I use the flathead extraction ability?" Lin Kai asked expectantly.

But the system's answer is like pouring a basin of cold water on Lin Kai's head.

"If the total attribute is over 300 points, you can use the flathead extraction ability."

Full attribute over 300 points! It's too hard!

Lin Kai and ye Nantian got so many attribute points in a month's time. It's just a dream!

"Is it difficult?" The system suddenly raised the tone: "it's not difficult!"

"Dare to smash my lovely host into a comminuted fracture, uncle can bear it, aunt can't bear it!"

"This system has already prepared the task for you! This time the task, but the system tried to apply for you, is to help you revenge

"Mission of love ambassador!"

"For every good deed, you can get different number of attribute points and upgrade points!"

"The time limit is one month!"

"Accept the task?"

Yes, the system is full of tears!

Damn the system, although usually a little harsh on themselves, but really protect themselves!

This time, Lin Kai must accept the task and do it well! He has to get attribute points to use the flathead extraction ability!

"Take the task!"


A bright light lit up, Lin Kai successfully accepted this task.

Love ambassador, I want to give my love!

And where to do good?

Lin Kai thought about it for a while. His eyes lit up and he thought of a place.

This place is the island!

Why did Lin think of this place at the meeting?

That's because Lin Kai's grandmother's house is on the island!Lin Kai's grandmother's family, named Liu's, is not a small family in the island, but Liu's family is a famous medical family on the island.

Since you are a medical family, there are many opportunities for you to offer your love?

Although there are a few people in my grandmother's family, Lin Kai is quite annoying, but in order to complete the task, I can bear the humiliation!

He must set out at once, or he Zhijun will not give himself this month's long holiday if he finds that he is OK after seven days.

Thinking of this, Lin Kai got up with the phone on his head and dialed the landline of the wolf squadron.

"Hello? I'm Lin Kai. I'm looking for a fat man! Yes, it's Liu Wanjin. Let him come to see me at once



Lin Kai is sitting in a wheelchair. He has changed into casual clothes. Although his limbs still can't move, he can basically walk around in an electric wheelchair.

The fat man pushed the wheelchair with a gloomy face.

"I said, Captain, do we have to steal it out? We are aboveboard and aboveboard. We have a note The fat man asked with a gloomy face.

Lin Kai skimmed his lips: "I'm afraid to meet the tiger ladies of long Xiaoyun."

Hearing the three words of long Xiaoyun, the fat man shivered all over and involuntarily accelerated his pace.

Soon after, the fat man sent Lin Kai out of the military area.

Lin took a taxi and went directly to Jiangbei Airport.

Get on the plane and head for the island.

The next day, the sky was just dim, and Lin Kai, sitting on the plane, opened his eyes.

At this time, Lin Kai miraculously found that his right hand could move!

It seems that Lin's right hand is the best place to open the damaged Ganoderma lucidum.

With his hands, Lin Kai's heart was relaxed a little.

At this moment, there was a scream from the plane.

"No! My father is sick! Help! Is there anyone? "

There was a little girl beside Lin Kai. Beside the little girl, there was a middle-aged man.

At this time, the middle-aged man covered his chest, a face uncomfortable expression, the body is not controlled to twist.

His face was pale and bloodless. The blue veins on his forehead burst out, and his eyes began to roll up. He was going to die!

There was a commotion on the plane. The stewardess rushed to rescue the middle-aged man.

"Don't move! Acute heart disease! I'm a doctor. Let me do it! "

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