Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 442

One foot fell, only heard a click, Lin Kai's right leg, visible to the naked eye has been deformed!

And the deformation is very serious.

At this time, Lin Kai couldn't help roaring, and the pain made him unable to calm down.

Anger, unwillingness, pain, all kinds of emotions appear in Lin Kai's mind.

And Lin Kai's eyes, at this time, have become red!

He is not willing to!

His hands, and a leg, so be ye Nantian to scrap?

By what? What did you do wrong? What makes him do this to himself?

In Lin Kai's mind, there are several problems like this.

Is it wrong to tell the truth yourself? Is it wrong that you don't want to be his apprentice? Is it wrong to express your own intuitive views?

Is it because he is Ye Nantian? Because he is the Ye family behind him? Because his rank is higher than his own?

So he can do whatever he wants?

I don't accept it!

At this time, ye Nantian sneered, once again raised his feet, facing the forest open left leg to trample down!

There was a crack, and Lin Kai let out a roar again!

That voice, resounding through the entire conference room!

Voice with unwilling and angry!

Lin Kai's blue veins on his forehead burst out! Hands clenched into fists, looking at Ye Nantian's eyes, I wish I could kill!

Lao Tzu's two legs have been abandoned by you!

Ye Nantian! This is a feud!

Lin Kai roared in his heart.

Turning around, Lin Kai sees Lei Zhan and looks into his eyes.

Full of irony.

Although he did not say a word, but through his eyes, Lin Kai can judge how happy he is now.

You should be happy to see your bad luck?

After all, I've robbed you before.

Leizhan side of Enron, at this time also showed a pair of high on the expression.

Now she doesn't care to see Lin Kai at all. It seems that one more look at Lin Kai will pollute her eyes.

Because now Lin Kai, both hands and legs have been abandoned, he is a waste man, and soon, he will be forced to retire.

Lin Kai, his future is gone. Your military career has come to an end!

If you offend someone you shouldn't, that's what happens to you!

Lin Kai looks at he Zhijun again. He Zhijun looks red and clenches his fist. He wants to help Lin Kai, but he is not as high as ye Nantian.

The bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders. He Zhijun can't move at all.

Move! Disobey orders!

No move, he can only watch Lin Kai, become disabled like appearance.

Ye Nantian takes a look at Lin Kai. With indifference and ridicule, he smiles and shakes his head playfully. He turns to leave the meeting room.

Lin Kai looks at Ye Nantian's back gradually fading away. He wants to stand up and avenge himself.

But he found that he couldn't.

But Lin Kai was not reconciled.

Now he can't revenge himself!

But Lin Kai believes that he is not at the end of his tether. As long as he is alive, he can avenge himself!

"Ye Ye Nantian Lin Kai used his last strength to shout out these three words.

Ye Nantian's body meal, he turned his head, looked at Lin Kai, a face of fun.

"What? Are you still not satisfied? " Ye Nantian asked contemptuously.

Lin Kai's eyes were cold. Although he was in the worst condition, he still insisted on not letting his consciousness go into a coma.

"Ye Nantian, give me 30 days, I I will kill you myself

After listening to Lin Kai's words, ye Nantian seemed to have heard a big joke and laughed: "ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Do you want to laugh me to death?"

"Thirty days? How about 30 years? "

"You will never be my match!"

"Give you a word, try to be useful, what do you want genius to do?"

Ye Nantian put his hands into the bag and gently laughed: "after 30 days, Qingming lake is waiting for you."

After that, ye Nan left the meeting room without returning.

After seeing ye Nantian leave, Lin Kai finally can't hold on. He looses up at one breath and directly faints in the past.


When I opened my eyes again, I saw a piece of snow white.

The familiar place is the military district hospital.

He felt his body and was covered in plaster.

Now I have become a disabled person.

This is a single room. There is only one bed and one TV in the whole room.Looking at the time, it has been three days since Ye Nan Tian appeared.

I've been sleeping for three days!

Outside the ward, two soldiers were standing guard for Linkai. Those who were not of the same level could not enter the ward.

Looking back three days ago, everything seemed like a dream.

He was beaten by Ye Nantian, but Lin Kai didn't expect that the legendary Ye Nantian was such a person.

Seeing him, Lin Kai seems to have seen a rich and powerful dandy, who does not take the lives of ordinary people in his eyes.

What's the difference between Ye Nantian and those dandies?

Lin Kai wanted to clench his fist, but when he moved a little, he could not control his body.

His injury is too serious!

You can only use your own skills.

Ganoderma lucidum skills, but gold level skills!

It's no problem trying to recover from the injury.

"Ganoderma lucidum! Recover Lin Kai meditated.

But the Ganoderma lucidum skill was not activated immediately. The sound of the system sounded in Linkai's ear: "host, it takes seven days to recover your body."

"What?" Hearing the speech, Lin opened his eyes wide.

Their own Ganoderma skills, even incurable diseases can be cured! Oneself just fracture just, need 7 days time?

"Host, you don't have to be surprised."

"The human body in general is like a touch phone."

"And your body is a smartphone that has evolved over time."

"The time and cost of repairing a smartphone and a touch phone are naturally different."

After listening to the system's explanation, Lin Kai can only accept his fate.

Who let their body after so many times of evolution and transformation, seven days on seven days!

"I do! Ganoderma lucidum, recover

With Lin Kai's silent recitation, Lin Kai's whole body was emitting a faint green light.

The green light began to invade Linkai's body, which helped him recover all his wounds.

This kind of feeling, as if there are countless tender hands to help Lin Kai massage, that kind of comfortable feeling, let Lin Kai almost groan.

If it is ordinary people, with half an hour, you can restore the comminuted fracture.

And Linkai, it takes seven days!

At this time, a knock on the door sounded, Lin Kai looked out, his eyes narrowed.

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