Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 444

At this time, a middle-aged man in a black suit pushed aside the stewardess and rushed over.

Several young stewardesses exclaimed and were pushed aside.

The middle-aged man was wearing a pair of glasses. He had a gentle appearance. He was very skilled in reading. He should be a doctor.

He laid the sick man on the ground and pressed his chest with both hands.

And the sick man was also pressed to gasp.

The little girl looked at her father worried.

She held her father's hand tightly, her emotion was a little excited, and her tears fell down.

Several stewardesses nearby looked at each other and were very worried. After all, if someone died on the plane, they were all responsible.

At this time, the side did not know who exclaimed: "director Wang of Island Central Hospital! It's him! Help! This man is saved! "

With this exclamation, everyone looked at the middle-aged man who was rescuing.

This middle-aged man is director Wang of the Island Central Hospital.

"It's director Wang. Director Wang is a miracle doctor! With him there, this man will be fine! " A middle-aged woman's face excited way.

Director Wang is really famous on the island.

At this time, I saw director Wang continue to do heart resuscitation for the sick man, but also forcefully pinched his people.

After a while, director Wang was sweating.

"No way!" Director Wang gasped for breath and said, "is there a quick heart saving pill? The patient's condition is not optimistic. If you have Jiuxin Pill, you can delay it and wait for the hospital to rescue it. "

"If there is no Jiuxin Pill..."

Director Wang did not go on. Even if director Wang didn't say it, the people understood what he meant. If there was no quick rescue pill, the sick man would surely die!

After all, heart disease and other diseases are not the same, this kind of disease does not attack, if not treated in time, can only wait for death!

When the little girl heard the speech, she was silly. She shook her head: "there is no Jiuxin Pill, no..."

As soon as the little girl's words came out, the audience fell into silence.

Without Jiuxin Pill, the sick man may not be able to survive!

Several stewardesses looked at each other and were scared to be pale.

They don't have heart saving pills!

According to the law, they should have a medical box for rescue on the plane, but after flying for so many years, they haven't met anyone who got sick on the plane, so they didn't bring the medical box!

If the sick man really died on this plane, they would not have to fly!

For a moment, the group of stewardesses panicked.

Director Wang also stopped the rescue, a face of helplessness.

He can't help it!

Everyone's big eyes stare small eyes, are a face surprised, even director Wang can't rescue?

It seems that the sick man is bound to die!

At this time, the little girl was excited to cry out, pear blossom with rain, very poor.

She sobbed: "brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, please, help my father! My father is Xu Changkong, chairman of the island Changkong group. As long as you can save my father, you can pay as much as you want! "

Chairman of Changkong group?

After hearing the little girl's words, many people were surprised.

Changkong group, however, is a very large enterprise on the island.

Changkong group has almost monopolized the catering industry and clothing industry of the island, with a family of 10 billion.

I didn't expect that the sick man was the chairman of Changkong group!

If anyone can save Xu Changkong, he will be rich!

Can get ten billion Group Chairman's favor, from now on can soar!

But they do not know how to cure Xu Changkong.

After hearing that the sick man was Xu Changkong, director Wang was also in front of him. But he looked at Xu Changkong and sighed helplessly.

Although he is a very famous doctor in the island, he learned western medicine, which relies on machines and drugs. Now he has nothing and can not cure Xu Changkong.

No one can stand up to cure Xu Changkong.

At this time, the little girl is a little desperate. Is it difficult for her to see her father die before her eyes?

At this moment, Lin Kai said, "let me try."

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone looked at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai is sitting on the chair, his wheelchair is on the side, Lin Kai's legs are in plaster, and his left arm is also in plaster, the whole disabled.

Besides, Lin Kai is very young. He looks only eighteen or nine years old.

Everyone was slightly stunned.

So young?

He's going to have a try?Director Wang frowned and said, "are you a medical student?"

Director Wang doesn't think Lin Kai has the ability to cure Xu Changkong. He just thinks that Lin Kai is trying to be brave.

Lin Kai shook his head. "No, I'm not."

"No?" Director Wang asked again, "are you an apprentice in a drugstore?"

Lin Kai shook his head again.

"None of them?" Director Wang laughed: "ha ha, do you know medical skills?"

Lin Kai was quite modest with a smile: "ha ha, I dare not say that I understand medical skills. I just read a few books about medical skills when I am bored."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, a burst of noise rang out.

Isn't that a joke?

He was neither a medical student nor an apprentice in a drugstore. He just read a few books on medical skills and tried to cure Xu Changkong?

"Are you kidding, little brother?"

"Do you think that if you save Xu Changkong, you will be able to ascend the sky one step at a time? You think it's so easy to save people? "

"So young, do you know how to cure?"

"Can you bear the responsibility for saving Xu Changkong out of trouble?"

The discussion began.

No one thinks Lin Kai has the ability to save Xu Changkong.

Director Wang shook his head and sneered.

He is an old doctor who has been practicing medicine for many years, and he is also a famous master of Medicine on the island. Even he has nothing to do with Xu Changkong. Can Lin Kai, a little boy, save Xu Changkong?

Xu Changkong's daughter, Xu Lingling also looks at Lin Kai suspiciously.

Lin Kai had no choice but to smile and said, "I know I look young, but now, only I can save my life."

"Kidding!" As soon as Lin Kai's words were said, a fat man next to him retorted: "the famous medical masters on the island have nothing to do with Xu Changkong. You little boy, can you save Xu Changkong?"

"Are you belittling director Wang's medical skills or bragging?"

There was a sneer from the man.

Everyone laughed and shook their heads.

Director Wang also shook his head at this time. He looked at Lin Kai and said earnestly, "young man, don't think that you have read two extra-curricular books and think that you will be able to cure people. Saving people is not as simple as you think!"

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