Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 441

A huge bang, only to see on the ground, a huge pit in the shape of a man!

But Lin Kai's body was tumbling. At this time, Lin Kai felt as if he was going to die.

His strength is too strong!

In other words, ye Nantian used a kind of ingenious strength, which he used to remove the force of Linkai rhinoceros against the mountain, and rebounded the strength back.

At this time, Lin Kai only felt his internal organs tumbling. Lin Kai couldn't help but vomited out a big mouthful of blood.

Ye Nantian, it's too strong.

Lin Kai couldn't even hold on to a move!

And there was an uproar.

No one thought that ye Nantian's hand was so heavy that he even beat Lin Kai and vomited blood!

He Zhijun on one side is sweating. His heart is dripping with blood. Lin Kai is his favorite soldier. If something goes wrong with him, who is he going to cry for?

At that time, he Zhijun accompanied with a smile: "general ye, keep people under you, keep people under you..."

Ye Nantian patted himself on the shoulder and said faintly, "he is not worth dirtying my hand."

Ye Nantian's eyes are full of confidence.

Lin Kai is not his opponent at all. With this move, he can make Lin Kai unable to stand up!

But what ye Nantian didn't think of was that Lin Kai actually stood up!

I saw Lin Kai dragging all over the body of pain, slowly stood up, that bloodthirsty eyes, once again looked at Ye Nantian.

"Ye Nantian, go to Die Lin Kai roared again and threw his fist at Lin Kai!

This fist goes straight to Ye Nantian's face!

But Lin Kaisi doesn't care about her injury, and uses up all her strength to make ye Nantian pay for her blood debt!


A burst of air burst, and the power of this blow reached 270 points!

Enough to crush a rock!

Ye Nantian is also a little surprised that Lin Kai can still stand up, but he is not flustered.

Ye Nantian was amused and laughed. He went down with a horse step and put his hands out for recycling. With a bang, he directly caught Lin Kai's fierce fist!


Ye Nantian's body glided back several meters, and there were two black shoe prints on the ground, but ye Nantian's body did not move at all.

Lin Kai's heart, very surprised, his fist, even ye Nantian's hair has not been shaken?

As soon as he looked up, Lin Kai saw Ye Nantian's playful smile.

"It's still too tender." Ye Nantian said, a tug Lin Kai's fist, a huge force came, Lin Kai fell uncontrollably to Ye Nantian's arms.

See ye Nantian hand up and down, palm like a machete general, cut to open the arm of the forest!

With a click, Lin Kai's right arm was broken like a stick, and the whole arm fell down immediately.

Ye Nantian directly abandoned one of Lin Kai's arms!

At that time, Lin Kai only felt a burst of pain. His right hand had been abandoned by Ye Nantian!


Right hand comminuted fracture, and now, the left arm is also abandoned by Ye Nantian!

Lin Kai's two hands have lost their fighting power!

Lin Kai is not ye Nantian's opponent at all!

He is too strong, his various attributes, more than Lin Kai, do not know how much!

All the people present frowned and squeezed a handful of hot sweat for Lin Kai. Both hands of Lin Kai were discarded by Ye Nantian.

It seems that ye Nantian is as strong as the legend, and even Lin Kai is as tough as a three-year-old boy in front of him.

On one side, Lei Zhan's mouth showed a sneer.

He held his arm and looked at Lin Kai with interest.

That's great!

How to fight!

Not only to waste his hands, but also to waste his legs, let him get out of the southeast military region, so that he can't be a soldier in this lifetime!

And the Enron beside the thunder battle, at this time the mood is also very comfortable.

Lin Kai, Lin Kai, where's your elation in front of me some time ago?

Now you, like an abandoned dog, in front of Ye Nantian, you can't stand up?

Both hands are useless. How can you be a soldier!

In the corner, Wang Yi laughs. It's so cool! Looking at Lin Kai being beaten like this, his heart is so cool!


Retribution has come at last!

Are you still arrogant now?

In front of Ye Nantian, you dare to be so arrogant. It's only you who suffer! When you withdraw from the southeast military region, the new king of the southeast military region will be me, I will be Wang Yi!

You Linkai is just a passer-by in the southeast military region!

I am the real protagonist!The wolf squadron all clenched their fists. The fat man's face turned red. He wanted to rush to fight with Lin Kai now!

But he knew that this moment belonged only to Lin Kai.

It is Lin Kai's own stage. No matter how he is beaten, it is also the moment when Lin Kai regains his own dignity. It has nothing to do with others.

He is fat, not to help him, but to harm him!

After all, the dignity that others help to find is not real dignity.

Long Xiaoyun was already in tears.

I don't know when to start. The two words "Linkai" have already had a certain position in her heart. Seeing Lin Kai become this kind of appearance, her heart is like a knife twist!

Thinking of Lin Kai's picture of playing a rogue before, and thinking of Lin Kai's playful face, and seeing Lin Kai's appearance now, long Xiaoyun's heart is filled with heartache.


Why are you so stupid to fight against him?

Ye family, no one can shake in Beijing!

Lin Kai, whose left arm has been abandoned, has completely lost its combat effectiveness.

He looked at Ye Nantian with hatred in his eyes.

What nonsense legend of China? He is a military ruffian!

Relying on his own strength and background, he actually committed crimes in the army. He dares to do this to himself today, which shows that he has done such things before.

Ye Nantian, the king of soldiers, is completely packaged!

Seeing Lin Kai's hostile expression, ye Nantian tilted his head and asked with a smile, "how can I refuse to accept it?"

Lin Kai sneered: "unless you kill me, I can't take it!"

"Then I will satisfy you!" Ye Nantian laughs!

See ye Nan Tian came to the front of Lin Kai and kicked Lin Kai to the ground!

His speed is so fast that people can only see a shadow, and Lin Kai has fallen to the ground.

Lin Kai's hands completely lost their combat effectiveness, and his whole body was also in pain. Now he was kicked again. For a moment, Lin Kai couldn't breathe and nearly fainted.

Ye Nantian comes to Lin Kai's front, raises his foot to aim at Lin Kai's right leg, steps down directly!

He wants to make Lin Kai's legs useless. He wants Lin Kai to become a waste man!

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