Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 440

Lin opened a big drink, and let the atmosphere of the scene quiet down.

Everyone is staring at Lin Kai.

What on earth does he want to do today?

Does he have to offend Ye Nantian to death?

But there are a few people who actually have some schadenfreude in their hearts.

Lei Zhan and An'an look at Lin Kai coldly. Lin Kai is too carefree in the southeast military region during this period. Looking at the whole southeast military region, there is no one who can punish him.

But one mountain is higher than another. Today he is here!

Ye Nantian, the army king of Yanjing military region, is the legend of China!

Lin Kai dare to be wild in front of him. There is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

In the corner, Wang Yi also showed a grim smile.

He is jealous of Linkai. He hates him.

But he took Lin away and had nothing to do.

But now, ye Nandian is coming!

Lin Kai dares to be arrogant in front of Ye Nantian. He must not have a good end!

Lin Kai, you are the new king of the southeast military region. Yes, but ye Nantian is a legend of China.

Do you really think you can be ye Nantian's opponent? You're still too tender.

At this time, he Zhijun also opened the door.

Lin Kai, you are so crazy! How can you say that in front of Ye Nantian?

Ye Nantian stares at Lin Kai, with a trace of anger in his eyes.

For so many years, no one dares to be so presumptuous in front of him ye Nantian.

No matter who it is!

"I'm not polite?" Ye Nantian asked, "how can I be rude?"

Lin Kai replied, "uniform is my life. Even if it's a button, I'm not allowed to lose it! Do you think you are polite when you break a button on my uniform

"Just a button." Ye Nantian shook his head and sneered.

"I'll pay you ten uniforms!" Ye Nantian replied.

Hearing the speech, Lin Kai was also amused with a smile: "I don't lack money!"


Smell speech, ye Nantian almost burst out!

At this time, his eyes began to cool down.

"Well, you are a new king, just a new king, just so crazy." Ye Nantian nodded repeatedly.

"Do you dare to accept my challenge?" Ye Nantian asked in a cold voice. His eyes were very cold.

People are in uproar, ye Nantian actually wants to challenge Lin Kai!

Is Lin kaineng an opponent of Ye Nantian? That's definitely not.

Is Lin meeting to accept the challenge?

Lin Kai takes a look at Ye Nantian. He is not stupid. He is not ye Nantian's opponent. Naturally, he will not accept the challenge.

"Don't accept my challenge!" Lin Kai replied in a loud voice.

"You dare not?" Ye Nantian sneered.

"Report to general ye, I don't want to accept your challenge, there is no reason!" Lin Kai's voice is neither humble nor overbearing.

Ye Nantian's eyes have been completely cold down, he can see the medal on the table in his fist, in front of Lin Kai's face, gently shake.

The medal immediately turned into a pile of iron mud.

"You don't deserve the National Guard Medal!"

With a click, ye Nantian threw the iron mud to the ground.

Lin Kai glanced at the medal on the ground, and his heart was also very angry.

This is my own honor!

At that time, Lin Kai said in a loud voice: "I ask general ye to apologize to me!"

"Sorry?" Ye Nantian snorted coldly: "do you deserve it?"

"The medal is my honor and I deserve it. You must apologize to me!" Lin Kaizhi stares at Ye Nantian and yells loudly.

"The strong are always respected in this world. When you have the strength to beat me, please mention the matter of apology again!" Ye Nan Tian said, and went outside without looking back.

Lin Kai frowns tightly. How can he let Ye Nantian go like this?

At that time, Lin Kai held Ye Nantian's shoulder with one hand, trying to call ye Nantian to a stop.

But Lin Kai didn't expect that his hand had just been put on Ye Nantian's shoulder. He only heard a crack, and ye Nantian took Lin Kai's hand!

"No manners!" Ye Nantian snorted coldly.

Seeing ye Nantian's hand a little hard, Lin's 300 point defense is like a joke. He can't resist Ye Nantian's tremendous strength at all!

Just hear a click, click a sound, Linkai forehead soybean size sweat will fall down.

With the pain of tearing heart and lung, Lin Kai almost couldn't help roaring.

It hurts so much!

Lin Kai's hand, visible to the naked eye, has been deformed!

Fracture! Comminuted fracture!

Ye Nan is really cruel!

Ye Nantian lets go of Lin Kai's hand, and Lin Kai covers his right hand. The pain almost makes him faint.Ye Nantian carried his hand on his back and said faintly: "this is a lesson for you. I hope you can polish your eyes next time. Don't think you can afford to offend anyone."

After that, ye Nantian walked to the door of the conference room.

And Lin Kai looked at his deformed right hand, very angry in his heart!

Comminuted fracture!

I may have said goodbye to the career of special forces.

If it is ordinary people, now can retire because of injury!

This ye Nantian is really too arrogant, just because he does not want to be his apprentice, because he dares to tell the truth, because he did not boast about him, will he break his own future?

"Stop for me Lin Kai roared.

Ye Nantian's body stops.

He looked back at Lin Kai, but a funny smile appeared on his beautiful face.

"What? You want revenge? "

"Then accept my challenge!"

Lin Kai has been attacked by anger, his chest is up and down, he is not willing to! He doesn't allow himself to be bullied!

"I want you to apologize to me!" Lin Kai points to Ye Nantian, his fingers trembling.

"Sorry? Do you deserve it? " Ye Nantian crooked his head and laughed.

"Then you die!" Lin Kai roared.

Lin Kai hugged his arm and stepped on the ground with his right foot. He heard a loud noise. The ground was trampled out of a huge pit by Lin Kai's outspoken foot!

"Rhino Stick to the mountain

As soon as he came up, Lin Kai used his strongest means!

Lin kaiwan, like a rhinoceros, dashed into it. Every step on the ground made the ground tremble!

His eyes, like angry rhinoceros!

His heart is burning with anger!

He wants Ye Nantian to pay the price!

But ye Nantian stood with his hand in his hand, with a smile in his eyes.

"Imitate the way animals attack? Interesting

Ye Nantian's tongue, like a cobra spitting out a message, reveals a few times.

"Imitating the way animals attack, this is a little trick I played a few years ago."

After that, ye Nantian's body suddenly shrank, and then with a whoosh, he directly ejected out like a Cobra!

His arms, like the body of a cobra, wrapped themselves directly around Linkai's neck.

Then, ye Nantian with four or two dial a thousand catties, in the air will give Lin Kai a very strong over the shoulder fall!


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