Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 421

Fei Meng Yan also shook her head helplessly.

After all, it's Ling Xiaoqi's family affairs. Lin Kai is not very good at managing. He can only see how Ling Xiaoqi chooses.

At five o'clock in the evening, Lin Kai is lying on the sofa reading a newspaper. Ling Xiaoqi comes over.

Ling Xiaoqi has taken off his work clothes and changed into his own suit.

The upper body is a beige sports coat, the lower part is a pair of jeans, and the feet are a pair of pink sports shoes, dressed very students.

Ling Xiaoqi hesitated for a moment and said, "boss, I'd like to ask for a leave. I'll leave work early today."

Lin Kai nodded: "yes!"

Lin Kai approved it decisively, but Ling Xiaoqi still didn't mean to leave.

See Ling Xiaoqi and said: "I want to ask you a favor, boss."

Lin Kai is very surprised. Although Ling Xiaoqi is young, she has a strong personality. Unexpectedly, she will ask for help from herself.

"Say it."

Ling Xiaoqi took out his mobile phone and let Lin Kai have a look.

There is a short message on Ling Xiaoqi's mobile phone. The note of the sender is her mother. This is a short message sent by lingxiaoqi's mother to lingxiaoqi.

"Xiao Qi, you haven't been home for three months. You have proved that you have the ability to live alone. Let's talk about it in Ruyi building at 5:30 this evening."

After reading the text message, Lin Kai said, "isn't that good? Maybe your mother has figured it out and doesn't want to force you to get engaged

"Little seven bit, not a little shake his head."

"Do you know what's going on in my family? My father is a worker, a month's salary is 4500 yuan, my mother is a waiter, a month's salary is only 3000 yuan. "

"I also have a younger brother. The consumption in Jinling City is so high that it is very difficult for our family."

Hearing this, Lin Kai is also very sympathetic to Ling Xiaoqi.

"Ruyi building, one of the top hotels in Jinling, can easily spend thousands of yuan."

"My mother asked me to go to Ruyi building to talk to her, which means that Feng Hai must be there too!"

Said, Ling Xiaoqi's eyes will be moist, obviously, her heart is very uncomfortable.

After all, her mother gave her the feeling of selling her daughter.

"What do you want me to do?" Linkai was silent for a moment and asked.

"I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend and let my mother die! Even if I starved to death, I would not be engaged to Feng Hai! "

Ling Xiaoqi said with breath.

Pretending to be a boyfriend?

It happens that Lin Kai has nothing to do. As for his employees, Lin Kai can help.


"Great!" Ling Xiaoqi's eyes lit up and looked at Lin Kai gratefully.

Lin Kai is a well-known dandy in Jinling City. With him, Ling Xiaoqi believes that Feng Hai will surely retreat in the face of difficulties!

As a result, Lin Kai and Ling Xiaoqi both walked out of Beiwang library. Ruyi building is not far away from Beiwang library. It is too troublesome to drive back to the community.

So Lin Kai and Ling Xiaoqi walked for ten minutes to reach Ruyi building.

Ruyi building has five floors, each of which is very large.

The decoration of the door is very luxurious. The hot welcome lady stands at the door and smiles at everyone.

Entering the Ruyi building, there are waiters to greet you immediately.

"Hello, sir and madam. Do you have a reservation?" Asked the waiter.

"Table five." Ling Xiaoqi said.

"Are you Miss Ling Xiaoqi?" The waiter glanced at his own record and asked.

"It's me." Ling Xiaoqi nods.

"Follow me."

The waiter took Ling Xiaoqi and Lin Kai to a table and left.

It seems that the man named Feng Hai has already reserved a table.

This is the dining table on the first floor. Ruyi building has five floors in total. The higher it goes, the more expensive it is. The first floor is the cheapest consumption of Ruyi building.

Although it is the cheapest consumption, it is not affordable for ordinary people.

Solid wood dining table, table is from Dali natural slate, sofa is also leather sofa, a set of more than 100000.

Sitting on the sofa, Ling Xiaoqi is very nervous waiting for his mother.

Five minutes later, only a middle-aged woman's voice was heard.

"Xiao Qi, are you here so early? Mom's late. "

I saw a man and a woman, more than 40 years old, wearing a suit, but the skin is very black, the face can not hide humble.

She's a gorgeous lady with a bag on her side.

They went directly to Ling Xiaoqi and sat down.

The man is Ling Xiaoqi's father, Ling Zhonghua, and the woman is Ling Xiaoqi's mother, Ling Shi.Ling Xiaoqi looked at his parents' dress, and frowned at that time: "Mom! How do you wear the clothes from Feng Hai? Dad! I hear you haven't been to work for more than ten days, have you? "

Ling Zhonghua dry cough: "cough, do not go to work, Xiaohai has promised me, in a few days let me go to his company when the personnel manager."

"Your father, I've been working hard all my life, and I've come to the end of it!"

Ling looked at the ring and couldn't put it down: "Oh, how sensible Xiaohai is? Look at my necklace and ring. They are all given to me by Xiaohai. They are very valuable

Ling Xiaoqi was almost angry, her parents actually received a gift from Feng Hai!

Isn't that pushing her into the fire?

Ling and Lin Kai noticed this time.

Ling looked up and down at Lin Kai, and found that Lin Kai was only 18 or 19 years old, and he was wearing very ordinary clothes. At that time, he frowned.

"Xiao Qi, who is this?" Ling asked.

Ling Zhonghua also looked at Lin Kai and frowned.

Ling Xiaoqi took Lin Kai's arm at this time and said boldly: "this is my boyfriend, Lin Kai!"

"Boyfriends?" Hearing these three words, Ling's and Ling Zhonghua's tones are raised.

Ling's eyes and Ling Zhonghua's eyes are both bursting out with fire.

Xiao Qi has a boyfriend?

What about Feng Hai?

At that time, Ling sneered and said, "what do you do at home, young man?"

With a polite smile, Lin Kai said, "Hello, Auntie and uncle. I do all kinds of business in my house. It's quite miscellaneous."

Lin Kai is telling the truth. His family has developed various industries in Jiangbei, such as catering, real estate, jewelry and so on. After Lin Kai helped Lin Ting regain the position of home owner, the status of the Lin family in Jiangbei was even higher.

Now the Lin family is the overlord of Jiangbei!

After listening to Lin Kai's modest words, Ling didn't take it seriously.

"It's complicated? If you want me to say, I love every line of work. If you do everything in any industry and only work in any industry for two days, you are doomed to have no future in your life. "

"Your family business is so miscellaneous, can't it be a rag picker?"

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