Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 420

He is a major when he is young. It seems that Lin Kai is only 19 years old this year!

19-year-old major, what's the concept?

Even the dragon head commander of the Beijing Military Region attaches great importance to Lin Kai's future.

But he actually took him as Cao Wanjin's man and tortured him. If long Xiaolin knew about it, he would have no food to eat!

For a moment, Zhang Wei was as miserable as eating a fly.

"Comrade Lin, what are you talking about? It was just a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding... " Zhang Wei's face showed a smile that was even worse than crying.

Zhang Wei is at least a major general, but now he is so humble in front of a major that his special team members are shocked.

After all, they mistook Lin Kai.

But this is also normal. After all, Lin Kai doesn't look like a man from the military area command at all. He is more like a dandy.

Lin Kai sneered, but did not pay any attention to Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei put Lin Kai's cold butt on his hot face, and he could only smile awkwardly at that time.

"Come on, would you like to take off the handcuffs for major Lin?" At this time, Zhang Wei gave an order, and immediately someone took the handcuffs off Lin Kai's wrist.

Tianguo's handcuffs were also taken down, two people's treatment instantly is not the same.

Just now they are prisoners, but now they are heroes. Everyone looks respectfully at Tian Guo and Lin Kai.

Tian Guo and Lin Kai have captured Cao Wanjin, the biggest drug lord in China!

He also killed dozens of mercenaries under Cao Wanjin! After eliminating the evil forces, Zhang Wei knows that once the news is sent out, Lin Kai and Tian Guo will surely become popular roles in various military regions!

Therefore, it is necessary to make friends with Lin Kai.

"Report!" At this time, a special combat team member ran over and saluted: "we chased down 15 researchers not far away. These researchers were once the top students of various colleges and universities. They were captured by Cao Wanjin or volunteered to help Cao Wanjin develop drugs."

"We found 1.5 tons of drugs in Huangshan Village and found 1.5 billion cash! Hundreds of gold bars were found, more than 200 AK47 rifles, more than 50 M4 rifles, more than 300 grenades and 10 rocket launchers

After listening to Cao Wanjin's financial resources, Lin Kai couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Cao Wanjin, it can be said, is a heinous warlord!

There are people with money and guns under his hand. He is really a local emperor who guards this place that no one knows.

One side of Cao Wanjin, is also a face of helplessness, he did not think that he actually capsized in the ditch, defeated in the hands of Lin Wudi!

In fact, Lin Wudi is not invincible. His real identity is actually a special soldier.

And he's not a general Special Forces officer. He's a major.

The dandy smell on him is so vivid that maybe he was a dandy, so Cao Wanjin was cheated.

"Take the prisoners on the plane, leave 20 comrades to guard Huangshan Village, take away all the drugs and weapons that can be taken away, and report the war situation here to the higher authorities!"


With an order, the special forces began to work up.

Soon after, Lin Kai also boarded the plane and was sent back to Jinling.

After returning to Jinling, it was already the afternoon of the next day. It was really impossible for Tianguo to be frozen. When she returned to Jinling, she suddenly became so warm, so she naturally caught a cold

But Lin Kai and Tian Guo can't go back to the southeast military region for the time being, because they still have a difficult task to complete. This task is to shoot the edge of the country!

This movie is a movie invested by Cao Wanjin. Anyway, it's money from drug lords. It's not for nothing. This film is mainly used to publicize the soldiers of China.

The matter of Cao Wanjin is being dealt with. The news of the arrest of Cao Wanjin, the first drug lord in China, has not been spread in China.

Neither the news nor the newspapers have been registered. It seems that Cao Wanjin is involved in too many cases, and it will not come down for a while.

Took a bath and went to bed.

The next day, Lin Kai comes to Beiwang library. The business of Beiwang bookstore is still very hot. Fei mengyan and Ling Xiaoqi are busy in the library. However, it seems that Ling Xiaoqi's face is not very good.

I saw Ling Xiaoqi standing behind the bar, absentmindedly working, helping guests deliver drinks.

"Hey! What's the matter with you? I want Coke. What do you mean by a sprite

A guest is very dissatisfied with looking at the sprite in his hand.

Ling Xiaoqi suddenly realized that he was in a hurry to change the drink for the guest.

"I'm really sorry, I'm sorry..."

Help the guest change drinks, Ling Xiaoqi began to daze.

Lin Kai gets close to Ling Xiaoqi. When Ling Xiaoqi sees Lin Kai, his eyes brighten and a smile finally appears on his listless face."Boss, are you back?" Ling Xiaoqi said with a smile.

Lin Kai nodded: "what's the matter with you? Why do you look listless? Who made you angry

Speaking of this topic, Ling Xiaoqi's face once again appeared depressed: "my mother won't let me work outside, let me go back."

Lin Kai heard the words: "then you go back? At your age, you should be in school? "

Ling Xiaoqi nodded, a face of helplessness: "yes, I was in school, but my mother insisted on me..."


"No more."

Here, small Ling waved her hand and said.

Seeing Ling Xiaoqi's helpless look on his face, Lin Kai knew that this matter must be unusual. Ling Xiaoqi must have some difficulties that he did not know.

So Lin Kai came to Fei mengyan's side.

At this time, Fei mengyan is cleaning up the cup on the table.

"Fei Jie, Xiao Qi, what's the matter? You have a good relationship with her. Tell me about it. " Linkai leaned against the wall and asked.

Fei mengyan stood up and showed a helpless smile on her face: "Xiao Qi was forced to marry by her family."

"Forced marriage?"

"Yes, Xiao Qi was a sophomore, but his family didn't know what was going on. They were so pleased with money that they insisted that Ling Xiaoqi be engaged to a young master. Xiaoqi didn't want to and ran out."

"At the beginning, I looked at her pitifully, so I took her here as a waiter."

"Her parents thought she would be out alone for a long time, but they didn't expect that Ling Xiaoqi had been outside for months."

"Life is still good now, so her parents can't sit down."

"Just yesterday, her mother came and said she wanted Ling Xiaoqi to go home and get engaged, or she would break off the relationship between mother and daughter."

Hearing this, Lin Kai frowned: "arranged marriage? one 's eyes grow round with delight at the sight of money? How could there be such parents in the world? "

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