Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 422

Ling suddenly said this.

The smile on Lin Kai's face was frozen at that time.

Ling Xiaoqi didn't want to see his mother say so.

"Mother! What did you say? Linkai is very good! He is the owner of a bookstore Ling Xiaoqi said.

Ling Xiaoqi also knows about Lin Kai's real identity. Anyway, the task has been completed, and Lin Kai doesn't hide his identity.

"The library?" After hearing these two words, Ling's smile at that time: "ha ha, can you make money by opening a library now? What books can't be read on the app on the mobile phone? Who else goes to the library to read

Feng Ling's game is popular, but I don't know it. I don't know it. I don't care about it

"Feng Hai, he's got hundreds of millions of dollars a year! It's just your blessing to look at you

Ling said painstakingly.

After that, Ling took a look at Lin Kai and disdained to smile: "you can't be cheated by this boy. You see he looks good, but can he give you happiness?"


Ling said, Ling Xiaoqi was angry small face red.

"Who I choose is my own decision. You have no right to decide the rest of my life!" Ling Xiaoqi is stubborn.

At this time, Ling Zhonghua, who has never spoken, said: "it's not your parents who decide the rest of your life. They've worked hard for most of their lives. They're really tired, so they want to relax and relax."

"Now, only Feng Hai has the ability to make us retire early."

After that, Ling Zhonghua's mouth is also showing a bitter smile.

To tell the truth, he did not agree with the marriage at the beginning, but under the attack of Feng Hai's money, Ling Zhonghua resolutely surrendered.

Rich people's life, really cool!

Ling Xiaoqi bit her lips. She knew that her parents worked hard, and she didn't want her parents to work hard.

But what kind of person is Feng Hai? She knows it!

"Dad! Mom! Wake up! Since ancient times, men and women have been talking about the same family. How high do you think a girl from a working family, even if she is married to a rich family, has a high status? What's more, Feng Haineng has been raising your old couple? "

"No way! There are more women in Feng Hai! I'm tired of playing with it, and I'll kick you out of here at any time

Ling Xiaoqi has a thorough understanding of Feng Hai.

Ling's face changed, and she said angrily, "no way! We have seen Xiao Hai's performance in the past two days. He is sincere to you

"Besides, you look at this boy friend you're looking for. Is he a good man?"

"I look so white, I can't help cheating girls. When I get tired of you, it's you who are sad. My parents are for you!"

After hearing Ling's words, Lin Kai is helpless.

"Auntie, uncle, you can rest assured that I will be good to Xiao Qi." Said Lin Kai.

"What do you do to Xiao Qi?" Ling Zhonghua sneered: "ha ha, do you know, how much is my suit?"

"More than 30000! Armani! How much money can you make in a month just like the one you open? Can you afford my suit? "

"You and Xiao Qi are not suitable. You'd better go quickly."

Ling Zhonghua directly issued the order of departure.

Lin Kai is also amused by Ling Zhonghua. How much money can his bookstore make a month? There are still hundreds of thousands of them.

"That is, Xiaohai has set up a game company with an annual income of hundreds of millions. Compared with Xiaohai, where are you better than others?"

"Don't think you can hook up with other girls if you are handsome. It's impossible!"

Ling's words are very unpleasant.

Lin Kai and Ling Xiaoqi look at each other. Ling Xiaoqi's eyes are full of bitterness, while Lin Kai's eyes are full of helplessness.

Just then, a man came up.

The man was dressed in a black suit. He was thin. He looked like he was in his thirties. He wore a pair of glasses. Although he was not ugly, he always gave people a feeling of obscenity between his eyebrows.

"Auntie, uncle, I'm sorry I'm late." Feng Hai is the natural visitor.

At the sight of Feng Hai, Ling's and Ling Zhonghua's attitudes changed a lot.

They stood up to make room for Feng Hai.

"Ouch, Xiaohai is here. Please sit down, please."

The old couple warmly invited Feng Hai to his seat.

After Feng Hai took his seat, he immediately looked at Ling Xiaoqi. After seeing Ling Xiaoqi, Lin Kai saw the indecency of his eyes.

This man seems to have some special hobby. Lin Kai finds out that he is staring at Ling Xiaoqi's small feet intentionally or unintentionally.

Although Ling Xiaoqi's small feet are beautiful, ten toes are very round, small feet are very smooth and white, but he can't stare at people so frankly!Ling and Ling Zhonghua obviously found this, but they pretended not to see it.

At this time, Feng Hai also noticed Lin Kai. After seeing Lin Kai and Ling Xiaoqi sitting together, he frowned.

"This is it?" Feng Hai asked.

"He's my boyfriend!" Ling has not had time to explain, Ling Xiaoqi said directly.

"Boyfriends?" Feng Hai showed a displeased expression on his face and looked at Lin Kai.

Feng Hai's eyes have shown hostility.

"My name is Feng Hai, chairman of Fenghai entertainment company. This is my business card."

Feng Hai is very forced to take out a business card from his pocket. This is a gold-plated business card.

Lin Kai took the card and put it on the table at will.

Feng Hai is showing his identity as chairman of the board!

"I dare to ask you where you worked?" Feng Hai stares at Lin Kai and asks.

Lin Kai didn't hide it. He said, "I'm a soldier in the southeast military region, and I have a bookstore in Jinling."

"To be a soldier?" Feng Hai heard the speech and laughed.

I thought he was a big man. He was a soldier!

Ling Xiaoqi is still young and likes his handsome brother. It's not unreasonable, but Feng Hai is confident that he can compare Lin Kai with him!

"Is there a lot of allowance for the troops? Do you have to have thousands of dollars a month? " Feng Hai's mouth showed a playful smile and took a sip of tea.

Ling's insight is very good, at this time he did not forget to hold Feng Hai: "Oh, thousands of yuan a month, I'm afraid you can't even support yourself?"

"Xiaohai, I heard that our game company has come up with a new game, which sold well last month? Can you tell your aunt how much you sold? " Ling asked curiously.

She wants Feng Hai to tell himself how much money he made last month, so as to crack down on Lin Kai!

Feng Hai was very forced to say: "ha ha, there is not much money, it is small money, full play, that is forty or fifty million bar."

Feng Hai earned 40 million yuan a month. The expression on Feng Hai's face reveals his pride and satire, as well as his satire in his eyes.

How dare you rob a woman with me Feng Hai? Do you have the qualification? Poor force!

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