Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 419

The people who saw the surveillance video were not calm.

All the fatal wounds are healed and the body is bullet resistant. Is this still a man?

People are staring at the computer screen, as if they are afraid of missing any details.

During the surveillance, ten Israeli special forces fled separately after finding that the bullets failed to fire on the forest.

As soon as the picture turns, I can see an Israeli special soldier running wildly with his life in a corridor!

Suddenly, the screen flashed, and a dark shadow flashed by. Lin Kai, holding Tianguo, quietly appeared behind the Israeli special forces.

Just a finger, it pierced the heart of that man!

With a plop, the man fell to the ground.

They all looked at the special soldier whose heart was pierced on the ground. Now they finally understand how he died and was killed by Lin Kai!

Just now, the speed of Lin Kai is really incredible, as if in a flash!

However, he is physically anti bullet, and he can also explain the past with such a fast speed.

Next, the picture turns again, and a special soldier rushes into the courtyard of a family and gets into the water tank without water.

Not long after, the gate was kicked open. Lin Kai picked up a small stone on the ground at will. He flicked it at will and left the scene.

That's how the man who was killed by a small stone died.

The scene was as silent as death. The result was really shocking.

Israel's top special forces soldier was killed by a young man of eighteen or nine years old, and this young man has super ability!

How strong is it to use a small stone to pierce a water tank and add a person? In other words, Lin opened the handcuffs on his hands, and he couldn't be trapped at all!

Everyone felt a sense of crisis. They felt that Lin Kai wanted to kill them. It was just a matter of thinking.

So, the three special soldiers who died in the snow were killed by Lin Kai.

There are also dozens of mercenaries, also Lin Kai's masterpiece.

Just now Cao Wanjin said that Lin Kaifei came over and killed everyone with the technique of separation.

Just now, Zhang Wei thought it was bullshit!

But now it seems that this may not be bullshit, it may be true!

Who is this man?

Zhang Wei looks at Lin Kai with fear on his face.

The strength of this man is really too strong, Superman!

"Who are you?" Zhang Wei asked.

Lin Kai looked indifferent: "I am who you think I am."

"Please cooperate with our investigation!" Zhang Wei did not dare to get angry at this time, and said in a very serious tone.

Lin Kai had no choice but to smile: "I told the truth, you don't believe me, I don't speak, you say I don't cooperate, what do you want me to do?"

Is he really from the southeast military region?

Zhang Wei's heart, raised a big doubt.

It seems that it is really possible. He remembers that the head of the Beijing Military Region told us that there were two undercover agents in this operation.

Now it seems that Lin Kai and Tian Guo may be undercover!

At this time, Zhang Wei's phone rang suddenly. Zhang Wei took out his military mobile phone and looked at the call notes. His attitude was respectful at that time.

"Hello? Dragon chief. "

There was a majestic voice coming from the phone.

"How's the task done? Has Cao Wanjin been arrested? "

Zhang Wei's face showed a trace of joy: "report chief, Cao Wanjin has been arrested! It's just that... "

"It's just that after we came to the scene, only the researchers and six terrorists were left, and the rest of them were dead..."

"Dead?" The voice on the other side of the phone was shocked.

"I remember, Cao Wanjin seems to have a trump class special forces, right? Are they all dead? "

Zhang Wei replied: "ten special forces, five died in battle and five surrendered. When we came, this was already the situation."

Smell speech, the person on the other side of the telephone was silent for a long time and asked, "is it Lin who started to do it?"

"Linkai?" Zhang Wei looks puzzled. He doesn't know who Lin Kai is!

"As I said before, in this operation, there are two undercover comrades, one male and one female, one named Lin Kai and the other named Tian Guo. Lin Kai is 18-9 years old and Tian Guo is only in his early twenties."

After hearing this, Zhang Wei's heart thumped. He looked at Lin Kai in handcuffs and was stupefied.

Is he really from the southeast military region?

"Commander long, is Lin Kai particularly handsome, or is he from the southeast military region?" Zhang Wei's voice trembled when he asked questions.

The voice on the other side of the phone rang out and said, "yes, both Lin Kai and Tian Guo are from the southeast military region. You must take special care of Lin Kai.""This young man is one of the best young special forces I've ever seen!"

"At the age of 19, he is already a major, and he is also the leader of the special combat forces. He has made third-class merit."

"This time you can complete the task perfectly. I think it is also the credit of Lin Kai."

"The boy has become so strong that even the Black Hawks can beat him. When he comes back, I must give him a good reward."

After listening to long Xiaolin's words, Zhang Wei's heart has cooled.

Damn it, I even handcuffed Lin!

Lin Kai is actually a special soldier who is highly valued by the dragon head!

He is really a member of the southeast military region, and now Zhang Wei also understands that this action has nothing to do with his own dime. It's totally Lin Kai's one pot at a time!

Dozens of mercenaries and five special forces were killed by Lin Kai alone!

People are heroes in this action! But oneself, actually tied up the hero, this is simply a big joke!

And listen to the tone, long Shou Chang seems to attach great importance to Lin Kai. After Lin Kai, he will surely be favored by him!

Who is the dragon head? Rank general! The old head of the Beijing military region is also a member of the dragon family in the capital city. No matter in terms of power or financial resources, ordinary people can not compare with him.

In the future, if Lin Kai mutters two bad words about himself in the long ear of the dragon head, he will surely think about himself!

At that time, Zhang Wei's cold sweat about the size of soya beans came down his forehead. He was the son of longevity. He ate arsenic and wanted to die!

At that time, Zhang Wei's face showed a smile even worse than crying: "it turned out to be Comrade Lin Kai. It's good to meet you..."

With that, Zhang Wei shook Lin Kai's handcuffed hand in embarrassment.

At this time, Lin Kai showed a flattered look: "Alas, I don't dare to be a suspect. You are a brigadier commander and a major general in the military rank. How can you get close to the suspect?"

"If you want me to tell you, you can see that I am a murderer 6. If you don't want to die, you can just shoot me."

With that, Lin opened his mouth with a funny smile.

What the hell, are you crazy about handcuffing me?

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