Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 418

Looking at another corpse, the dead appearance of this corpse is even more strange. There is a hole about the thickness of a thumb in his chest.

The dead face a painful expression, covering his chest, the expression as if seeing a ghost.

"Brigadier, this body was found in an empty water tank of a family in Huangshan Village," said the forensic officer

"There are two thumb sized holes in the shell of an empty cylinder."

"And we found this not far from the tank."

With that, the forensic surgeon picked up a small stone with tweezers.

This small stone is covered with blood, because the temperature is too low, the blood has frozen into ice debris on it.

"The test results have come down. The blood on the stone is the blood of the dead, and the stone basically matches the wound on the chest of the deceased and the hole in the water tank."

Hearing the speech, the scene was silent again.

So, someone shot through the whole tank with this little stone and killed the Israeli special soldier?

It sounds like a dream.

You know, even if you use a catapult to eject this small stone, you can only make a hole in the water tank.

But with a small stone through the water tank, but also hit through a person, that power, can be comparable to a large caliber pistol.

How did this man die?

People are very confused.

If you look at the remaining three bodies, the death looks even more strange.

They had pistols in their hands, and there was a blood hole in their temples. They shot themselves to death!

"One bullet was missing from the pistols of the three men, and three browning shells were indeed found not far from their death."

As soon as the words of the forensic medicine came out, the scene fell into silence again.

These three people, unexpectedly so strange suicide?

These five Israeli special forces all died in various strange ways, which made people creepy.

They used to be the best special forces in Israel!

They are the king of war!

Who on earth can make them die so strangely?

Who killed dozens of mercenaries?

Zhang weigen couldn't think of it!

Finally, Zhang Wei looks at Cao Wanjin, who may be the only one who knows.

At that time, Zhang Wei came to Cao Wanjin and said, "Cao Wanjin, you have been arrested. I hope you can work with us and explain the truth."

Cao Wanjin looked at Zhang Wei and sneered.

Cao Wanjin is also open-minded, he knows that he was caught, a dead end, so now Cao Wanjin is very natural and unrestrained.

"Yes, you ask."

Zhang Wei asked, "how did the five of them die?"

Cao Wanjin looked at Lin Kai and said absently, "he killed it."

"He?" Zhang Wei looks at Lin Kai.

Can a young boy be a master at killing Israeli special forces?

"Cao Wanjin, I hope you can tell the truth! Let me ask you again, how did your dozens of subordinates die? "

, as like as two peas in the sky, Zhang Wei answered the question, and Cao Wanjin answered the truth: "that guy flew from the sky and used a split operation. More than 30 people who were exactly alike came to kill me, and my men died."

Zhang Wei heard Cao Wanjin's words and broke out at that time.

"Cao Wanjin! If you don't cooperate with us, you will die! "

Zhang Wei is furious!

He thinks Cao Wanjin is playing him!

Where is there anyone who can fly? Where is there anyone who can be separated?

Cao Wanjin is not willing to cooperate with his work!

Cao Wanjin rolled a white eye: "believe it or not."

"You Zhang Wei was furious.

However, Zhang Wei came to Lin Kai and asked, "I hope you can answer truthfully."

Lin laughed and said, "he is telling the truth."

"You Zhang Wei was furious again.

Both of them are playing with him!

Tian Guo also laughed at this time, although she also knew that Cao Wanjin's words were too incredible, but she saw it with her own eyes and knew that all this was true.

"Report! Brigadier, we found the monitoring in Huangshan Village and copied all the contents. Do you want to check it now? "

At this time, a soldier with a computer ran over.

When Zhang Wei heard the speech, his eyes lit up.

There are pictures and truth! After watching the surveillance, you can understand what's going on.



The soldier turned on the computer and played the copied surveillance video.

The first scene is that Lin Kai and Tian Guo are brought into the underground laboratory.After seeing this scene, Zhang Weimei's head is wrinkled. Isn't this Lin Kai and Tian Guo who are together with Cao Wanjin?

As soon as the camera turns, we come to the laboratory, where dozens of researchers are developing drugs.

Later, Lin Kai said a few words, Cao Wanjin ran away in a hurry.

Next, Lin Kai and ten Israeli special forces fight each other!

In the picture, Lin Kai hits ten people with one person. Although he has fallen behind, he can hold on.

After seeing this scene, Zhang Wei's eyes narrowed. Lin Kai is not easy!

Lin Kai must also be a master if he can fight with ten Israeli special forces!

But the result of Lin Kai's two fists is also imaginable.

Lin Kai is forced to the corner, and ten Mitsubishi army stabs are inserted into Lin Kai's body!

At that time, blood DC, Lin opened an eye to see has been no longer.

After seeing this scene, the special team members who watched the surveillance all widened their eyes.

Under surveillance, the young man in front of him is dying!

And who is he?

Is it a ghost?

Many people have goose bumps all over.

Although Zhang Wei's heart is a little flustered, he knows that he is a brigade commander and he must be calm.

"What's wrong? It must be fake! He is certainly not dead, and if he is, he will not stand in front of us! "

After listening to Zhang Wei's words, people were relieved.

Then, ten Israeli special forces were about to solve the problem of Tianguo. At this time, a vision suddenly appeared. Lin Kai, who was dying, actually stood up!

His body innumerable way flows the blood wound, actually with a kind of naked eye visible speed healing!

Through the computer screen, everyone can feel the evil spirit of Lin Kai!

Ten Israeli special forces in the surveillance panic at that time, holding up the AK47 in their hands is a burst of fire.

Countless bullets shot at Lin Kai's body, only a spark exploded, Lin kaileng is nothing!

"Damn it..." Even Zhang Wei, who is used to seeing the world, can't help but burst out a rude remark.

In a trance, Zhang Wei felt that he was watching American blockbusters rather than watching surveillance videos.

Body anti bullet! Too much!

Lin Kai in the side, is also a wry smile, it seems that after today's events, he is likely to be taken away as a mouse to study ah!

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