Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 412

Cao Wanjin is a man of great scheming.

He always works for profit.

And he is usually a man of high position.

No one has ever been able to make him humble, except for interests.

He has been Lin Kai's younger brother for such a long time for his money. Now that he has the money, he is not afraid of Lin Kai!

The bright desert eagle was swinging in front of the forest.

Even Linkai had no confidence that he could withstand the bullets of the desert eagle.

You know, desert eagle is a big caliber pistol, powerful!

You may not be able to see your 300 point defense.

"Kneel down!" Cao Wanjin yells again!

Tian Guo's pale face became pale again.

She nodded slightly to Lin Kai and motioned Lin Kaishun to follow Cao Wanjin.

But Lin Kai, who kneels easily to others?

"I don't kneel!" Lin Kaizhi looks at Cao Wanjin and says in a voice.

At this time, Lin Kai's waist is straight and his eyes are bright. Even if he is pointed by a gun, he can be calm and calm.

Seeing this kind of Lin Kai, Cao Wanjin laughed instead of angry.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Lin Wudi, you have backbone!"

"But there are ten thousand ways for me to torture people!"

After that, Cao Wanjin looks at Tian Guo.

"To tell you the truth, there is no such beautiful place in the backcountry."

"Is she your girlfriend? Lin Shao? "

"Now, she's my dame

"Don't worry, I'll let you watch how your woman was conquered by me!"

The corner of Cao Wanjin's mouth showed a smiling face.

With a stab, Cao Wanjin tore off his coat and exposed his strong muscles in front of Tianguo.

Cao Wanjin approached Tian Guo step by step with a wanton smile on his face.

He rubbed his hands in a hurry.

Behind the Black Hawk commando, the face also showed a playful smile.

Such a water-saving woman, their boss after playing, will certainly give them to play again.

This is the reason why they chose to follow Cao Wanjin. They can be natural and unrestrained with Cao Wanjin! When I was a special soldier in Israel, I had to obey all kinds of orders.

Tian Guo's physical fitness has not yet been cultivated. Seeing such a terrible Cao Wanjin, he is also frightened.

She's a special soldier, and she's a girl after all.

After feeling her virginity, she subconsciously looks at Lin Kai.

Her eyes are so pitiful!

She didn't want to ask for help from Lin Kai, because she knew that their task had not been completed!

If Lin starts to attack now and his identity is exposed, maybe they will never find Cao Wanjin's evidence of drug trafficking in his life!

But now that Lin can't open his hand, Tianguo is about to be attacked by Cao Wanjin!

At this time, Lin Kai is also hesitating, whether he wants to do it or not?

After a little thought, Lin Kai has already made a decision. Even if he disobeys the military order, he can't watch his comrades suffer humiliation in front of him!

Lin kaigang wanted to burst out, but at this moment, a knock on the door rang out.

Cao Wanjin stopped.


From the door, a strong red faced man with AK on his back came in.

The red faced man said happily, "boss, Dr. Zhang's new drug has been successfully developed."

Hearing this, Cao Wanjin was stunned and then overjoyed: "really?"

"Really! But now Dr. Zhang needs an experimental body to test the drug effect this time! "

After listening to the red faced man, Cao Wanjin looks at Lin Kai and Tian Guo.

At that time, Cao Wanjin sneered: "ha ha, you two are lucky, you can live a little longer."

"Take it away!"

At an order, Lin Kai and Tian Guo were pushed out of the living room by the Black Hawk commando.

After seven turns and eight turns, Lin Kai and Tian Guo follow Cao Wanjin and come to a well.

After confirming safety, Cao Wanjin lifted the well cover and jumped down first.

Next, Lin Kai and Tian Guo also jumped down.

Under the well cover, there is a passage, which leads directly to the underground.

After walking for about three minutes, my eyes suddenly opened up.

Lin Kai and Tian Guo are in a huge basement!

In the basement, the lights are bright, and it's very warm. There are all kinds of medical equipment, countless white powder and ice on the table.

There are probably dozens of researchers in white coats doing the research.

This is Cao Wanjin's drug research base!

As soon as Cao Wanjin appeared, these researchers put down their work and came to Cao Wanjin.An old man wearing a mask came to Cao Wanjin. Judging by his age, he was over 60 years old. He was overweight and wore a pair of glasses.

"Mr. Cao, a new type of drug has been developed. After chemical filtration, 30% of the drug can be purified. If this new drug is put into China, the supply will definitely fall short of demand."

"It's just that now we need an experimental body to determine the stability of the drug."

Dr. Zhang said.

Cao Wanjin looked at Lin Kai and Tian Guo, and said with a smile: "I have brought these two people. Who do you want to choose as the experimental body?"

Dr. Zhang took a look at them and chose Lin Kai without hesitation.

"It's better to be young, just him."

After that, Dr. Zhang took out a needle tube. Inside the needle tube, there was a tube of transparent liquid.

Think of yourself as an experiment?

Finding Cao Wanjin's drug making nest is also equivalent to seizing the evidence of Cao Wanjin's drug trafficking. At this time, Lin Kai doesn't need to pretend.

At that time, he looked at Cao Wanjin, and his mouth also showed a funny smile: "Cao Wanjin, have you ever thought that I am an undercover?"

Smell speech, Cao Wanjin a Leng, all people look to Lin Kai.

"Undercover?" Cao Wanjin just froze for a moment, then sneered and said, "ha ha, it's impossible! Don't try to scare me

"You have no way out."

"Undercover? I have never seen a bank card with 8 billion undercover agents

"No, you're a dandy."

Lin Kai smelled the speech and said with a slight smile: "maybe I was a dandy originally? But later I became a soldier. "

Hearing Lin Kai's words, Cao Wanjin was stunned.

He looked at Lin Kai. After seeing the confident smile on his face, he felt a thump in his heart.


Lin Kai looked at the watch on Cao Wanjin's wrist: "if there is no accident, this place will be surrounded in 20 minutes."

"Cao Wanjin, surrender now, I count you surrender yourself."

After that, Lin Kai had a smile on his face.

He's been waiting so long for this moment!

Cao Wanjin! You're done!

Cao Wanjin's face changed greatly and he said angrily, "kill both of them! In five minutes, evacuate immediately! "


As soon as Cao Wanjin's order was given, Lin Kai had already burst out. Lin Kai's speed was like a ghost. He caught a black hawk special soldier with one hand.


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