Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 413

A roar, Lin Kai a blow to the face of the special forces!

But the special forces, worthy of being Israel's trump card special forces, reaction is also very fast!

His head tilted back and avoided Lin Kai's attack directly!

Ten dozen two, one of them has no strength woman, Lin Kai's pressure, naturally is mountain big.

I saw the Israeli special forces in English to say a word, ten special forces directly to Linkai!

Ten sharp daggers appeared in their hands!

In the meantime, one of the ten special forces was besieged!

"Yuri power!" Linkai murmured, trying to use Yuri's ability to counter one of them.

But it's useless!

The strength of each of them is not lost to tiger flame!

Let Lin Kai fight ten tiger flames alone. Lin Kai is no match at all!

Bang bang bang bang!

I saw Lin open a few punches, in the air have played the sound of sonic boom!

But unfortunately, none of them hit the target!

It was their dagger that hit Lin Kai several times!

Their strength is very strong, and the daggers are also the best of the knives! After a while, Lin Kai's body, has appeared several knife wounds!

Lin Kai, who was in a rage, roared: "ghost attack and kill!"

Then, saw Lin Kai's right foot suddenly on the ground, the body floated out from the center of ten people!

That body method, it's hard to understand!

Then, Lin Kai turned around and roared again: "rhinoceros close to the mountain!"


Lin Kai kicked on the ground, and took up his arm, the whole person, like a rhinoceros general impact over!

Facing the fierce Lin Kai, the ten people were not afraid. They quickly formed a human wall to face Lin Kai's attack!

Lin Kai directly ran into the crowd, but the rhinoceros, which used to be very sharp, stuck to the mountain, and lost its original function to them!

It's like a punch on cotton!

These Israeli special forces have received professional training, and their reaction ability is also extremely fast.

They can see that Lin Kai's attack is very sharp, so they don't fight hard, but follow Lin Kai!

If Lin Kai wants to bump into them, they will let him do so. However, they will not resist and will even retreat with his strength.

In this way, Lin Kai's collision seems to be like hitting cotton!

Moreover, ten of them formed a human wall. After they collided for tens of meters, no one was injured!

At this time, ten Israeli special forces are staring at Lin Kai, and ten people flock to Lin Kai again!

"Kill!" A special soldier preached in broken Chinese.

Ten daggers, take Lin Kai from ten different positions! All fatal positions!

At this time, Tian Guo couldn't see it anymore. She forced herself to join the fight.

I saw Tian Guo kick on the back of an Israeli special soldier. However, due to her long journey, she has not been able to resist the cold, and now she has little strength. This kick has turned her upside down to the ground.

"Lin Kai..." Tian Guo covered his chest and looked at the forest which was besieged not far away.

At this time, Lin Kai was beaten with no strength to fight back. Countless daggers stabbed Lin Kai's body, and all kinds of blood splashed out!

Three hundred points of defense can't resist their sharp attack at all!

"Get out of the way!" Yelled an Israeli special soldier.

I saw the other nine Israeli special forces very tacit understanding to let go, and then, Lin Kai saw, a special forces picked up an AK47 rifle, to strafe himself!

At that time, Lin Kai a carp rolled and jumped from the ground.

Dada, dada!

A fire dragon spurts out, countless bullets follow Lin Kai's buttocks!

And Lin Kaifa used his fastest speed, wandering back and forth between the various special forces.

The special soldier who shot him didn't hurt him.


Israeli special forces dropped their rifles and angrily said, "bayonet!"

After that, ten special forces threw down their daggers and pulled out the army spikes pinned between their legs.

They see that Lin Kai's strength is not ordinary, even the dagger capital is not afraid, the dagger can only scratch his skin.

But the army stab is not the same, the army stab's lethality is very big, once is stabbed, the power must be bigger than the dagger!

This kind of Mitsubishi army stab has a very sharp point, even a stone can be pierced. The bloodletting trough on the stab can quickly release blood from Lin.

Ten Israeli special forces once again flew to Linkai. Although Linkai ran fast, the laboratory was so big. Before long, Linkai was forced into a corner by ten people.Ten men, armed with bayonets, approached Linkai step by step.

"Surrender, Chinese." An Israeli commando.

"We'll give you a good one."

After all, ten Israeli special forces swarmed in!

But Lin Kai's brain is blank at this time. What should he do?

Although their strength and speed are much lower than their own, but they have ten people!

Two fists are hard to beat four hands!

Ten people in a swarm, do not give Lin space to escape!

At this time, Lin Kai felt despair for the first time.


A spatter of blood, a Mitsubishi army stab, has penetrated Lin Kai's shoulder!

Blood splashed out!

Lin Kaitong's face turned white.

Poop! Poop! Poop!


Not long after that, ten Mitsubishi army thorns appeared on Lin Kai's body. These Mitsubishi army thorns deeply penetrated Lin Kai's body, and blood soon dyed the whole Linkai red.

At this time, Lin Kai, just like a bloody man, has no strength.

Finally, I was defeated.

They are not invincible.

This is the first idea in Lin Kai's mind.

Ten Israeli commandos looked scornfully at Linkai. They were too strong.

Worthy of being a country's strongest special forces, each pull out, are not lost to tiger flame.

Facing ten tiger flames, Lin Kai is still defeated.

Consciousness gradually lost.

The body is losing control.

Are you going to die?

Lin Kai fell to the ground, eyes straight at the field not far away.

Tian Guo has been crying into tears, an Israeli special forces soldier came to her with a pistol.

The pistol has pointed to Tianguo's head, and Tianguo will die at any time!

Are you going to lose?


You can't lose yourself!

If I lose, the wolf will lose. I can't live up to long Xiaoyun's expectation. That silly old lady is still waiting for her triumphant return!

For a moment, Lin Kai thought of his own things before. Lin Wudi, you must be invincible!

At this time, Lin Kai clenched his fist, exhausted his last strength, and vomited out four words: "the strong Heart

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