Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 411

In the living room, two red faced men in sheepskin are holding AK47, looking at Lin Kai with vigilance.

"Mr. Cao, what do you mean?" Lin Kai's face is not good.

Cao Wanjin smiles and waves: "put down the gun, it's all our own people!"

Smell speech, those two people just put down the gun.

"They are sensitive to strangers. Don't mind, Lin Shao." Cao Wanjin pondered and laughed.

Lin Kai looks like he is afraid of Cao Wanjin's strength.

Of course, it's all played by Lin Kai.

The room was really warm. Lin Kai and Tian Guo took their seats. Cao Wanjin sat on a tiger leather chair, which was quite like a king of mountains.

There was nothing in the room, only a few chairs and a stove, and the environment was very good in this place.

"Lin Shao, to tell you the truth, all the people in this place are raised by me, Cao Wanjin."

"Here, I am the emperor!"

"Aren't you looking for excitement? When you go out and turn left, there are AK47, rocket launcher and even artillery

"But in this place, you have to listen to me, Cao Wanjin."

Cao Wanjin's tone has become arrogant.

Lin Kai eyebrows a pick, Lin Wudi naturally refused to accept ah: "Cao Wanjin, I see your fuckin 'brain is funny? Let me listen to you? "

When Cao Wanjin heard the speech, his face changed and gave a sneer.

"Have you heard of the Black Hawks?" Cao Wanjin suddenly asked.

Black Hawks?

Lin Kai has never heard of it.

"In Israel, there is a special force called Black Hawk commando. They are the best special forces in Israel!"

"Later, they were bought from Israel by a rich man. Do you know who bought them?"

Lin Kai looked at Cao Wanjin: "is it you?"

"Yes, I am!" Cao Wanjin sneered.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

As soon as clapping, I saw ten people coming out of the back hall!

Each of the ten men was wearing black military uniform, which was very strange. There was no sign of any country or military rank. The black military uniform was very thick. Each of the ten black people was tall and powerful.

And in their hands, they have M4 rifles!

The ten men stood in front of Lin Kai, and a burst of murderous spirit came! Their eyes, like a black hawk hunting in general, extremely fierce.

This kind of murderous spirit, did not kill dozens of people, is simply can not practice out!

Tianguo's mouth was wide, and she didn't expect that the Black Hawk commando, which was powerful at that time, was actually Cao Wanjin's subordinate!

"What do you mean?" Asked Linkai.

"Lin Wudi, don't you understand? I've been playing with you

"I made a fool of you when I made movies."

"To tell you the truth, I need a sum of money now. Don't you still have billions? Take out all the money and inform your family to make money, otherwise, your life will be hard to protect! "

Cao Wanjin said, took out a pistol from his waist and aimed at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai looked at Cao Wanjin and said in a cold voice, "aren't you afraid of revenge from my family?"

Cao Wanjin heard the speech and laughed: "ha ha ha ha ha! Cao Wanjin is just a pseudonym for me, and Wanjin entertainment is just a bag company of mine

"Who can find this place?"

"There is no signal in this place, except for my computer, there is no mobile phone that can receive signals!"

"It's 30 kilometers in circumference, all of which are snowy mountains. If you think you can go out with your own feet, you can try it!"

Cao Wanjin's attitude is arrogant!

He made it clear that he wanted to rob Lin Kai!

He is after Lin Kai's billions!

The people of Black Hawk commando also all look at Lin Kai with a grim face.

Cao Wanjin has slaughtered many rich second generation like Lin Kai. Everyone was brought here. Basically, they were shot dead after being trapped for money.

Because only the dead keep secrets.

If Lin Kai had taken out the 7.7 billion yuan today, he would have died more happily.

If he doesn't take it, waiting for him is endless torture!

Huangshan Village is not a village at all. There are no villagers here. This is Cao Wanjin's old Cao!

Dozens of kilometers away from here is the border line. This place is not afraid of any police or special forces.

Because Cao Wanjin's people are also top special combat personnel!

This place, they are very familiar with, want to evacuate, it is only a matter of a few hours.

Therefore, Cao Wanjin is so arrogant.

"Pay, hurry up!" Cao Wanjin held a pistol and butted Lin Kai's head.Money? Lin Kai is naturally very resistant to money.

But if you don't fight for money, you will have to fight against Cao Wanjin's people.

His task is to find out the evidence of Cao Wanjin's drug trafficking. Now he has not found any evidence of his drug trafficking, so Lin Kai has to continue to endure.

"Mr. Cao, don't be kidding. I know you're playing with me." Lin Kai reluctantly smiles.

"For your amusement?" Cao Wanjin sneered, he directly loaded the bullets of desert eagle in his hand.

"Lin Wudi, aren't you a drag? Don't you hold the desert eagle against my head? Now, I'll take a look at you Cao Wanjin's old face is full of cruelty.

"Want to live?" Cao Wanjin asked.

Lin Kai nodded mechanically.

"Kneel down!" Cao Wanjin said in a sharp voice.

Kneel down?

Kneel down, but lose dignity!

Linkai doesn't kneel down to anyone!

"No way!" Lin Kai Dao.

Hearing this, Cao Wanjin also laughed: "ha ha ha, I know that the most important thing like you is face."

"You don't kneel, do you? I think you are a little girl friend. You are very water-saving! "

After that, Cao Wanjin touched his chin and showed a smiling face.

Tian Guo was weak, and his small face turned white. Seeing Cao Wanjin's expression, he almost fainted.

"Don't touch her!" Lin Kai was in a hurry at that time.

"Don't move her? Yes, I'll pay for it As soon as Cao Wanjin waved, a computer moved to Lin Kai.

"7.7 billion, not a cent can be less, hit money!" Cao Wanjin snapped again.

Lin Kai takes a look at Tian Guo, and he can't guarantee her safety now.

For the sake of Tianguo, I must obey Cao Wanjin.

At that time, Lin Kai input his own bank card and password, and his heart was bleeding.

Soon, the transfer of 7.7 billion yuan was successful, and the balance of Lin Kai's bank card was still tens of millions.

Seeing that 7.7 billion yuan has been reached, Cao Wanjin's face can not hide his pride.

Lin Kai is the fattest sheep he killed.

7.7 billion!

"Ha ha! Cool Cao Wanjin laughed, his old face full of pride and ferocity!

Then, he looked at Lin Kai, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes.

"Damn it, let me serve you for such a long time, get down on your knees!"

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