Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 410

After coming out of Cao Wanjin's villa, Lin Kai returned to the capital of the famous city.

Early the next morning, Lin Kai received a message from Cao Wanjin.

Cao Wanjin's special car has been waiting for a long time at the door of the villa opened by the forest.

Lin Kai and Tian Guo come to the door and have a look. Sure enough, a Mercedes Benz business car is parked at the door.

I didn't have any luggage with me. I'm driving a special car.

Together with Cao Wanjin, I went to the airport, bought the air ticket, and slept for a day on the plane. Finally, the plane arrived at its destination.

It's chilly. It's chilly for Lin!

If you take a closer look, you don't know where Cao Wanjin came with Lin Kai. There is only snow.

It's only a few months. It's snowing?

However, Cao Wanjin's people had been prepared and put on cotton padded clothes for Lin Kai and Tian Guo.

Soon, a special car appeared in this strange city. Lin Kai and Cao Wanjin and other people got on the special car and started directly.

In the car, Lin Kai pretended to be very curious and asked, "Mr. Cao, where are we going?"

Cao Wanjin closed his eyes, and said with a smile, "go to a village, that place, is our paradise."

"And when you're there, there's a scene to shoot."

After listening to Cao Wanjin's words, Lin Kai asked again, "what about Feng Dagang? Why didn't he follow? "

Cao Wanjin said: "Feng Dagang's identity is not worthy of traveling with us. He and the crew are on the way."

In fact, Lin Kai knew that Feng Dagang would not come at all!

Because Cao Wanjin is going to attack himself. He has already trusted himself. He feels that he is not an undercover policeman or a soldier.

So, he's taking himself to his nest!

It is conceivable that what he will meet when he arrives at his nest.

Driving on the road, the car soon drove out of this strange city, took out a mobile phone to have a look, it seems that he is in the northernmost part of China.

After a night's driving, the next day, as soon as he opened his eyes, Lin Kai saw a piece of snow.

The car actually drove into the mountains!

The mountain is a pure natural snow mountain, no trees can survive here, so at a glance, it is a vast expanse of white.

Soon, the car stopped moving.

As soon as he got off the car, Lin Kai immediately felt the piercing cold. Even though Lin Kai's constitution was very strong, he still felt uncomfortable in this environment.

Look at the field fruit, small face has been frozen red, almost speechless.

Cao Wanjin, with his two men and a huge climbing bag on his back, said to Lin Kai, "Lin Shao, it's only two hours' walk away."

Two hours is nothing to Lin Kai, but to Lin Wudi, who is spoiled, that is a problem.

"Why don't you come to such a damn place Lin Kai cursed.

Cao Wanjin's mouth, showing a trace of grim smile.

I'll give you another two hours.

"Hold on, Lin Shao. We'll be here soon! You know, China is a country where guns are forbidden. If you want to find stimulation, you must get a deserted place Cao Wanjin said with a smile.

When Lin Kai heard the speech, he went on the road sullen.

It has to be said that the broken place is really cold. There are still some below - 50 degrees, and the frozen people can't reach out.

In this place, Lin Kai doesn't believe that there are other creatures besides human beings!

An hour later, Tian Guo's face was very white. Although she was a special soldier and had strong physical strength, she had not received the training of freezing!

It's so cold here that she can't hold on!

"Sweetie!" Lin Kai exclaimed.

Cao Wanjin smell speech, with two hands down to Lin Kai in front of.

Just looked at a field fruit, then indifferent way: "nothing, immediately to the place, when a warm, she will be good."

"Damn it, if there is something wrong with my girlfriend, I won't finish with you!" Lin Kai pretended to be angry.

Cao Wanjin this time, did not follow Lin Kai to say good words, but sneered, turned around and left!

"You Lin Kai was angry for a moment.

Cao Wanjin at this time has revealed his true face!

Because now, Lin Kai has come to his territory!

The temperature here is very low. He is not afraid of Linkai running away!

In the case of no car, people with two feet, can not run out of this big snow mountain!

Moreover, it's all snowy here. All places are the same. People who are not familiar with the snow mountain will even get lost.

Lin Kaijia Tian Guo, step by step forward, step into the snow, can step on a very deep footprint.Four hours later, Lin Kai finally saw the village!

On the top of the snow capped mountain, a village appeared in front of everyone. The village was not big. It looked like forty or fifty families. From a distance, the lights were bright.

Cao Wanjin, in front of Linkai, said: "this village, called Huangshan Village, is the only village within 30 kilometers

"What do people in this village depend on?" Lin Kai is a little curious.

Cao Wanjin smiles and points to himself and says, "depend on me."

"Depend on you?" Lin Kaiyi Leng, did not understand the meaning of Cao Wanjin's words.

Cao Wanjin, however, did not explain much. With a smile, he went to the village.

Ten minutes later, Lin Kai and others finally came to Huangshan Village.

All the houses in Huangshan Village are old houses several decades ago. After reinforcement again and again, and the outer layer of the house is splashed with water, the water turns into ice, so the houses here can survive for decades without collapse.

As soon as he entered Huangshan Village, someone immediately came out to receive Cao Wanjin. Most of the villagers in this village were strong men. They were wearing leather coats, their faces were frozen and some were red, and their skin was a little dry and cracked.

Dozens of such men came out to meet Cao Wanjin.


"Boss, you are back at last!"



A voice called "boss" rang out. Lin Kai's heart thumped. He was afraid that he had not broken into the wolf's nest?

Cao Wanjin came here and relaxed his mood. He took a look at Lin Kai, and his mouth showed a funny smile: "please, Lin Shao?"

This sentence Lin Shao, called Lin Kai very awkward.

In the middle of the village, Lin Kai is shocked by the house in front of him. Although this house is no better than Lin Kai's villa in the capital of the famous city, in this shabby place, such a house is a grand villa!

Three story building, each floor covers an area of 200 square meters. It is made of large block bricks. When you enter the house, a heat wave comes.

It's too warm.


Loaded, two AK47s have been aimed at Lin Kai and Tian Guo.

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