Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 404

The general manager Cao in Wang Zihuan's mouth is naturally Cao Wanjin.

Although Cao Wanjin's entertainment company is just a layer of clothing in Jinling, Cao Wanjin still has a certain business ability.

His entertainment company, in Jinling, is also quite famous.

Wang Zihuan is just a second-line star. When he meets a big boss like Cao Wanjin, he has to flatter him.

Wang Zihuan changed her high cold appearance, warmly welcomed the past, and even pushed away her fans.

The black Mercedes Benz business car stopped at the side of the road. Two strong bodyguards got out of the car. Then, Cao Wanjin, wearing a coat, stepped down from the business car.

Just came down, he saw Wang Zihuan trotting over.

"Hello, Mr. Cao. I'm sorry. There is a guy with a short eye on the way. I'd like to ask you to come out and pick it up in person."

What Wang Zi laughs at is a flattery.

At the same time, Wang Zihuan's heart is also a little excited, Cao Wanjin actually came to pick up himself. Is it difficult for him and Cao Wanjin to have a story that can't be told?

In the future, if Cao Wanyi could become his own woman?

You'll become a rich lady!

Cao Wanjin himself came to meet Wang Zihuan, and Wang Zihuan's face was also bright.

But after seeing Wang Zihuan, Cao Wanjin was stunned.

"Zihuan, go back to my house first. I want to pick up an important guest." Cao Wanjin said.

You're not here to pick yourself up?

Wang Zihuan was very disappointed when she heard the speech. She thought Cao Wanjin had come to pick her up.

But think again, with his own status, how can Cao Zong personally pick up himself?

He is a big boss with billions of dollars!

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Cao. I'll go with you." Wang Zihuan said.

Cao Wanjin nodded, but did not refuse.

On the way, Cao Wanjin walked and said: "I told you on the phone that this time, you are not working with ordinary actors."

"Although he doesn't have any talent for acting, he is a big family and a young man!"

"Worth billions of dollars, behind him, there may be hundreds of billions of big families standing!"

"So, you have to take this opportunity. If you catch the winner, you will have no worries about food and clothing all your life."

Cao Wanjin told her about it on the phone.

Wang Zihuan is also very interested, that is a hundred billion big master! If you catch one, you will have no worries about food and clothing all your life. You can get in and out of luxury cars and live in luxury houses!

It's great to think about it.

Wang Zihuan for her appearance, or very confident, Wang Zihuan in this year to become a second-line entertainment star, relying on her figure and face.

It has to be said that Wang Zihuan is indeed very beautiful, with willow eyebrows and big eyes. Although it gives people a cold feeling, the temperament of not being close to others makes people have a primitive desire to conquer.

"I know, Mr. Cao." Wang Zihuan nodded and agreed.

After walking for a short time, Cao Wanjin was suddenly attracted by a group of people in front of him. Cao Wanjin frowned and asked, "why do so many outsiders come to the community? What do the security guards do for food? "

Speaking of this, Wang Zihuan deliberately showed a look of disgust: "general manager Cao, that is a poor loser, who blocked my way and hit my bodyguard. Now my fans are blocking me. Well, I can finally get rid of these annoying fans."

"Oh?" Here comes Cao Wanjin.

Of course, he knows that Wang Zihuan's bodyguards are masters.

One man knocked down several bodyguards?

This boy has some strength!

At that time, Cao Wanjin wanted to win him over. After all, Cao Wanjin's real identity was a drug lord!

What he lacks is ruthlessness.

"Show me." Cao Wanjin said lightly.

How dare Wang Zihuan not listen to Cao Wanjin?

At that time, he took Cao Wanjin to the front of the fans, and Cao Wanjin's people pushed the fans away violently: "get out of the way! Get out of the way

These fans were so rudely pushed away, the heart is also very unhappy, but to see that the visitors are big black men, they are stupefied that no one dares to speak.

The crowd was pushed away to reveal Linkai standing in it.

Lin Kai's face is helpless. Facing this group of mindless fans, Lin Kaida is not even scolding, but can only wait.

After seeing Lin Kai, Wang Zihuan pointed to Lin Kai and joked, "this is the loser."

Cao Wanjin was stunned when he saw Lin Kai.

Then, Cao Wanjin's expression changed very wonderful, it was him, Lin Wudi!

I didn't expect that the person who hit Wang Zihuan's bodyguard was Lin Wudi, and Lin Wudi was surrounded by Wang Zihuan's fans. If this young master is not happy and doesn't shoot through the fire line, who will he pay for it?At that time, the hot sweat on Cao Wanjin's forehead was dripping down.

Wang Zihuan saw that Cao Wanjin was sweating so much, but he was quite concerned and asked, "Mr. Cao, are you very hot?"

"Go away!" Unexpectedly, Cao Wanjin yelled at Wang Zihuan with a voice. Wang Zihuan was confused at that time.

Cao Wanjin showed a flattering smile and came to Lin Kai in front of him.

"Lin Shao, why don't you say hello when you come? I'll go out to pick you up myself Cao Wanjin said with a smile.


The crowd was stunned.

Isn't this man an ordinary passer-by? How can I become a young master now!

Wang Zihuan was stupid, too.


He didn't even look at the loser just now. But now the loser is transformed into Lin Shao?

What is Cao Wanjin's identity? A big boss worth billions of dollars, and even he has to be humble. How big is Lin Shao!

Lin Kai was in a bad mood and glared at Cao Wanjin: "do you still know how to come? Is this broken star from your company? "

When Cao Wanjin looks at Wang Zihuan, he is very angry. He just thinks that Wang Zihuan is good-looking, so he wants Wang Zihuan to seduce Lin Kai. However, he doesn't realize that Wang Zihuan has not done anything, and he has been hated by Lin Kai.

"She No Cao Wanjin denied it.

Wang Zihuan is stupid.

Cao Wanjin said he was not from his company? But he is the artist of his company!

Why did he say that? Is it because Lin Shao is a big man he can't afford to offend, so he wants to kick himself out of the company?

At that time, Wang Zihuan's delicate body was shocked and her face turned white.

Think of his bodyguard just so rough push Linkai, but also start to fight Linkai, Wang Zihuan's heart on pull cool pull cool.

Is this the young master of the hundred billion family in Cao Wanjin's mouth?

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