Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 405

"Not the best!" Lin Kai snorted coldly.

Lin Kai didn't like Wang Zihuan.

If you don't say it, you are not responsible for your fans. You look like you are the center.

With such a female star, Lin Kai would rather not make the film.

Wang Zihuan's heart pulled out cool, had known that this young man dressed so simple was Lin Shao. How dare she dress up in front of him?

It's too late for her to butter up!

Cao Wanjin has said that he is the young master of a hundred billion family, and his status is much higher than that of Cao Wanjin.

Even Cao Wanjin has to curry favor.

If I flatter Shanglin Kai, I will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life. Where can I still be a little star and watch the faces of various directors every day?

But now, she is totally offending Lin Kai to death!

Just now her fans insulted Lin Kai, but she didn't listen to them all the time.

Linkai has already begun to hate himself!

Wang Zihuan's heart, that is a regret ah, if God gives her a chance to do it again, she will flatter Lin Kai well!

Even if she can't be a woman of Linkai, she can know the crocodile.

Lin Kai must be able to help her a lot in the future!

But it's a pity that there are all kinds of medicine in the world, but there is no regret medicine.

Wang Zihuan's face showed a lost look.

Wang Zihuan's fans are also dumbfounded. The poor boy standing in front of them is actually the existence that their idol boss wants to please?

In this way, Wang Zihuan will surely be suppressed by Lin Kai in the future?

The faces of these fans changed a lot. They didn't care about their own safety. They only cared about their idols!

Look at Wang Zihuan's face, very ugly, she didn't even bother to look at her fans.

Lin Kai waved and said, "let's go. It's very hot outside."

Cao Wanjin nodded and waved his hand: "yes, Lin Shao, please."

After that, they went to the Mercedes Benz business car and got on the business car. The car drove directly to Cao Wanjin's home.

And Cao Wanjin's home, very rich, compared with Linkai's 300 million yuan villa, there is no less than.

Entering the luxury villa, Lin Kai followed Cao Wanjin to a conference hall, where he saw a man sitting.

This man, a stout middle-aged man, is a little bald and looks a little long.

At that time, Cao Wanjin introduced Lin Kai and said, "Lin Shao, let me introduce you to him. This one is our famous Chinese director, Feng Dagang."

Lin Kai and Feng Dagang shook hands, and the four sat down.

Yes, Wang Zihuan also followed, but now Wang Zihuan stands behind Cao Wanjin with his head down, and dare not look directly at Lin Kai.

Lin Kai knocked on the table and went straight to the main topic: "let's talk about making movies. To be honest, I'm not interested in making movies. The main reason is that Mr. Cao said that this time of shooting, we can get access to thermal weapons."

"You know, I don't like anything, but I just like to find stimulation. As long as you let me stimulate enough, investment is not a problem."

Lin Kai directly set up the spectrum of Lin Wudi's eldest young master.

That's right. Why did Lin Kai make this movie?

On the surface, it's because Lin Kai is looking for stimulation!

Cao Wanjin's eyes flashed a glimmer of complacency. It seems that Lin Kai has gradually begun to be cheated. When he deceives him into his own territory, Lin Kai can't afford to pay, and he can't forget what he says!

I know you can fight, but if you can fight again, is it as good as Laozi's gun?

Cao Wanjin sneered in his heart, but on the surface he showed a flattering smile: "Lin Shao is right."

"Director Feng, what do you think?"

Feng Dagang heard the speech and nodded: "this point, Lin Shao, you can rest assured that you will be satisfied."

This Feng Dagang is also a man in the drum by Cao wanjinmeng. He has received a lot of money to direct this film.

Otherwise, a director as big as Feng Dagang would not come to serve Lin Kai!

Cao Wanjin's money for Lin Kai really cost money!

"Well, let's talk about the details of the film."

"First of all, I hate the name of this movie. It's too tacky to cross the line of fire."

Lin Kai put forward his first opinion.

Crossing the line of fire is really too tacky. Cao Wanjin just wanted to make money for the forest. He didn't think so much at that time.

But now that Lin Kai has put forward his opinions, we must follow his ideas.

"Lin Shao, how do you want to make this movie? You has the final say."

Lin Kai nodded and knocked on the table: "do you know why war wolves are so hot?"Feng Dagang thought slightly and said: "because the war wolf series of films, playing the theme of iron and blood, are very popular with contemporary young people."

"Not bad." Lin Kai nodded: "there is a certain truth in what Feng said, but there is still a point."

"That's because war wolves are advocating patriotism! This kind of patriotic feelings can not only let the people of China see the passion surging, but also create a high score of war wolves

"In addition, China will also support us in shooting patriotic films."

"So, we need to make a patriotic film that appeals to young people to value and love our country."

"Secondary, showing the real man side of the protagonist and the positive."

Lin Kai's words are very reasonable. Feng Dagang nodded at that time.

Why does Lin Kai say that? Because Linkai wants to make this movie?

Of course not. This is a task assigned to him by he Zhijun. In any case, Cao Wanjin contributed to make this film, which is just to publicize the country and the soldiers.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Feng Dagang nodded: "this is a good idea. What is the name of this movie?"

Lin Kai didn't even think about it. He said, "it's called the sharp edge of the country!"

The name of national sharp blade was thought out by Lin Kai in advance. It is not vulgar, but also can promote the military spirit of China!

"Yes." What Lin Kai said, how dare they two not follow?

"And who is the heroine of this movie?" At this time, Lin Kai asked.

Feng Dagang and Cao Wanjin both looked at Wang Zihuan.

"Yes It's me... " Wang Zihuan lowered her head and stood out trembling.

Lin Kai didn't even look at her and said, "OK, you can go back. This film has nothing to do with you."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, Wang Zihuan's face turned red. She knew that Lin Kai was a big man. Even the director and the investor had to listen to him.

But let her withdraw from a super movie which has invested tens of millions of yuan. She really can't bear it!

"Lin Shao, give me a chance..."

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