Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 403

The bodyguard's attitude, very arrogant, and a look of impatience.

Lin Kai's brows are tight. The road is so spacious, but he has to go where he is.

To tell you the truth, Lin Kai is most disgusted with these cold stars. They think that everyone has to hold them, but Lin Kai is disdainful.

Lin Kai stood in the middle of the road, motionless, like a wire pole.

"Let me go? Did your family build this road? " Lin Kai asked coldly.

The bodyguard was angry at that time: "do you know who she is? She is a big star Wang Zihuan! Now we are going to meet with an important customer. We have lost time. Can you afford the responsibility? "

"Responsibility?" Lin Kai scorned to smile: "so excuse me, can't you make a detour along such a big road? Do you have to push me away? "

"That is to say, I am in good health. If you change an old man and an old lady, you may have something wrong with me."

After listening to Lin Kai's words, the bodyguard was also angry: "are you going to roll or not? What's wrong with it? "

Bodyguards are also bullies, usually they follow Wang Zihuan arrogantly used to, do not open Lin in the eyes!

And the big star Wang Zihuan stood in the same place, staring at Lin Kai unhappily.

As the saying goes, the son does not teach, the father's fault.

The reason why these bodyguards are so arrogant is that she is not taught well as the master. The upper beam is not straight, and the lower beam is crooked. She really regards herself as a character!

"I'm standing here. If I don't go, what can you do with me?" Lin Kai asked coldly.

The bodyguard was not a vegetarian. He was very angry at that time. He saw that the bodyguard waved his fist and seven or eight bodyguards besieged Lin Kai.

"Go to hell with you!" The bodyguard roared.

Lin Kai's brows are wrinkled. He has no quality!

If others don't give way, he will hit people. Such a bodyguard is a disaster!

Lin Kai was very angry in his heart, so he started again.

Lin Kai reached out his hand and took the bodyguard's fist. He shook it hard. There was a click. The bodyguard's fist had been deformed.

It's obviously broken.

And that bodyguard also immediately painful exhale sound, the sweat of soybean size on forehead already flowed down.

It hurts so much!

Ten fingers to one heart! But now, Lin Kai has broken his five fingers!

Pinch the hand of this bodyguard, Lin Kai flies a foot, kick another bodyguard to fly out!

The bodyguard's body flew out like a kite with a broken string. With a plop, it landed in the grass, spitting out a mouthful of blood and rolling a white eye. Life and death are unknown.

Later, I saw Lin Kaisan divide five into two and put all the seven and eight bodyguards down.

The scene was silent.

Lin Kai's skill is so strong!

You know, these bodyguards used to come from martial arts schools or from various martial arts schools. Their skills are several times better than ordinary people!

But with more than a dozen of them, they didn't even touch other people's clothes, so they were all put down. Is this too powerful?

Wang Zihuan frowns tightly. Two assistants around her protect her, protecting her safety. She looks at Lin Kai with vigilance.

At this time, Wang Zihuan's fans saw that Wang Zihuan's bodyguards were all put down by Lin Kai. They all came to Wang Zihuan to protect Wang Zihuan's safety, and looked at Lin Kai with vigilance.

At that time, a voice of discontent came.

"Who are you? How can you have no quality? If you don't give way, you'll hit people! "

"Without education, such a person is not worthy of living in this world!"

"Look at this person is an orphan, so no education, no quality, certainly no parents taught!"


The words of these fans are very vicious. In order to protect Wang Zihuan, they do not hesitate to attack Lin Kai with language.

But Lin Kai was also very angry after hearing these words. Are these people chasing the stars?

Can't they tell right from wrong?

At that time, Lin Kai angrily said, "I'm not educated?"

"This road is so big that I don't break the law when I walk on this road? And a lot of you are going to push me if you don't walk on such a wide road? "

"Do you know how strong they are? That is to say, I am in good health. If I change to an old man and an old woman, I may be burping my fart at this time! "

"What's more, you said that I was uneducated and shouldn't start hitting people, but you didn't see. Did they hit me first?"

"Don't I protect myself? Am I going to watch them hit me

"I'm not a fool! Shit

Lin Kai was so angry that he couldn't help bursting out a rude remark.He really can't look down. These people insult themselves for the sake of a stranger who doesn't see the nature of things.

She's a star. Does she have anything to do with you?

Do you think she looks at you more?

But now you are insulting yourself like her dog. Lin Kai can't bear it!

Being reprimanded by Lin Kai for a while, Wang Zihuan's fans are not ashamed, on the contrary, they have an attitude that I am reasonable!

At that time, they crossed their waists and said, "what's the width of the road? Can't you make way for Zihuan? "

"Yes, you're a big man. Do you let some girls know? Will these bodyguards beat you if you let it go? To put it bluntly, you still don't have the eyesight to see. "

"Straight man! This kind of boy, certainly can't find a girlfriend all his life. "

"It's not only that you can't find a girlfriend, but you're a loser at first sight, but also come to such a high-end villa community to pick up garbage?"

"Yes, do you know how hard my Zihuan is? Do you know when my Zihuan practices dancing every day? Do you have the heart not to give way to a girl who works so hard? No sympathy at all


Faced with the insults of these crazy fans, Lin Kai was also angry.

But think again, I have nothing to argue with these brainless fans.

At that time, Lin Kai waved and was ready to leave.

"Forget it. I don't care about you."

After that, Lin Kai was about to leave, but just after he moved, he heard a crash. A group of people surrounded him and refused to let him go!

"Go? You can go if you want? I beat my Zihuan's bodyguard and want to leave without apologizing? "

"Yes! You must apologize to Zihuan right now! Otherwise, you don't want to go! "

"Sorry! Bow


Surrounded by so many people, they point to Lin Kai with their fingers and poke at Lin Kai's brow. At this time, Lin Kai is two big.

Crazy fans, it's horrible!

At this time, I saw a black business car driving out of the community. It was a Mercedes Benz business car.

After seeing the business car, Wang Zihuan's eyes lit up, pushed aside the assistant in front of him and welcomed the past.

"Mr. Cao is here!"

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