Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 402

These four or five gangsters are just a group of old, weak, sick and disabled for Lin Kai!

At that time, I saw that Lin Kai was like a tiger in the sheep, one in each hand, and in less than a minute, all fell down!

Six or seven thugs all fell to the ground, spitting blood, which is a terrible sight.

"How dare a small owner of an antique shop dare to have my idea of Lin Wudi?" Lin Kai snorted coldly and turned out of the alley.


In antique street and antique shop, the owner of antique shop closed early today because he was in a bad mood.

Although the fake iron seal, which was collected for 1000 yuan, was sold at a high price of 30000 yuan, when he knew that it was a valuable imperial seal, he felt as miserable as eating a fly.

Sitting in an antique shop, the owner of the antique shop is fanning a PU fan and showing a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

A poor loser. Even if he is lucky enough to buy the imperial seal, can he really take it away?

Scar man, but a famous character in antique street.

If you don't obey his orders, you will be bled by him!

And the emperor's seal, sooner or later, is his own!

After a look at his watch, it's time for scar man to come back.

Just then, there was a knock outside the antique shop.

The owner of the antique shop is overjoyed. It must be scar man back!


The owner of the antique shop opened the door, but as soon as he opened the door, he was dumbfounded.

Outside the antique shop, there were seven or eight policemen, all of them armed with guns.

A policeman took out his ID card and said, "the police handle the case. Are you the owner of this antique shop?"

The owner of the antique shop nodded subconsciously: "yes, are you?"

"That's right. Take it away!"

At the command of the police captain, the owner of the antique shop was handcuffed.

"After receiving reports from the masses that you conspired with others to rob other people's Antiques worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and the evidence is conclusive, let's go!"

The police captain's indifferent voice, but let the antique shop owner dumbfounded.

Conspiracy to rob others?

The poor loser?

Shouldn't he be solved by scar man?

Once again, I saw that the scar man was also arrested by the police!

In an instant, the owner of the antique shop was excited. He realized that he was a big man who could not afford to offend him!

That young man is not a poor loser at all. He can solve the scar man, which shows that he has a great background.

At that time, the body of the owner of the antique shop was shaking.

"Just tell me, can you sentence me?" Asked the owner of the antique shop trembling.

The captain of the police said with a smile, "can't you count it in your mind?"


After returning to the capital of the famous city, Lin Kai went back to his room, closed the door, took out the imperial seal and looked at it carefully.

This imperial seal is really domineering, and it is noble all over the body. The craftsman who made the imperial seal must be the best imperial master at that time.

Looking through the golden pupil, Lin Kai can see that the imperial seal is emitting a strong golden gas.

I don't know if this golden gas is the immortal gas mentioned by the system.

"That's right. That's Xianqi." The system seems to know what Lin Kai is confused about.

"I didn't expect that the blind cat ran into a dead mouse. The immortal spirit of the imperial seal is much better than that of the compass. You can complete the task!"

In terms of system, Lin Kai was overjoyed. Did he finish the task?

Is this too simple?

"Great!" Lin Kai was very happy.

"Since you have overfulfilled the task and brought your killing God, I will integrate the leftovers from the imperial seal into your killing God and create a new weapon."

"Shashen is not suitable for you. Look forward to your new weapon!"

With these words, the God of killing in Lin Kai's room suddenly disappeared.

It was taken away by the system.

Lin Kai is looking forward to it. I don't know what kind of weapon the system will make for himself.

At this time, Lin Kai's phone rang suddenly. He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Cao Wanjin who called.

"Hello?" Lin Kai answers the phone.

"Brother Lin, have you forgotten? Today, you will come to my house to discuss the matter of starting the machine through the fire line. It's all evening. I can wait for you at home

Cao Wanjin did not say, Lin Kai really almost forgot.

"Well, I'll be there in a minute." Lin Kai hung up the phone.

Let Ah Fu drive a Mercedes Benz Maybach, and Lin drives to Cao Wanjin's house.

Cao Wanjin's home is also in the center of Jinling City, not far from the capital of the famous city.

Unfortunately, when we got to Cao Wanjin's house, there was a traffic jam.It seems that I can't get through for a while.

Ah Fu apologized. His boss had something to do, but he couldn't get Lin Kai to his destination in time.

Lin Kai waved his hand and said, "you can go back directly in a moment. Anyway, it's almost there. I'll walk there."

"Yes, boss." Ah Fu agreed.

After getting off the car, Lin Kai walked to the high-end residential area where Cao Wanjin was.

Cao Wanjin's high-grade district is no lower than the capital of the famous city. When he enters the community, Lin Kai experiences a different kind of scenery.

This high-grade residential area, birds and flowers, European villa construction style, Lin Kai very like.

Walking on the road, suddenly, Lin Kai heard a noise behind him.

Looking back, Lin was dumbfounded.

Only a group of people broke through the entrance guard of the community, ignoring the obstruction of the security guard, crowded into the community.

Hundreds of people!

I saw a woman surrounded by a group of private bodyguards. The woman was wearing a long black dress, sunglasses and mask. She could not see her face clearly.

But I'm in good shape.

She walked quickly into the community, the bodyguards around her tried not to let people outside touch her.

And around, all these people are shouting.

"Wang Zihuan! Sign my name

"Zihuan, I am your loyal fan! Zihuan

"Zihuan, I want to marry you! Will you marry me


Big stars?

Wang Zihuan, whose name Lin Kai has seen on TV, seems to be a second-line star with millions of micro blog fans.

The big star was actually met by himself?

These fans are really crazy, Lin Kai shook his head, ignored them, and continued to walk towards the community.

But unexpectedly, these people soon came to Lin Kai's back, and the group of bodyguards pushed Lin Kai and called out: "go away! Get out of the way

A group of bodyguards crowded to push Lin Kai's back, trying to push Lin Kai to the side of the road.

That is to say, Lin Kai is strong and steady. If he is an ordinary person, he will be pushed to the ground and fall to the ground!

At that time, Lin Kai was furious.

Isn't a star human?

Is this your home road?

It's not that there is no place nearby. Why do you push me?

At that time, Lin Kai simply stopped. As soon as he stopped, hundreds of people behind him stopped.

The bodyguards were furious: "Damn it, get out of here! Get out of the way

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