Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1497

Seeing Qian Hengsheng's appearance, Lin Kai said with a smile, "don't worry. I've already said that as long as the rent is 500000, you will not lose money."

The implication is that he has a solution.

The reason why Lin Kai was so idle to help Qian Hengsheng solve the problem was that the system released a task to help Qian Hengsheng eliminate the evil spirit sitting on his neck.

The reward is the ability to extract silver. Lin Kai wants to take advantage of this to press up the price of the rent, otherwise the money will be cheap.

As a result, Lin kaicai wasted so much talk.

When Qian Hengsheng heard this, he was excited. He looked at Lin Kai and immediately said, "brother no You mean there's a way to save me, little brother

Lin Kai nodded: "yes, the premise is that the rent is 500000. I can help you free of charge. How about that?"

Qian Hengsheng did not hesitate to open his mouth: "as long as you solve my problem, the rent of 500000 will be 500000!"

Mainly, one's life is more important than money. No matter how rich you are, it's useless to enjoy your life.

Qian Hengsheng then said, "of course, if you cheat me, you will bear the consequences."

Lin Kai disagreed and said, "you don't need to do anything. You just need to wait for a moment."

Lin Kai said, running up the real Qi, there is real Qi in the palm of his hand, and then directly reached out to Qian Hengsheng's neck and grabbed it.

In an instant, Lin Kai carried the evil spirit to Shan.

It's no use letting the evil spirit struggle.

This evil spirit is the most common evil spirit. It only stays in the world for a long time, which makes the Yin evil spirit more and more strong. It can devour people by the way of Yin evil spirit entering the body.

If Qian Hengsheng goes on like this for a few days, he will be swallowed up by the evil spirit.

In the eyes of Lin Qianqian or Qian Hengsheng, Lin Kai's move is very strange. He doesn't understand what Lin Kai is doing.

Because they are both ordinary people, we can't see evil.

Don't talk about evil. You can't even feel the evil spirit.

However, Qian Hengsheng was surprised. After Lin Kai made that strange move, his whole body was relaxed. Originally, there was a huge stone on his neck.

As a result, he was always hunchback, often panting, and his blood was not flowing smoothly. In short, he was just like an old man.

Now, the stone seems to have been removed, and his body stands upright as if he were ten years younger!

Qian Hengsheng looks at Lin Kai's hand. He vaguely feels a sense of yin and cold, which is exactly the same as the meaning of yin and cold he has felt these days!

This makes Qian Hengsheng believe Lin Kai's words! He is really haunted by evil!

At this time, the evil spirit wants to break free, and constantly releases the Yin evil spirit to package Linkai.

Lin Kai couldn't let this evil spirit succeed. His other hand immediately stimulated his true Qi and directly patted him.


With the fall of Lin Kai's words, the evil spirit uttered a scream, and then the evil spirit burned from top to bottom.

Lin Qianqian and Qian Hengsheng can't see the evil spirit, but at this moment they can see a flame and a bleak cry.

And soon after the flame burning, into the wisps of black smoke, or clearly visible.

No matter Lin Qianqian or Qian Hengsheng, seeing this scene, they can all think of what the black smoke is. They all subconsciously step back in fear.

When Lin Kai saw this, he laughed: "boss Qian, the evil spirit has been solved. As for your body, it is much better than before. If you take a few more days of normal rest, the Yin evil spirit in your body will dissipate. Then you will be all right. "

Qian Hengsheng looked happy and bowed to Linkai and said, "thank you very much! Thank you very much

While Qian Hengsheng was thanking him, under a remote bridge in the East China Sea, there was an old man with a white beard dressed like a beggar. As if he had sensed something, he immediately pinched his finger, and his face changed slightly: "shit! How can the evil spirit I arranged be solved? Is it the group of people in Pihua residence? It's not true. No one from the Pihua residence has been staying in the East China Sea these days. So who else can solve the evil that I arranged

The old man with white beard didn't understand. He simply shook his head and took out a wine gourd from his waist. He lay in the corner under the bridge and continued to drink.


And West West curry.

Lin Qianqian and Qian Hengsheng signed a sublease contract. They got a four-and-a-half-year lease at a low price of 500000! It can be said that if outsiders listen to this price, it will certainly not believe it. After all, it is too cheap, it is just like Arabian Nights.

However, Qian Hengsheng was not distressed because he saved his life by solving the evil cause.

Lin Qianqian is a higher look at Lin Kai, did not expect that there is such a means.

As for the decoration of the back, Lin Qianqian comes by herself and doesn't need Lin Kai.

The decoration can not be completed in one or two days. Besides, it is a restaurant, so it is difficult to transform it.So Lin Qianqian is not in a hurry to decorate. Before noon, she asked Lin Kai to take her around the skin care store in the nearby shopping mall.

Lin Qianqian finally concluded that those skin care products do not pose any threat to their own company's skin care products.

Thanks to the fierce competition of skin care products, Lin qianpin has opened a new way for skin care.

Lin Kai just smiles.

After a turn, it's almost noon.

Lin Qianqian is going to invite Lin Kai to have a meal nearby. However, Lin Kai's mobile phone rings. It's Yin Suyan.

Lin Qianqian saw, Lin Kai mobile phone screen, the name of the caller ID is Yin Suyan, immediately alert up.

Lin Kai also noticed Lin Qianqian's mood change. He hesitated. For women, he still had a headache. Who knows what reaction Lin will have if he answers this phone call.

But Lin Qianqian, seeing that Lin Kai was hesitating to take over, said in silence, "I'm not a tigress. I can't take care of your business any more. You don't have to pick it up. What's more, Miss Yin has accepted a great favor for our company for free. Maybe Miss Yin, what can I do for you? "

Lin Kai shakes his head and laughs. He can hear Lin Qianqian's jealousy, but he quickly picks up the phone.

Mr. Lin! The construction level behind the mountain in the suburb of Xicheng is a few days faster than we expected! It is estimated that in two or three days, it will be completely completed! The main reason is that the workers, as well as the engineers, saw that the buildings were more beautiful and more perfect than expected. As a result, they rushed to complete the construction as soon as possible

Yin Suyan said here, pause a little, and then said: "tomorrow will go there, first try to shoot, if you are free, you can come to come."

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