Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1498

Lin Kai responded, "OK, if you have time, you can go there."

He did not use a positive tone to agree.

Because tomorrow he has to see what will happen to Lei Yuan group and make plans.

Almost a week ago, I used divination. The luck trend of leiyuan group is tomorrow, which is the worst day in this period of time.

Lin Kai wants to see how bad the luck of Lei Yuan group is. Then he can take the opportunity to see if he can do something.

At this time, on the other end of the phone, Yin Suyan's voice rang out: "by the way, Wu Feifan asked me to speak with you. He has been studying and studying the lines of No.1 man's script these days. Director Pan has tested it himself, and he can barely do it. If you study it for a few days, you can be qualified for the role of male one.

So I ask you, is he qualified to be the first man? After all, you have the right to speak. What's more, the construction progress is almost completed in six or seven days. "

Lin said with a smile: "it was built in ten days, so Lu Qingfeng must have lost. Since Pan director, all said that in a few days, Wu fan can be competent for the first man, so let Wu fan as the first man. "

"OK, I'll call him later." Yin Suyan responded.

Lin Kai originally wanted to say something, but he saw Lin Qianqian next to him. His ear was almost stuck to Lin Kai's mobile phone. He seemed to want to hear the voice coming from the other end of the phone.

Lin Kai had to say, "Miss Yin, if nothing else, I'll hang up."

How dare you think, Yin Suyan said: "it's really something to be said by you. In the evening, a good friend of mine happened to come to the opera house in Donghai to perform a stage play. If you'd like to, could you come with me? "

Lin Kai said, "OK, nothing at night."

Mainly because he was not at ease, Yin Suyan went there alone.

Yin Suyan itself is a big star. In addition, he was targeted by leiyuan group before. Who knows whether leiyuan group will instruct other forces to target Yin Suyan.

Especially in the entertainment industry, Yin Suyan, as a popular figure in the entertainment industry, has occupied a lot of good resources, which naturally leads to hostility.

Even if he didn't offend the other party, he also wanted to destroy Yin Suyan.

Lin Kai is the boss of the entertainment company. Although he is just a shopkeeper, he also understands the complicated interests.

However, as soon as Lin Kai's words fell, he noticed that there was a kind of "if nothing" killing intent on cohesion.

Naturally, Lin Qianqian hears the voice on the other end of the phone, and hears Lin Kai's promise. She immediately stares at Lin Kai with her beautiful eyes.

Lin Kai pretends not to see Lin Qianqian now.

Soon, Yin Suyan's voice came from the other end of the phone: "that's OK. There is an opera house on Luoyang Road in the East China Sea. I'll meet you at the door at 6:30 p.m."


Lin Kai immediately responded, and then quickly hung up the phone.

As soon as he put away his mobile phone, Lin Qianqian grinded that pair of small tiger teeth and hummed, "you can watch a stage play. It's really high class."

Lin said with a smile, "it's just a stage play. There's nothing up and down. What's more, you have not said that Miss Yin has accepted a favor for your company free of charge, and I can't refuse it? "

When Lin Qianqian heard this, she didn't say anything.

Then they went into a restaurant and had lunch.

But all of a sudden, a woman in her twenties, dressed in the clothes of a rich wife, passed by the seat where Lin Kai and Lin Qianqian were sitting.

Mrs. Kuo, dressed up as a woman, first stopped by Lin Qianqian. Then she looked at Lin Qianqian and said, "you are Are you Qian Qian? "

Lin Qianqian was talking to Lin Kai at first. After hearing this rich lady dressed up as a woman, she quickly looked at the past. First she was puzzled, then she seemed to think of something. She exclaimed, "are you Xiaoyi?"

Lin Qianqian's Xiaoyi, named Liu Yi, is full of the smell of money all over her body. No matter clothes, bags, shoes and so on, they are luxury goods, and they start tens of thousands of times.

Not to mention, she wears a variety of valuable jewelry, simply not too much, for fear that others do not know, she is very rich.

Liu Yi nodded with a smile: "it's me. I didn't expect to see you here. I haven't met much in the past few years since I graduated from university. It seems that you haven't changed a lot. "

When Liu Yi said that, her face was full of smile, but in Lin's eyes, the smile was very fake.

Especially that change is not very big, Liu Yi's articulation is particularly heavy, some thought-provoking.

Without waiting for Lin Qianqian to respond, Liu Yi's eyes fell on Lin Kai. She quickly looked at Lin Kai, and at the same time, she said, "Qian Qian, is this your boyfriend or husband? Handsome is a little bit handsome, it seems that only handsome

Liu Yi seems to be praising Lin Kai, but in fact, she has something to say. She is full of disdain for Lin Kai, which means she looks down on Lin Kai.As the boss of a company, Lin Qianqian couldn't hear the irony under this tone. Her pretty face suddenly cooled down. She didn't take care of Liu Yi.

She was only a roommate in college. There were six roommates. Lin had a good relationship with only four people, but she had a general relationship with Liu Yi.

But even though Liu Yi saw that Lin Qianqian's face was not very good-looking, she still said, "Qianqian, I'm just married. Do you know who my husband is?"

Originally, Lin Qianqian didn't want to pay attention to Liu Yi, but Liu Yi was tired of staying here.

So, she said faintly: "a few years did not contact, you quit the group of classmates, also did not add friends, how do I know who you married."

As soon as Lin Qianqian's words fell, Liu Yi waved to another part of the restaurant: "husband! Come quickly! Look who this is

Then a man in a suit came up.

See that suit man, Lin Qianqian obviously Leng next, should be know.

Liu Yi said with a smile: "what? Surprised? My husband is Yao Dadong. Although my Dadong was poor before, there is a saying called "ten years of Hedong and ten years of Hexi", which is in line with my Dadong. Now he is the vice president of a big company. After five or six years, he may become a full-time employee.

Today, he is free to accompany me out for dinner. If I didn't want to have some special food, I would have been taken to Michelin restaurant. Those high-end ones have been tired of eating for a long time, so it's good to change the taste occasionally. "

Liu Yi couldn't stop showing off.

Yao Dadong, next to Liu Yi, was stunned when he saw Lin Qianqian. Then his eyes flashed with amazement. Then he said politely to Lin Qianqian: "Lin Qianqian, long time no see."

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