Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1496

At this time, the wrinkled man with slow speed, went to Lin Kai and Lin Qianqian, and introduced himself.

This wrinkled man is the owner of xixicoli restaurant. His name is Qian Hengsheng.

After Qian Hengsheng's introduction, he spoke feebly: "as you can see, the location of my shop is on the most prosperous street in the East China Sea, and the flow of people is also the largest. No matter what business you do here, there is no shortage of customers. If you do it well, it will be more attractive. "

Lin Qianqian can not help but ask: "so what is the sublease price?"

Although with the company's skin care products sales, is booming, in short, is not poor in the future, but Lin Qianqian still has to be careful, has become a habit. Otherwise, she would not be young enough to start a company.

As soon as Qian Hengsheng was happy with his pale face, he immediately responded: "my shop has been signed for five years. The annual rent is one million a year. I've been renting it for half a year. That is to say, there are four and a half years left, a total of 4.5 million, but I am also in a hurry to go out, so I will give you a discount of 4 million yuan. How about subletting it for four and a half years

When Lin Qianqian heard the speech, she was about to say something.

Lin Kai took the lead in saying, "boss Qian, rent US 500000 yuan to ensure that you will not lose money."

Qian Hengsheng was confused. He rented it for four million yuan. He has already got 500000 yuan cheaper. This is four and a half years!

Never expected, this person so bargain, directly cut seven eighths!

Suddenly, Qian Hengsheng was furious, but on the surface, he didn't dare to show it. After all, the other side was the buyer.

But Qian Hengsheng's voice was very cold: "brother, are you pure hearted to make trouble? If it's a troublemaker, please leave. If it's a joke, I won't mind. If I'm not satisfied with the price, we can talk about it. But if you insist on bargaining like this, you are not welcome! "

It's really hard for Lin to cut the price.

On the most prosperous street in the East China Sea, the rent for four and a half years is 500000, which is equivalent to 100000 yuan a year. Moreover, the shop is very large, at least 300 square meters.

This kind of big store is the best. It's 100000 a year, which is equivalent to the store on the ordinary street.

Without waiting for Lin Qianqian to open his mouth, Lin Kai continued to smile and say: "boss Qian, you only heard the first sentence, and the latter one guaranteed that you didn't lose money, but you ignored it. Take me to tell you this is not a loss. After listening to you, your attitude will be very different from that of the previous one. "

Lin Kai stopped for a moment and continued: "boss Qian, your restaurant has been open for half a year. With all kinds of activities at the door and the price, I guess the business is really good. Why are you in such a hurry to rent out

Often open restaurants and so on, three months is a threshold, three months or loss, you may choose to sublet. Half a year is also a hurdle. If you don't make a profit in half a year, you will definitely try to sublease it.

However, this is not the case with Kekexili restaurant. On the contrary, business is certainly good.

Hearing this, Qian Hengsheng sighed and began to explain the situation.

Because this matter, as long as a little inquiry, will know, so since asked, there is nothing to hide.

Six months ago, xixicoli restaurant has attracted much attention since its opening.

Donghai is a new big city. In recent years, it has become a network red city, so all kinds of stores have settled in one after another.

Xixicoli is one of them. Xixicoli itself is a large brand chain of medium-sized Western restaurants.

Only the first tier big cities will have them.

Therefore, the appearance in the East China Sea is also of great concern. Many people come to taste the fresh food, and after eating, they are very satisfied.

The business behind is becoming more and more popular. Until a week ago, I don't know why, the kitchen is colder than usual. At night, it's even more than ten degrees. Not only that, whether it is put outside the food, or put in the refrigerator food, will be inexplicably rotten.

How can the rotten food be eaten by the guests? So we closed the business a few days ago and invited a special person to investigate here.

As a result, only food, there will be inexplicable decay.

Even the reason can not be found, let alone to solve. As a result, the restaurant was unable to open, so it was sublet out.

Qian Hengsheng said here and sighed again: "so you can rest assured that only food can rot inexplicably. You just heard that you sell skin care products. Skin care products are here, no problem. "

But Lin Kai sneers in his heart. Qian Hengsheng only said one, not the other.

The decay of food, of course, is due to the evil spirit. The western restaurant itself is a variety of steak, sashimi and so on. The Yin evil spirit has a strong corrosive effect on the flesh and blood of this animal.

At the same time, it also has very serious damage to human body.

For example, Qian Hengsheng is the most serious one. He was a man in his thirties, but now he is almost an old man.

Lin kaineng is sure that the cooks and waiters in this restaurant have been affected by Yin evil spirit to varying degrees, but they are not as serious as Qian Hengsheng.Qian Hengsheng was targeted by evil spirits, which led to this.

Then, Lin Kai said faintly: "boss Qian, do you have other situations to say? For example, the physical condition of your restaurant staff, and your physical condition, is getting worse day by day than it was a week ago? "

Qian Hengsheng was surprised: "how do you know? A week ago, since it was cold in the kitchen, my body was getting worse day by day. As for other employees, it was just a cold and illness. I may be ill. It has nothing to do with the restaurant. "

Lin Kai sneered: "does it matter? I don't know, but I also know that in these days, I don't want to talk about the restaurant. All sorts of strange things have happened in your family, am I right? "

Qian Hengsheng's eyes widened. He looked at Lin Kai in disbelief. Suddenly, he sighed in vain: "yes, the food in my house these days is also rotten. And in the middle of the night, you can always hear strange sounds. "

Qian Hengsheng said, he looked at Lin Kai again and frowned: "how do you know? I didn't tell anyone about it. "

Lin said with a smile: "unfortunately, I know some geomantic skills. I can see that you are haunted by evil spirits, and Yin evil spirits enter the body, leading to this situation."

"What? Evil? Is Yin evil coming into the body Qian Hengsheng looks flustered. It seems that only this explanation can explain these strange phenomena clearly!

In particular, he personally experienced these strange things, and the body inexplicably worse and worse, to the hospital can not find out what.

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