Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1495

Finally, Lin Qianqian said, "hum! You heartless man, in the days when I and Dong Shujie were recuperating, you didn't let us have a look! If you hang out with other people's women, I won't take care of them. I know your heart is not in me, but I'm afraid I've wronged sister Dong Shu. "

Lin Kai smiles bitterly and shakes his head. He also knows that Dong Shu has paid a lot for him.

But the matter of feelings, he did not have that mind.

After all, Lin Yuan didn't solve the problem for a day, so he was afraid of implicating others.

Especially last time, Dong Shu and Lin Qianqian almost died, so they alerted Lin Kai.

So although I understand the intention of the two girls, they didn't further develop anything.

Lin Kai thought of this and said, "you can go and ask Yang Mengzi. Well, it's early in the morning. It seems that you are busy with the business of the company and come here. The master bedroom is for you to sleep. Go wash and sleep

"No! I sleep on this sofa! You didn't mean it anyway. You asked me to sleep in the master bedroom Lin Qianqian is a little arrogant.

"Well, I'll go if you don't. If someone is uncomfortable, go to the guest room to sleep. You are such an adult. I don't need to say anything more. " Lin Kai couldn't help but shake his head and went into his room.

Pay attention in the heart. When Lin Qianqian calls later, he will set a special ring tone to avoid suspicion of Lin Qianqian because he didn't answer the phone.

At the same time, Lin Kai also had to admit that women's observation can be inferred through some subtle things.

Lin Kai thought as he entered the room and took a rest.

The next day, Lin Kai got up early. She didn't see Lin Qianqian on the sofa. It seemed that she was not sleeping well. She went to the guest room.

Sure enough, after Lin Kai washed, Lin Qianqian came out of the guest room.

Lin Qianqian didn't have that aggressive attitude in the early morning.

Maybe he knew the truth and apologized to Lin Kai.

In this regard, Lin Kai just waved his hand and asked Lin Qianqian to wash himself. He went out to buy breakfast.

After breakfast, they go to the business district in the center of Donghai to have a look and see if there are suitable shops.

Lin Qianqian called Lin Kai together. Another reason is that there are many forces of Lei Yuan Group in the central area of the East China Sea. If people of Lei Yuan group are interested in it, it will be troublesome.

Lin Kai also thought about this. Although he knew that leiyuan group didn't dare to tell us what was going on, he thought that Lin Yuan's various intrigues might lead to some moths.

So Lin Kai agreed without hesitation.

Lin Qianqian has a very clear goal, to find a best position in the East China Sea, to find a big store, to become the company's skin care products direct sales shop.

In this way, we can create a brand and highlight it.

Lin Kai and Lin Qianqian, on the other hand, had a round trip in the central business circle.

Lin Kai is not afraid of Lei Yuan group. He will take his eyes on him. No matter how brave Lin Yuan is, he can't make a move in the central business circle. After all, the state is keeping a close eye on leiyuan group.

Soon, I learned that there was a large western restaurant in the commercial street, named xixicoli restaurant, which was subletting.

At first, both Lin Kai and Lin Qianqian thought that the xixicoli restaurant was not so good in the commercial street, but found that it was in the center of the commercial street or on the most prosperous street in the East China Sea.

It should be said that no matter what is sold in this position, of course, if the quality is not so bad at least, the business will not be bad, and the one who can make a steady profit will not lose.

Not to mention this kind of middle-class western restaurant.

The middle-class western restaurant belongs to the kind of common people who eat once in a while, and those who are above petty bourgeoisie often come here. They are more stable.

I didn't expect it would turn around like this.

Lin Kai and Lin Qianqian, with doubts, went into the West West curry restaurant.

In the dining room, the decoration is also that kind of high-grade decoration, more normal western restaurant, in line with the atmosphere of the western restaurant.

There was no one but a man in his thirties with obvious wrinkles.

The wrinkled man is smoking, one by one, never stopping.

He saw that Lin Kai and Lin Qianqian came in, and their voice was very weak and said, "sorry, today we have a rest and don't open."

As soon as Lin Kai gang went in, he could see that there was a lot of Yin evil spirit in it, which gave people a gloomy feeling.

Of course, this kind of Yin evil spirit is not very strong. For ordinary guests, it has no influence, but if it is in it for a long time, it will certainly be affected.

Lin Kai is a master of immortals. Naturally, he is very sensitive to the spirit of yin and evil spirits. If it was an ancient warrior who came here, most of the ancient martial artists would not be able to detect the difference.

However, if it's a Pew residence, it's not necessarily.

All the members of Pihua residence are proficient in the skill of subduing demons and demons, and they are also keen on the spirit of yin and evil spirits.

Lin Kai's eyes can't help but glance at the wrinkled man who just spoke.In the eyes of ordinary people, this wrinkled man may not have a good rest, some dark circles, pale face, appears very weak.

But in Lin Kai's eyes, wrinkled men are depressed because they have been in the body for a long time.


Suddenly, Lin Kai found some clues from the wrinkled man's neck. When he saw the wrinkled man, he always hunched his back unnaturally, as if something was pressing on him.

Lin Kai immediately urged the golden pupil. He saw that there was a child sized evil spirit sitting on the wrinkled man's neck.

As a result, wrinkled men always unconsciously, hunchback, that is because there is evil sitting on the neck.

And this evil spirit is not only simple. Sitting on the neck, you will stretch out the long black tongue a little bit, and inject Yin evil spirit into the wrinkled man.

After the Yin evil spirit enters the body completely, this evil spirit may swallow the wrinkled man at once.

Lin Kai observed that the evil time.

Lin Qianqian said to the wrinkled man, "you misunderstood me. We see that you want to change the store. We are here to have a look and discuss."

After hearing Lin Qianqian's words, the wrinkled man stood up excitedly, but after standing up, his whole body was obviously hunchback.

Naturally, it's because of the evil spirit of standing up and sitting on the neck, which makes it more stressed.

What's more, hunchback is not the hunchback of normal people, but it rises and falls.

Seeing the wrinkled man's strange appearance, Lin Qianqian was very curious, and muttered to Lin Kai: "this man seems very strange. He seems to be in his thirties. He is in a good age for a man. He walks like an old man in his twilight."

When Lin Kai heard the speech, he just laughed. Of course, he knew the reason. The Yin evil spirit was too serious into the body, and some evil spirits were sitting on the neck, which led to this.

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