Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1494

Lin Kai turned off the TV and did not immediately practice. Instead, he took out the small black bottle and the palm sized dragon skeleton and studied it carefully.

Although it is only a day or two to go to Xunyang City, the harvest is huge.

In addition to the inheritance of the real dragon, there are small black bottles of suspected magic weapons and complete dragon bones.

It was the little black bottle that he studied several times, but he didn't come up with anything.

Therefore, Lin Kai put the small black bottle aside first, and then held the Dragon skeleton in his hand.

The Dragon skeleton is the size of a palm, just like a lifelike handicraft.

The only defect is that there is a small piece missing from the neck, which is exactly the reverse scale keel.

Lin Kai made up his mind that he would track down NABA's information and try to get the back scale keel.

Let the dragon bones, really complete.

Although a piece of inverse scale keel is missing, the impact is not so big, but it is also missing.

However, Lin Kai thought about such an important thing, but he didn't intend to leave the Dragon skeleton at home.

In order to avoid being watched by the people of leiyuan group, and then steal this dragon skeleton, it is not good.

Lin Kaizheng wanted to prepare a box to put the dragon bones together.

I didn't expect that the Dragon skeleton, like a spirit, opened to the forest on his right wrist and wound away.

To be exact, it is the inheritance power that has not entered the forest and opened the body, which makes the Dragon skeleton like this. After all, the power of the Dragon skeleton itself has turned into the inheritance energy.

This dragon skeleton, incarnated as a dragon shaped bone bracelet, is perfectly worn on Lin Kai's wrist.

From the outside, it is a delicate dragon shaped bracelet.

To see the skeleton of a dragon, he would not believe it.

Then he felt that the Dragon skeleton Bracelet had no weight at all, and it would not have any impact on the skeleton.

We can even detect that after wearing the Dragon skeleton bracelet, the inheritance power begins to flow slowly in the body, as if it is nourishing his body a little bit.

Lin Kaida is surprised. It seems that the real dragon inherits the power and deliberately changes the Dragon skeleton into a bracelet and lets it wear it on his wrist.

Lin laughs. It's good for him and he can protect the bones of dragons. Naturally, he has been wearing them all the time.

He didn't waste any more time. He began to sit cross and close his eyes and enter the state of practice.

This practice lasted several hours.

At one o'clock in the morning, Lin Kaihu opened his eyes and woke up from his practice.

Immediately, I looked out of the door.

Because he heard the doorbell.

Yinshen continued to be arranged by him to watch near the leiyuan group.

When Lin Kai studied the dragon bones in the evening, Yin Shen saw Ba ye, walked into leiyuan group, and developed news with Lin.

Lin Kai let Yin Shen continue to monitor every move of Lei Yuan group.

In the middle of the night, it was not the occult God who came.

Judging from the breath, it's a woman.

Lin Kaiyan is curious. He can't help but urge the golden pupil to see a graceful figure standing at the door outside the wall, ringing the doorbell.

It was Lin Qianqian. Her car was parked outside, but the car doors were open and the lights were on. It was obvious that the car did not turn off.

Lin Kai is speechless. Didn't he say he would come tomorrow? Why did he come here at night?

With some doubts, Lin Kai opened the door for him. Thinking that Lin Qianqian had something urgent, he asked, "Lin Qianqian, what happened?"

Who thought Lin Qianqian just looked at Lin Kai and didn't say anything. She went straight inside.

Lin Kai was more curious and said, "you didn't pull out the key of that car."

"You help me to remove the key, thank you."

Lin Qianqian said, speeding up the pace to go to the master bedroom first.

Lin drove for a while, so he had to turn off Lin Qianqian's car first and took the key to the car.

When he returned home, he saw Lin Qianqian come out from the master bedroom. First, he looked at Lin Kai with some bad eyes. Then, he hurried to the opposite room.

Lin Kaiyi's face is muddled. How does he feel that he is a little familiar? It should be said that he saw similar scenes in movies and TV series or on the Internet.

Lin Qian can only ask if he is sitting on the sofa.

Sure enough, not long after, Lin Qianqian entered several guest rooms, and then came to Lin Kai, hands akimbo, a ferocious look: "honest account, people?"

"Well? Who is it? "

Lin Kai is really confused.

Lin Qianqian sneered: "give me back! I don't know what I've done? Where are you hiding people

Lin Kai was speechless. He should be able to guess something. He shook his head and said, "what Tibetans, I really don't have Tibetans."At this time, I don't sleep on the other side of the sofa. Then there were several more calls. Just like last time, you didn't answer my phone. I also asked Dong Shu. Dong Shu didn't come to you.

Just now I saw that Dong Shu and I had bought three kinds of toiletries for girls. However, I used one. Even in a guest room, I saw cotton slippers and quilts for girls, as well as the fragrance of hair. The reason why girls can emit fragrance, besides perfume, is more shampoo shampoo, leaving some of the aroma.

After my comprehensive judgment, there must be a girl hiding in your house! Well, no wonder you didn't answer my phone again

Lin Qianqian concluded.

Lin Kai's secret way is sure enough, Lin Qianqian, this is a look of catching traitors.

The reason why he didn't answer the phone was that when he was in the state of practice, he used to turn his mobile phone to mute.

Last time Lin Kai didn't answer the phone. He was with an Xiaoran. At that time, he was in the gambling house, and his mobile phone was kept in the special cabinet of the casino.

As a result, Lin Qianqian thought that Lin Kai was with a girl, so she rushed to "catch rape.".

Lin Kai thought about it for a moment. He couldn't help crying and laughing. "You've really been wronged. Yang Mengzi of Baishan hall, do you know? Because I helped Baishantang, Yang Mengzi invited me to dinner. When I got drunk, I sent it to me to sober up, so I slept here for a while, and in the evening, I returned to Baishan hall. "

Lin Qianqian looks suspicious: "eating, drinking and drunk? Why don't I believe it? "

Lin Kai is helpless. He would not have explained so much if it was not for the system task that he forced to kiss Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu last time.

So, after Lin Kai explained it again, Lin Qianqian reluctantly believed it.

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