Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1493

When Lin Kai heard Yang Mengzi's words, he was stunned. He did not expect such a big reaction from Yang Mengzi.

So, he shook his head and said, "Miss Yang, I am a shareholder in Lin Qianqian's company. Since you Baishantang cooperates with Lin Qianqian company, it is even a partner. Even if Wang Jinghua's behavior is disgusting, it will make me feel disgusted. "

Lin Kai said, handed Yang Mengxue a few pieces of paper, and then said: "in the feelings of reason, help you belong to normal, don't care too much. You'd better stop crying. After drinking the soup, I'll take you back to Baishan hall. "

Who knows, Yang Mengzi murmured: "that Mr. Lin, can I stay at your house for a day tonight

When Lin Kai heard this, he felt a bitter smile in his heart. He could live, but he had better not stay. He said, "Miss Yang, if you don't go home at night, your family must be worried."

"All right." Yang Mengzi responded and began to drink soup silently.

About 20 minutes later, Lin Kai took Yang Mengzi to Baishan hall.

On the way through a dry cleaner's, Lin Kai sent Yang Mengzi's skirt to the dry cleaner's for washing, then went to take it back and gave it to Yang Mengzi.

Before long, I arrived at the gate of Baishan hall.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin!" Yang Mengzi said thanks and opened the door.

To Lin Kai's dismay, he thought Yang Mengzi would get off the bus directly. Unexpectedly, Yang Mengzi poked out her small head and kissed Lin Kai on the face.

I feel the girl's fragrance and cool on my cheek.

Lin kaileng next, did not wait for his aftertaste to come over, Yang Mengzi's face turned red, ran away as if to leave the car.

Then Yang Mengzi closed the door and waved to Lin: "be careful on the way."

Lin Kai shook his head and laughed bitterly. He was forced to kiss him. It is said that since ancient times, heroes have been sad about Meirenguan, which is indeed unchangeable.

Previously, he was not on guard at all. To be exact, he would relax his vigilance in the face of such a beautiful girl without hostility.

If someone else, let alone kiss him, even if there is a slight move, Lin Kai will be alert and won't let the other party succeed.

Lin Kai thinks it necessary to reflect on himself in this respect, so as not to be taken advantage of in this way in the future.

If other men hear Lin Kai's idea, he will have the idea of killing him.

Immediately, Lin drove back to his home.

Yang Mengzi entered the Baishan hall. Compared with the busy Baishan hall in the daytime, there were no people at night.

Yang Xiaxing, who was tidying up the medicine cabinet, saw Yang Mengzi come back and said curiously: "I went out in the morning. Why does the sun lag behind? What's more, how did you change your clothes? "

Yang Mengzi saw Yang Xiaxing that pair of gossip appearance, hum hum, way: "have no your matter."

After that, he went to the backyard of Baishantang. There were several old-fashioned houses in the backyard, similar to the quadrangle. They were just the places to live.

When Yang Xiaxing hears the words, the meaning of gossip is even more serious. He has learned from Lin Qianqian that Lin Kai's identity is a shareholder of Lin Qianqian's company. It is no problem to marry his sister in this identity.

It seems that there is a drama between them!

Yang Xiaxing smiles to himself. After her sister returned home, she avoided men. Now Lin Kai appears and has a turning point! It seems that in the future, Duoduo and Linkai contact!

As for Lin Kai, he returned home near eight o'clock in the evening.

He learned about Lin Qianqian's skin care product advertisements. The first batch of advertisements were launched before a satellite TV program started.

So as soon as Lin Kai got home, he turned on the TV and tuned the TV program. Twenty seconds before the start of the eight o'clock program, he began to broadcast the advertisement for skin care products.

Yin Suyan appeared in an instant. It has to be said that the advertisement shot by Pan Liguo, coupled with Yin Suyan being the advertiser, let this advertisement hang other advertisements.

Although only less than 20 seconds, but in Yin Suyan's narration and own skin effect, let the skin care brand highlight.

As soon as the advertisement was over, the program just started.

This program is one of the highest ratings of TV stations at this time point.

At the same time, Lin Kai's mobile phone rings. It's Lin Qianqian.

"Lin Kai, are you free tomorrow? If you have time, can you accompany me for a moment

Lin Qianqian's voice came.

Although the advertisements on the TV station are officially launched this evening, the advertisements in the form of short films of a few minutes on the Internet began to be promoted on the Internet in the afternoon.

As soon as the short film advertisement was issued, it was sought after by netizens. All kinds of compliments on the quality of the advertisement were very good, and they called out to buy, buy and so on.

Moreover, the number of hits and the popularity of short film ads on various platforms are getting higher and higher as time goes on.

Netizens still hate advertising very much, but this kind of high-quality advertisement is not hateful, but will pursue.In fact, what I hate is not the advertisement itself, but the poor advertisement.

In addition, Yin Suyan helped forward the short film advertisement on the Internet, and pan Liguo, which made the short film advertisement more and more popular.

So in a short afternoon, this short film advertisement swept the whole network.

A lot of agent dealers come to look for cooperation.

In the East China Sea, the company's direct sales stores have been sold out for a long time. We must open more direct sales stores and cooperate with agents.

Lin Qianqian decided to find a bigger store in the East China Sea and make it the general direct selling store of the skin care brand. In this way, the brand can be built better.

When you don't get it, there's something wrong with the dealer, it's not good if you get involved in the brand.

At present, it is the most important thing to find a suitable store to open a general direct store. Lin Qianqian has to do it in person.

It's just that although Lin Qianqian's company is a little large, she still doesn't have so much experience in finding a bigger place to open a general direct sales store. She doesn't know much about this, and she doesn't dare to hand over such important matters to others.

Lin Qianqian thought of Lin Kai and planned to let Lin Kai accompany her to have a look.

Lin Kai is also a shareholder of the company. Whether skin care products can be perfectly created and a well-known brand can also be regarded as interest related.

The most important thing is that Lin Qianqian is still jealous. Looking at the intimate appearance of Lin Kai and Yin Suyan two days ago, she couldn't help looking for Lin Kai, lest Lin Kai Run to Yin Suyan again.

Lin Kai naturally does not know Lin Qianqian. Another idea is to help find a bigger store and open a direct sales store for skin care products.

To this, Lin Kai readily agreed that there would be nothing wrong with tomorrow. Calculate the time, leiyuan group fortune is the most back, is in the day after tomorrow.

Lin Qianqian heard Lin Kai promise, this just satisfied hang up the phone.

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