Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1492

Ding Haoyuan, lying on the ground, was covered with blood and almost lost consciousness.

This was Lin Kai to waste legs, resulting in very weak, and now he was kicked by brother Dao.

Brother Xiaodao's body strength is a little stronger than ordinary people, so he almost died when he kicked Ding Haoyuan.

At this moment, after hearing Lin Kai's words, Ding Haoyuan was extremely weak and said: "I I, I'll call again, make one more call. "

"Well?" Lin Kai looks down at Ding Haoyuan. He wants to see who he will fight with.

Anyway, Lin was not in a hurry. He gave Ding Haoyuan a chance to solve the problem together. Otherwise, he would have taken Ding Haoyuan to clean up the stickers, there is no need for such trouble.

However, since Ding Haoyuan still calls people to come, he is not polite.

To Lin Kai's surprise, Ding Haoyuan said, "I want to dial 120! I I feel like I'm dying

Lin Kai can see that Ding Haoyuan is just too painful, not fatal, so he said faintly, "if you want me to call you 120, it's OK. If you climb out of this bar, I'll call you 120."

This is also a very profound lesson for Ding Haoyuan to know what to do and what not to do in the future.

Hearing this, Ding Haoyuan had to bite his teeth and harden his head to climb outside the bar.

Confirm what Lin Kai said before, that is to let Ding Haoyuan crawl out.

After that, Ding Haoyuan climbed out of the bar, and Lin Kai dialed 120 for him. He was the man who did what he said.

At the same time, Ding Haoyuan also fainted in pain.

What happened here is a well-known thing. Ding Haoyuan was completely responsible for it. Therefore, no one came forward to uphold justice for Ding Haoyuan.

At this time, in the bar compartment.

Lin Kai looks at the sofa, still in deep sleep Yang Mengzi, quite helpless.

Drunk to sleep, if he rashly use the true Qi, to wake up Yang Mengzi, or there is a certain probability, there will be sequelae.

So that, Lin Kai quite helpless, Yang Mengzi picked up, and then took Yang Mengzi's bag back to the car.

He did not send Yang Mengzi to Baishan hall.

After all, Yang Mengzi didn't know that the photos had been destroyed by him.

If you send it back to Baishan hall, it's not good when you wake up.

And this kind of thing, also impossible with Yang Mengzi's elder brother to say.

So Lin Kai is ready to wait. After Yang Mengzi wakes up, he will tell Yang Mengzi in person. In this way, Yang Mengzi's mood will not be so bad, and he will naturally return to Baishan hall.

Half an hour later, Lin Kai returned to his home and arranged Yang Mengzi on the bed in the guest room and covered it with quilts.

When he was just about to leave the room, Yang Mengzi was a little sober. To be exact, he was about to vomit.

Yang Mengzi put the garbage bag in front of Yang Mengzi and took a garbage bag to one side.

Yang Mengzi vomited out.

Just when I vomited, I swayed, on the bed, on Yang Mengzi's clothes, everywhere.

Lin Kai couldn't help shaking his head and said in silence, "the blue gemstone is not very strong. He just drank two and a half cups. He was drunk like this. After that, you'd better drink less. "

Yang Mengzi listened vaguely and whispered: "who said I was drunk! Lin, Mr. Lin, get me some wine. I can still drink it! "

"OK, OK. You're not drunk. You're not drunk." Lin Kai is helpless.

Immediately, he cleaned up the place with a towel, a mop and so on.

Yang Mengzi's clothes, even if cleaned, can no longer be worn like that. The bed has to be washed.

Lin Kai is more and more helpless to shake his head. Fortunately, there are a lot of rooms. It is necessary to change rooms.

Lin Kai is going to take off Yang Mengzi's coat first.

Because it is a skirt, so after taking off, a very conservative underwear, it is at a glance.

Lin Kai is naturally indifferent. He just takes off his clothes.

But Yang Mengzi didn't think so. She thought that Lin Kai was going to do something. At first, she still resisted, and then she seemed to give up.

Lin Kai didn't have any superfluous ideas. He quickly put Yang Mengzi in another room and covered it with quilts.

"You can sleep first."

After Lin Kai finished, he left the room and closed the door.

Yang Mengzi or some consciousness, see the door closed, her face some smile, immediately and drowsy sleep.

The sun has just set.

Yang Mengzi wakes up. As soon as she wakes up, she sees a new girl's clothes, as well as cotton padded shoes, milk, mineral water and so on.

Looking at her body, there is no trace of passive, her mood has a kind of inexplicable good, unspeakable feeling, in short, warm.

At this time, Lin Kai is cooking soup in the kitchen.Yang Mengzi has put on her clothes and comes out of the guest room.

Lin Kai naturally heard the footsteps and said, "since I wake up, I'd better drink some soup to compensate for nutrition."

Yang Mengsheng, and then drink the soup

Yang Mengzi smell speech, looking at Lin Kai's eyes, more colorful, she nodded, came to the bathroom, found that there are all kinds of girl's supplies, everything.

In fact, it's not Lin Kai who is careful, but Lin Qianqian and Dong Shu, who have lived in his home for so many days, naturally use a lot of things for girls.

Linkai is taking those things out.

Yang Mengzi means that Lin Kai is very careful, and his heart is more and more different.

After a while, Yang Mengzi finished washing and came to the dining table. She first said thanks to Lin.

Lin Kai just did it conveniently, but he didn't feel anything about it.

At the moment, Lin Kai saw Yang Mengzi drinking soup and said, "after taking you into the private room, I went to Wang Jinghua. All the photos that Wang Jinghua had backed up have been completely destroyed, so you don't have to worry about anything. What I'm talking about is that all the photos, including U disk, cloud disk and so on, have been destroyed. "

"And I will let him not disturb you in the future."

After Lin Kai finished speaking, Yang Mengzi looked at Lin Kai, her eyes were red, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

Lin Kai was speechless again: "shouldn't you feel happy? Why are you crying? "

Yang Mengzi, however, looked at Lin Kai and said, "Lin Kai, you are so kind to me."

From lunch, Wang Jinghua turns right from wrong. It is Lin Kai who helps her out and drinks with her.

When she got drunk again, she didn't take the opportunity to take good care of her instead.

In addition, Lin Kai gave a good lesson to Wang Jinghua, and Yang Mengzi was deeply moved. That's why she just sent out this feeling.

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