Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1489

Lin Kai thought about it a little and said, "well, there are private rooms in this bar. I'll open a private room first. You'll wake up in it. I'll have something to do when I go out. I'll come back later. "

He mainly saw that Yang Mengzi refused to follow him out of the bar.

He had to do this first, so he opened a private room and helped Yang Mengzi into the sofa in the compartment.

Of course, he also secretly urged the true Qi, for Yang Mengzi's body alcohol, evaporated some, at the same time left a few amulets.

Lin opened out to solve Yang Mengzi's obsession.

To solve the problem, Wang Jinghua should be asked to delete the photo permanently.

In addition, Lin Kai also gave a waitress hundreds of yuan, so that the waitress can watch here more, and don't let other people in.

The waitress, however, had a happy face.

Lin Kai came out of the bar and took out a piece of hair. It was Wang Jinghua's.

He took it when he slapped Wang Jinghua.

He also knows that Wang Jinghua's disposition is not to listen to his verbal threats.

So he was ready to settle the matter after drinking with Yang Mengzi.

But Yang Mengzi was drunk and refused to leave the bar, so he had to go now. Otherwise, Yang Mengzi would not leave the bar.

Linkai took the hair and immediately used the tracking extraction ability.

Later, the hair independently found his way for Lin Kai.

Lin drove his car and followed his hair.

The distance is not far away, hair came to an old community.

Lin Kai sensed the location of Wang Jinghua's room. When he saw the door closed, he knew that Wang Jinghua was inside. Without hesitation, he pushed the door open.

At this time, Wang Jinghua in the room, just did not turn on the computer for a long time, he saw Lin Kai coming in, his face incredible.

He just came back and rented his own house.

What he had done in the private restaurant before was naturally opened by the private restaurant. He did not want to be a waiter for a long time. He might as well continue to threaten Yang Mengzi and ask Yang Mengzi to lend him 100000 yuan.

In fact, Wang Jinghua will not return it. Yang Mengzi is also aware of this.

Wang Jinghua thought, back to his rental room, early PS photos to get done, and then to threaten Yang Mengzi.

He planned that even if Yang Mengzi borrowed 100000 yuan from him, he would not choose to delete it, instead, he would continue to ask Yang Mengzi for money.

He also understood Yang Mengzi's temperament. It was just like this that he dared to do such a bold thing.

However, before Wang Jinghua started PS, he just opened the photo when he saw Lin Kaichuang in.

And Lin Kai closed the door and went to Wang Jinghua step by step.

Wang Jinghua was really shocked. He didn't know how Lin Kai knew where he lived.

In order to avoid debts, he chose the old and partial community. Otherwise, in his capacity, he would not be willing to live in such a shabby place.

Especially now, seeing Lin Kai approaching step by step, he is even more frightened. Holding his laptop, he yells at Lin Kai: "boy, do you believe it or not, I'll sue you for breaking into private houses! You don't give it to me soon... "

Before Wang Jinghua finished speaking, Lin Kai slapped him in the face, and his face swelled up again.

Lin Kai didn't say a word and slapped his backhand again. Wang Jinghua's eyes were shining with Venus. He looked dizzy. His laptop in his hand also fell off.

Lin Kai was so angry that he destroyed the laptop completely. He also destroyed all kinds of hard disks.

It can't be fixed at all, so no data can be recovered.

Wang Jinghua looks at Lin Kai more and more frightened. He can't understand how Lin Kai destroyed his laptop so clean. It can be said that all the accessories in the computer have become smashed.

At the same time, Wang Jinghua also glared at Lin Kai: "boy! You destroyed the hard disk! Are you going to do something to me? If you do it again, I'll have to sue you! It was my fault before, but now it is different! "

But Lin Kai looked at Wang Jinghua with an idiot's eyes and said, "are you pretending to be stupid with me, or are you really stupid? I don't believe that, in addition to the computer, your mobile phone, U disk or online cloud disk, you have no backup in general. Come on! Give it to me and destroy it

Wang Jinghua is tough, but he doesn't pay.

Lin Kai didn't want to kill Wang Jinghua. He didn't want to do it himself.

So next, Lin Kai began to use the extraction ability to tell the truth, and let Wang Jinghua hand in all the backup photos, such as mobile phone data, what network disk and so on.

After all these photos were destroyed, Lin Kai was able to extract the truth.

Not to mention, although this is a gold extraction capacity, but at a critical moment, it is very useful.

Lin Kai didn't leave, but urged his true Qi. With punishment like torture, Wang Jinghua, who was sober, fell into endless pain.Lin Kai used his true Qi to burst all the meridians of Wang Jinghua's body. He felt like he had swallowed ten thousand kilograms of ammunition, which might be ignited and exploded at any time.

It was a kind of inhuman torture, which made Wang Jinghua scream like a pig.

Wang Jinghua screams and kowtows to Lin Kai for mercy.

Lin Kai ignored.

Until Wang Jinghua was about to collapse, he called for Lin Kai to kill him. Lin Kai looked at Wang Jinghua coldly and said, "in the future, do you dare to go to Yang Mengzi's trouble like this?"

"Great Xia! I was wrong! I was wrong! Don't dare, I don't even have the slightest idea! " Wang Jinghua is afraid, really afraid! Now in his eyes, Lin Kai is a devil!

There is such a devil like existence, in Yang Mengzi's side, how dare he find Yang Mengzi's trouble again! I dare not!

"Scum like you, I don't care to take your own life. If I wasn't here, you might have killed a girl. In this way, the previous pain will last for a week. This week, every night will attack for half an hour, let you deeply understand, do scum, the consequences

Lin Kai said that he took back most of his true Qi, but some of them stayed in Wang Jinghua's meridians.

Wang Jinghua has been troubled for a week by his painful experience.

Wang Jinghua's face turned pale when he heard the speech. He had just experienced ten minutes of pain. For the next week, he would have a seizure for half an hour every night! This makes Wang Jinghua look at Lin Kai's eyes, deeply afraid.

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