Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1488

It has to be said that women are naturally attracted to this kind of gem.

Just like men like cars.

Yang Mengzi was really surprised by the blue gem as big as an egg.

Of course, she was just surprised.

Then she looked at Lin Kai and asked, "Mr. Lin, do you guys like to have a house with other strange women? In order to open a house, I will not hesitate to spend all kinds of means. "

Hearing Yang Mengzi's words, Lin Kai shakes her head slightly and laughs. Yang Mengzi herself has no good feelings for men because of the past. Today, she is stimulated by Wang Jinghua.

Now Ding Haoyuan and all kinds of means, come to chat up, obviously let Yang Mengzi, for men, more completely.

Lin Kai himself as a man, naturally won't say anything more, he just laughingly watching, Ding Haoyuan accosted Yang Mengzi.

Especially when he saw Ding Haoyuan's confident appearance, he was even more amused. Yang Mengzi was so disgusted with men that he would not accept Ding Haoyuan's invitation.

But Yang Mengzi saw that Lin Kai didn't answer, and continued to repeat the previous words, questioning.

Lin Kai had no choice but to reply and said, "not all men are like this. It's just that you meet some bad people. Those bad people are the shame of our men. Among men, there are many men who value their feelings. I'm just like this. "

Lin Kai didn't boast about himself. He could not help thinking of the past, but also sighed in vain, so that he wanted to drink to relieve his worries.

Unfortunately, after he became an immortal, no matter how strong the wine was, he could not be drunk.

Can only be, wine does not intoxicate everyone drunk.

But in that case, it doesn't mean much.

Ding Haoyuan looked at Lin Kai with a sneer: "it's a joke! Which man doesn't like to have a room with a beautiful woman? I see you are very hypocritical! On the surface, but actually more than I fake very! At least I am real, you are the typical hypocrite behavior!

And if you want to open a room with a beautiful woman, at least you have to show some sincerity? How to say, there must be a gem like me which is hundreds of thousands of dollars. What about you? I don't know if you still have a thousand yuan for clothes. You alone want to ask a beautiful woman to open a room? It's just a dream! "

Hearing Ding Haoyuan's words, Lin Kai's calm eyes are slightly cold.

This Ding Haoyuan accosted on the chat up, but now involved in his head, he has no place to offend Ding Ding Haoyuan.

Dante Haoyuan has said so. How can Lin Kai not act.

So Lin Kai took a piece of jade from his pocket, which was as big as an egg.

Jade overall crystal clear, especially in this dark bar, more dazzling.

The crystal clear jade was taken by Lin Kai at the place where the dragon was buried.

There are a lot of these on the cliff.

Of course, this piece in Lin Kai's hand is still rare.

This kind of jade is natural. More importantly, it contains some natural Qi. If you take it with you, it will moisturize your body, nourish your mind and regulate your breath.

Such jade in the market, say at least 10 million, this is still small, no one who knows the trade can not win 20 million.

In addition to taking out the jade, Lin Kai also took out the key to the Rolls Royce phantom car.

"Since you are in the jewelry industry, you should know the price of this kind of jade? As for the car key, I don't need to say more about it

Lin Kai glanced at Ding Haoyuan lightly. He said, and gave the jade directly to Yang Mengzi.

Yang Mengzi is slightly stunned.

"Miss Yang, I'll give it to you." Lin Kai Dao.

When Ding Haoyuan saw this scene, his face was very ugly. Naturally, he recognized the value of jade and that the car key was a Rolls Royce phantom. No matter what, it was worth tens of millions of levels.

Alone, it is several times more than what he carries all over his body, including the car.

Ding Haoyuan did not expect that the seemingly ordinary young man was actually a hard stubble. After a little hesitation, he took up his glass and walked away quickly.

Yang Mengzi was still drunk. Her eyes were hazy. She looked at Lin Kai and said, "Mr. Lin, I understand the Rolls Royce phantom. But the jade you want to give me should be very valuable, right?"

Lin said with a smile: "yes, there are tens of millions at least."

Yang Mengzi was surprised: "Mr. Lin, are you sure that's it, give it to me?"

Lin laughs and nods. He says it all. Naturally, he does what he says. What's more, the jade, for him, has no effect, just like a common stone on the road.

Yang Mengzi was not a money worshiper, and did not show any joy. Instead, he carefully looked at Xiang Lin Kai and asked in a low voice, "does Mr. Lin want to open a room with me for such a valuable gift?"

Lin Kai was speechless: "I have said that without emotional foundation, I will not be so casual.""Well, if you really want to put forward this condition, maybe I will. Of course, I would not accept such a valuable gift. Thank you, Mr. Lin Yang Mengzi said, let the waiter mix a few more cocktails.

Yang Mengzi drank again.

When Yang Mengzi finished drinking three cups of this cocktail, Lin shook her head and stopped her from drinking it. She said, "Miss Yang, don't drink it. If you drink it again, you will be drunk."

Yang Mengzi seemed to see that there was no wine to drink, so she rushed to Lin Kai's arms and rushed over with some crying voice and said, "woo, Wang Jinghua, that son of a bitch, will definitely expose that picture in the evening. My innocent reputation will be destroyed. It's more difficult than killing me! Sobbing, I don't know what to do... "

Yang Mengzi cried and almost lost consciousness.

Lin Kai shook his head, this is Yang Mengzi completely drunk, disguised strong mood, at this moment, completely out of control.

Soft as a normal girl.

Lin Kai shook his head again and said, "Miss Yang, we won't drink any more. I'll send you back."

Lin Kai has long urged Zhenqi to volatilize all the alcohol in his body. Now he doesn't have any alcohol in his body, so he still has no problem driving.

In fact, he can also quickly volatilize Yang Mengzi's alcohol, but there is no need. After all, Yang Mengzi is going to get drunk.

If it really volatilizes, then Yang Mengzi will definitely continue to stay here until drunk.

Lin Kai is ready to take Yang Mengzi away and return to Baishan hall.

However, Yang Mengzi insisted on going back, crying all the time. If the photos were released, Wang Jinghua would certainly make rumors more embellished.

Lin Kai can understand this.

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