Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1490

After Lin Kai finished, he left quickly without looking at Wang Jinghua's reaction.

Wang Jinghua, on the other hand, looked as if he were dead gray. He was desperate when he thought about the next week. At the same time, I really dare not go to yangmengzi again.

Ten minutes later, Linkai went back to the bar.

He has destroyed all the photos, so if you tell Yang Mengzi now, Yang Mengzi will not be so miserable.

Just let Lin Kai frown is, he walked into the private room, but found that Yang Mengzi is not in it.

In fact, the bar is not far away from the old community. It's only ten or twenty minutes' journey back and forth.

In such a short time, Yang Mengzi will certainly not leave by himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Kai found the waitress he had ordered before he left.

Lin Kai stares at the waitress and asks, "where is my friend in the private room?"

When I was in a hurry, the maid was staring at me This gentleman Your friend, she, she, not long ago Go, go. "

When Lin Kai saw the panic of the waitress and what he said now, he immediately sneered. How could he not see that the waitress was lying.

He also did not use any force, directly use the extraction ability to tell the truth, let the waitress tell the truth.

Immediately under Lin Kai's inquiry, she only listened to the maid pointing to one of the private rooms and said dully, "just a minute ago, someone in that compartment gave me 1000 yuan, so I secretly sent your friend to the private room."

Lin Kai smelled the speech and was not polite. He slapped the waitress severely. He was beaten to the ground and screamed with pain.

As long as it is not the enemy, Lin Kai will not fight women.

But the waitress touched the bottom line in his heart. If she didn't give a lesson, I'm afraid that she would be able to do anything for money.

Of course, Lin Kai was relieved of the ability to tell the truth, and then went to slap him.

Then, under the frightened eyes of the waitress, Lin Kai went straight to the private room just mentioned by the waitress.

At this time in that compartment, Ding Haoyuan did not have the first time to move Yang Mengzi, but to turn over Yang Mengzi's bag.

In his opinion, Yang Mengzi must have accepted the jade that Lin Kai gave Yang Mengzi.

That's worth at least ten million jade!

Ding Haoyuan's eyes are greedy. Even if he is a manager in the jewelry industry, he is still very excited by this kind of jade.

Keding Haoyuan did not turn it over, which let him down.

Maybe it's the boy who just talks about it and gives it to Yang Mengzi.

Think about it, Ding Haoyuan disdains Lin Kai.

Then Ding Haoyuan, this just looked at the sofa, lying Yang Mengzi, in the eyes of the meaning of more and more rich.

Not long ago, he bought the waitress here and asked her to take Yang Mengzi into the sofa in the private room.

Now seeing Yang Mengzi's drunken, unconscious look, Ding Haoyuan said with a dirty smile: "Stinky bitch, pretend to buy pure! It's like this in a bar. Isn't it hard to count? It's waiting for people. Go on

With that, Ding Haoyuan couldn't help it any longer. He began to pull out his belt. When he was about to take off his trousers, the door of the private room was kicked open.

Lin Kai, of course, with a sudden kick, the whole compartment door was torn apart.

Shocked, Ding Haoyuan almost withered, turned back and scolded: "did not see the private room door, write the words of guests, do not disturb it! Who bothers me

Ding Haoyuan had just finished speaking, but he was stunned because he saw that the man coming was Lin Kai.

The most important thing is that Lin opened the door of the bag and it was torn apart.

We should know that the door of the package room is thicker than the security door of ordinary families. After all, this is a bar. The door of private room naturally has good sound insulation effect.

So the thicker the door, the better the sound insulation.

He didn't expect that Lin Kai broke the door of the private room.

Ding Haoyuan immediately thought, ordinary family security doors, are not so easy to kick into a split, let alone the bar compartment door.

He thinks, it must be the door of this bar compartment. There is something wrong with it.

Therefore, Ding Haoyuan was no longer afraid of Lin Kai. Instead, he looked at Lin Kai who came by and said: "boy, I said that I am the Department Manager of Ding's jewelry. All the people I know are high-ranking officials. If you dare to disturb my good things, then today, you don't want to go out of here! Do you understand? "

Lin Kai's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "don't want me to walk out of this bar? Sorry to disappoint you, because it's you who don't want to walk out of the bar! Because I'm going to let you climb out now

Without waiting for Ding Haoyuan's reaction, Lin Kai came to Ding Haoyuan's face in an instant, and swept across with one leg at will. He saw Ding Haoyuan's legs bending in an instant.After making a crack like sound, Ding Haoyuan's bones in both legs were broken and collapsed to the ground. At the same time, Ding Haoyuan screamed like a pig.

Ding Haoyuan bared his teeth in pain and almost almost fainted.

Lin Kai this time, let Ding Haoyuan at least in the hospital bed, lying for more than half a year.

Ding Haoyuan looked at Lin Kai, with a great anger: "good, good! Dare to break Laozi's leg! Today I do what I say, so you can't get out of here! If it's a man, give me some time to call! "

Lin Kai looked at Ding Haoyuan with great interest. He sat on the sofa, beside Yang Mengzi, and said faintly: "OK, give you time to solve it together."

Lin Kai would not be afraid. He just called together and solved them, so as not to be bored later.

Ding Haoyuan looks at Lin Kai unexpectedly. Unexpectedly, Lin Kaizhen agrees.

He grinned grimly and thought that the boy was a fool. He really gave him a chance. No wonder he was merciless!

So he quickly called: "brother Dao, it's me Xiaoding. Yes, it's the Xiaoding who gave you millions of jewelry last time. I'm in trouble now..."

After Ding Haoyuan made a phone call, he looked at Lin Kai with a calm face. He was very upset and said: "boy! Still a so calm look! Let me tell you, brother Xiaodao I invited is a big man of leiyuan group! In the East China Sea, you must know Lei Yuan group? That is the most powerful group in the East China Sea. Even the overlord Li family is afraid of it.

And before long, leiyuan group will replace the position of the overlord of the Li family! Hehe, boy, you just wait

Ding Haoyuan sneers at Lin Kai.

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