Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1487

Lin Kai and Yang Mengzi come to the bar of the bar and sit together.

Yang Mengzi is the first time to drink the wine

The waiter behind the bar was obviously stunned. He didn't expect that there was such a beautiful woman who offered to drink alcohol with high precision.

Often come here to drink, drink is mixed, mixed up that kind of cocktail.

According to the guest's request, adjust it.

Before waiting for a response from the waiter behind the bar, Lin Kai shook his head and said, "no, I'd better adjust two glasses of chicken tail bar with moderate degree."

Hearing Lin Kai's words, Yang Mengzi did not refuse. How to say that she asked Lin Kai to accompany her to drink.

Then the waiter made two cocktails.

Lin Kai and Yang Mengzi drink their cocktails.

Lin Kai only took a sip, but Yang Mengzi was ready to drink it.

Just after a few drinks, Yang Mengzi was choked, obviously stimulated by alcohol, and then coughed constantly. Her pretty face also showed a crimson color in an instant.

Lin Kai immediately urged the true Qi to digest the alcohol. Yang Mengzi got better. Soon she stopped coughing and her complexion returned to normal.

Lin Kai said in silence, "I can't drink any more."

"If you get used to it, it's OK." Yang Mengzi response, finish saying and continue to drink like that, see Lin Kaizhi shake his head.

After Yang Mengzi finished drinking, her eyes were hazy and obviously drunk.

Lin Kai can see that Yang Mengzi can't drink, and has rarely drunk. Even if the alcohol concentration is moderate, under a glass, it also produces drunkenness.

Today's Yang Mengzi, originally very beautiful, also dressed in a fresh skirt, coupled with drunk, pretty face red, attracted the attention of many men in this bar.

These eyes, with a trace of indecent, and even a lot of eager to try.

But see Yang Mengzi next to Lin Kai there, most people, understand this is a companion, feel no chance, give up.

However, there are also some people who are experienced and are not afraid to have companions.

Now, for example, there is a handsome man who gets up from a corner of the bar and takes out the car key of his million luxury car.

Then carrying his glass, he went directly to Yang Mengzi.

"Beauty, can I have a few drinks with you?"

The handsome man is named Ding Haoyuan. He is an old hand of teasing girls in bars. He depends on himself to seduce girls. I don't know how many drunk women have fallen asleep.

He didn't have much money. He packed it by himself and his face.

Ding Haoyuan is a very expensive brand all over his body, which adds up to at least 120000, not including watches and rings.

Ding Haoyuan looked at Yang Mengzi with a confident smile. In his opinion, the woman would not refuse him if she saw the key of a million luxury car in his hand and his famous brand clothes.

In addition, Ding Haoyuan can also see that Yang Mengzi must have something to worry about. In this case, as long as he can talk and cheat casually, he can cheat him.

Of course, although he is an old hand, most of the time, he still chooses to drink alone, or two or three women can drink here.

In the case of male companions, they often don't go forward.

Can see Yang Mengzi is too beautiful, he will not miss such a good opportunity.

The most important thing is that Ding Haoyuan, through his own eyesight, also saw that Yang Mengzi and the young man next to him had a very distant relationship, which should be the kind of unfamiliar.

Comprehensive consideration, Ding Haoyuan just decisive, came to chat up with Yang Mengzi.

"Audi keys? You think you're like this, I'll promise you to drink with me

Although Yang Mengzi was a little drunk, she was still conscious. She glanced at Ding Haoyuan and then said, "when I'm drunk, will you take me out to open a room? You're very confident. Unfortunately, you don't deserve it. "

Ding Haoyuan was stunned on the spot. Even though he had been hanging out in the bar for so many years, he still saw it for the first time, so direct.

But he didn't fool around for so many years, so he put the car key on the bar at the first time, and then he laughed: "this beauty, you misunderstood me. Actually, I'm afraid I'm drunk. Now I'll give the car key to the barman and watch it for me for the time being. I'm also a regular customer here. If I'm drunk, the waiters will call for a valet for me

Without waiting for Yang Mengzi to open his mouth, Ding Haoyuan continued to be cheeky and put the wine cup in his hand with Yang Mengzi on the bar and put them together.

He added: "this beauty, my ancestors were winemakers. This wine is an exclusive secret recipe handed down by my ancestors, and then combined with the exquisite skills of the bartender, so this wine is very good to drink. Don't worry, the degree is not high, you can be bold and safe to drink. It's mainly to see that you are depressed. This glass of wine is sweet and sour, and you will be in a good mood after drinking it"What's more, I'll have a drink of the wine, and I'll have a drink of it. How about I drink it?"

"I'm depressed, it's none of your business?" Yang Mengzi is not polite way, said, she took away Lin Kai's glass, opened: "I still like this cup of wine."

"It turns out that you like to drink the blue gem, this beautiful woman."

With a faint smile, Ding Haoyuan immediately took out a jewelry box from his body and opened it again. It was a blue gem.

As a veteran of the bar, how can he have no other preparation? He is familiar with all kinds of wine in the bar.

However, through the variety of wine, to think of a variety of countermeasures, in short, along with the other party's favorite wine, and then step by step, so that we can successfully cheat.

Yang Mengzi's cocktail, named blue gem, is a very popular wine in this bar. Many guests will order that one.

Even though Ding Haoyuan was carrying a sapphire jewelry box.

At this time, Ding Haoyuan took the sapphire, and then said with a smile: "this beautiful woman, although her ancestors were winemakers, you should have heard of Ding's jewelry, though her ancestors were winemakers? I am a department manager of Ding's jewelry. If you like this blue gem, you may as well move to my home and have a closer look. How about it? "

Ding Haoyuan confidently smiles again. The blue gem in his hand is as big as a small egg, and its value is hundreds of thousands.

But he's a manager, his own, and doesn't need much money. Otherwise, he would be in great pain.

So it's nothing to give to a beauty and spend a night with her.

He is very confident that no woman can refuse this gem lure.

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