Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1486

After being repeatedly rejected by Yang Mengzi, Wang Jinghua was also angry, and looked at Yang Mengzi with a grim smile: "good, good! You don't borrow it, do you? You should remember that I took a picture of your untidy clothes at that time. If you don't borrow them, I will publish them to the public! "

"That picture?" Yang Mengzi's pretty face turned pale and angry: "did you delete all the photos when you were in front of the police? How else? "

"What's the matter? If you delete it, you can't restore it! Ha ha, although this photo is not anything with dew point, but you can see your underwear, and the clothes are messy, it looks like you have been insulted! Such a good picture, I naturally want to recover it! " Wang Jinghua sneers at him. He has already planned to do nothing, so he has nothing to say.

He continued to threaten: "if you don't borrow me, I'll print out your photos and post them as small advertisements, asking for children with heavy money and so on. Or, publish on that kind of small website, and then publish your address! Of course, if you lend me $100000, I'll delete the photo. It's a permanent deletion! "

"You! You Yang Meng purple gas, are fast speechless.

It was at that time that Wang Jinghua, a brute, tried to offend her by force and tore up her clothes and skirts. Fortunately, someone arrived in time, but some underwear was revealed.

Even so, the photo also made Yang Mengzi feel very ashamed! Although the mountains are not exposed, but for her, it is a psychological shadow of her!

That's how she doesn't like men!

If Wang Jinghua was really like that, she would be completely trapped in that kind of magic barrier.

Wang Jinghua didn't wait for Yang Mengzi to respond. He took out a note and wrote down his bank account. He sneered: "if you can't see the money you transferred at night, you can wait! Finally, I am good at PS technology, and I will also use PS technology to expose your unexposed clothes! Make you famous

There is no cover up threat!

"Shameless!" Yang Mengzi bit her silver teeth and made half a noise. She was so angry that she jumped out of her mouth.

Even the customers in the shop scolded Wang Jinghua one by one.

"What the hell!"

"Yes! Bullying a girl is no skill

"This kind of person deserves to be beaten!"

Don't talk about the guests. Even the owner of the store can't see them. He just let Wang Jinghua go.

Wang Jinghua, on the other hand, is indifferent. He has always been a rich second generation before. He has not suffered much since he was born. If he had studied abroad, he would not have worked as a waiter if he had not been afraid of being ridiculed by other enterprises.

But after working as a waiter for a long time, he didn't want to do it. He just wanted to get some money and then gamble, because only by gambling can he turn over.

He now thinks that Yang Mengzi will give him 100000 yuan, which makes him so arrogant that it doesn't matter whether the waiter does it or not.

Wang Jinghua thought, ready to leave, just rub shoulders with Lin Kai.

"To tell you the truth, I've seen a fool too right, but I've never seen a fool like you."

When Lin Kai saw Wang Jinghua coming, he slapped him in the face.

Yang Mengzi invited him to dinner. Yang Mengzi is also a partner of Lin Qianqian company. In either case, he saw that Yang Mengzi was bullied like this, so he naturally had to take action.

The slap was a little heavier. Wang Jinghua was beaten by the force and rotated several times before he fell to the ground.

Wang Jinghua's other side of the face, also swollen high, and a few teeth have fallen, the mouth with blood.

"Boy! You really treat me like I can't do anything about you! " Wang Jinghua stares at Lin Kai bitterly. Although he says so, he doesn't dare to do anything.

Lin Kai looked down at Wang Jinghua and said, "Oh? really? I don't know if you can. I can't help it, but I'm sure that if this is a wilderness, you won't be slapped twice. Believe me, you're going to be an unclaimed corpse. "

Threat? Linkai is the ancestor of threat.

Wang Jinghua wanted to sneer, but he could see Lin Kai's calm eyes and the faint pressure in his eyes, which made him shiver all over.

The sense of inexplicable cold spread all over his body.

Wang Jinghua has no doubt that Lin Kaizhen will kill people!

Lin Kai said faintly: "the same thing, I'll give it to you. If you don't permanently delete that photo before tonight, don't blame me. You can ask people to find out who I am, and you will know if what I said is false

Words down, he took Yang Mengzi out of this private restaurant.

When Wang Jinghua saw that they were out of here, Wang Jinghua was afraid, but he still wanted to gamble. So he called out to Yang Mengzi, who was leaving, "Yang Mengzi! If you don't transfer the money tonight! At your own risk! "

Lin Kai didn't look back, but in his eyes, there was gradually a chill. Did he really ignore his words?However, Yang Mengzi, in a dejected look, kept murmuring: "100000 can be given, but according to my understanding of him, even if I give 100000, he will not delete the photo. What to do... "

When Yang Mengzi was confused, Lin opened on one side and said with a faint smile: "since this kind of thing happened to me, I will help you solve it."

Wang Jinghua didn't understand Wang Jinghua's words, but he didn't understand.

It's impossible to kill Wang Jinghua.

The more Yang Mengzi thought, the more upset he became. He said, "Mr. Lin, can you accompany me to drink? In fact, I don't like drinking, but now I'm in a bad mood. It's not safe to go alone. I haven't been back for a long time, so I don't have any good friends. Can you accompany me

Lin Kai smell speech, nodded: "OK, but this big noon, there should be no bar and so on."

"One of them is open 24 hours a day. Let's go there."

Yang Mengzi said and said the address.

Lin Kai is speechless. Unexpectedly, there is a bar opened in broad daylight. It seems that under the pressure of modern society, there are still many modern young men and women like Yang Mengzi who want to drink to relieve their worries.

Lin Kai had to accompany Yang Mengzi and went to the place together. It was not long before he drove for about ten minutes.

Soon came to a commercial street.

At the door of one of the bars, it looks ordinary outside, but after walking in, the atmosphere like that at night suddenly highlights.

Although it is noon, there are also many young men and women here, or depressed or excited in drinking, it is simply the state of life.

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