Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1468

Liu Jiacheng said, looked at an Xiaoran, and continued to smile: "I didn't expect that Xiao ran still cared about me so much. In order to remind me, she said so many words, which really made me feel so much..."

Finally, he did not finish two words, he suddenly stopped.

Because he saw an Xiaoran suddenly in front of his eyes, he quickly went to a young man, with a look of incomparable surprise, and left quickly.

The young man was actually Lin Kai. He was in front of a stall and looked at a brass coin on the stall.

The stall owner saw Lin Kai and looked at the copper coin. He couldn't move his eyes. He moved in his heart and said with a smile, "little brother, good eyes."

Then he deliberately lowered his voice, as if to prevent people around him from hearing him and said, "little brother, I can see that you have some feelings about this copper coin. I will tell you the truth. Although there are many copper coins in this street, my copper coins are real. They are really excavated from the tombs of kings in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms."

Speaking of this, he saw Lin Kai's strange eyes and was pleased in his heart. He continued: "little brother, the reason why I say this is because a cemetery of five generations and ten countries was found on Lushan Mountain. A few months ago, a dead brother and I went to find the leak, only found this copper coin, so the authenticity is great. So far, other buyers think it's fake, but it's true. Well, a million dollars, I'll sell it to you at a low price. How about that? "

Lin Kai pretended to be a little happy, and then bargained: "boss, you know, this street is full of this kind of copper money. Even if you talk about extravagance, I have some doubts about whether you are real or not. So, can you make it cheaper? "


Before the stall owner said that, an Xiaoran quickly came to Lin Kai's side, her pretty face full of happy smile.

An Xiaoran was very beautiful, this smile let the passers-by around, are surprised to.

Lin Kai was stunned. He looked at an Xiaoran who suddenly appeared. He was a little depressed. He could not help asking, "Why are you also in this antique street?"

Lin Kai naturally knows that master Zhicheng has a mission and his destination is Lushan. If you run into an Xiaoran in the city or in Lushan, he is not surprised, but in this antique street, it is quite unexpected.

"Pihua residence has a new mission, but this one is quite special, and the destination is Lushan. The task is not urgent, so I'm just browsing here. " An Xiaoran said, she noticed that Liu Jiacheng and Xinru were also coming.

So, an Xiaoran introduced him: "his name is Liu Jiacheng, and the girl's name is Xinru. They are all from Pihua residence, and they are also here to complete the task."


Lin Kai nodded, and after a little greeting with two people, he didn't care so much. He looked at the stall owner and said, "if it's not cheaper, I'll consider not buying it."

Liu Jiacheng and Xinru have arrived.

Liu Jiacheng, in particular, saw an Xiaoran's intimacy with Lin Kai. No matter how stupid he was, he knew that the young man was Lin Kai!

Liu Jiacheng is even more puzzled. He knows an Xiaoran's family background. With an Xiaoran's family background, how can he like this seemingly ordinary young man.

Not to mention an Xiaoran before, even master Zhicheng, Taoist Xianning and Chen Guang, the older generation, all highly praised Lin Kai, as if they were very powerful figures.

But now it's just like this.

What's more, Lin Kai seems to want to buy the copper coin.

Liu Jiacheng as well as know, this antique market, the most counterfeit is the so-called copper money.

He found out that it was Lushan. Recently, a mausoleum of Five Dynasties and ten states was excavated.

This antique market is ready to make a profit.

As a result, many unscrupulous merchants, whether in shops or in stalls, had this kind of copper money, which was used as copper money in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period.

What is more hateful is that many businesses do not collude with each other, and the source of copper money is different from each version.

In any case, it's a plan to make a lot of money.

Therefore, Liu Jiacheng is very glad to see that Lin Kai wants to buy this bronze coin. He even thinks that Lin Kai is just such an ordinary person.

Especially in the stall to buy this, I'm afraid the brain was kicked by the donkey. At least there are some guarantees in the shop. If we say that 90% of the things in the shop are fake and 1% are real, then what is on the stall is 90% fake and 0.10% true.

So he is more and more disdainful to Lin Kai.

Seeing Lin Kai's stupid appearance, Liu Jiacheng immediately felt relieved that he didn't have to treat him as a rival in love. Lin Kai was not qualified at all.

However, Liu Jiacheng was very interested and looked at an Xiaoran.

An Xiaoran also said before that when buying antiques, he would judge by the buyer's eyes, and he didn't know whether an Xiaoran would stop Lin Kai.

At this time, the stall owner heard Lin Kai say this, and he was a little excited. He soon forced down the excitement and said, "little brother, one million is the lowest price. In this way, 950000, can't be less!"Lin Kai lowered his eyes and looked at the yellow copper coins on the stall. He glanced at a small black bottle beside him and said, "is the lowest price? OK, that's 950000. "

"Wait a minute!"

An Xiaoran suddenly opened her mouth, and immediately she got close to Lin Kai's ear and whispered, "Linkai, when you were in Jinyuan city a few days ago, you taught me that society is dangerous. Don't be fooled easily. You can be cheated now. The copper coin is actually plated with a layer of gold powder. On the surface, it seems to be ancient, but the current technology can achieve this kind of antique imitation. This copper coin is of no value. Don't buy it. "

Although it was quiet, people around could hear it.

The stall owner's original excited mood disappeared in an instant, staring at an Xiaoran, but he did not dare to say anything more.

But Liu Jiacheng couldn't see this scene and widened his eyes. Previously, an Xiaoran said that he could not disturb the buyer and seller in the process of transaction? Why did an Xiaoran say something?

Liu Jiacheng is also very jealous, an Xiaoran even said something to stop this boy, he did not!

Lin Kai shakes his head and laughs. He knows that an Xiaoran is for his good. He doesn't go back to an Xiaoran. He just says to the stall owner, "boss, you've heard my friend say so, so I won't buy it."

The stall owner even said, "little brother, this one is really genuine! believe me! Nine hundred thousand! Just 900000! Nine hundred thousand for you

Lin Kai's face appeared a smile, but still calm: "I dare not bet whether it is genuine, 900000 or too expensive, I can accept the price range of 600000."

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