Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1467

At this time, Liu Jiacheng was still very proud.

After all, it costs two million yuan to buy a special copper coin made of gold in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, which is of great significance.

If you resell them, you can make a lot of money. Collection, also has the collection value extremely.

In a word, he is sure to make a profit when he bought the bronze coin.

Master Zhicheng and his party of six people are of different ages.

So when you look around, a few people are scattered when they walk.

The main reason is that their interests and hobbies are different. Master Zhicheng and Taoist Xianning have no interest in these antiques, so they go together and turn around at will.

Chen Guang was interested in the things of the Republic of China, and would go to shops or stalls of that period.

An Xiaoran is not interested in these antiquities. She just wears earphones and listens to songs and walks around the street alone.

However, Liu Jiacheng saw an Xiaoran walking alone. He was busy with an Xiaoran, because an Xiaoran was listening to the song.

Liu Jiacheng doesn't know how loud an Xiaoran's headphones are. Anyway, how he talks to an Xiaoran, an Xiaoran just ignores him.

Xin Ru then looked at Liu Jiacheng, closely following an Xiaoran, so she also ran to Liu Jiacheng, a face of love: "Jiacheng, you..."

Before she finished, she saw a middle-aged fat man with the appearance of a nouveau riche in the shop not far from the front, who was pushed out directly from the shop.

This middle-aged fat man has a big gold chain, a big gold watch, and several big gold rings on his finger.

But at this time, the middle-aged fat man was pushed out and yelled at the shop: "I have money, but I'm not stupid! You said that the copper coin was from the period of Five Dynasties and ten states, that is, from the period of Five Dynasties and ten states? What is the first copper coin made by a king in the founding period? It is of great significance!

Also said that only found in China, only this copper coin! Five million! What a fool I am? Fortunately, I visited all the shops on this street, and several of them were talking about the copper coins unearthed from the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. Half of the coin is the first copper coin created by the king, while the other half is too much. It is found in the mouth of the king's body to prevent resurrection! Which king doesn't want to be resurrected?

As for what identification certificate! Most ridiculous! Online a lot of this, fake identification certificate! This copper coin, as if I was feeding the dog! Let us bear in mind that the copper money sold in these shops are all fake and special people who don't understand it! Please don't be fooled

The middle-aged fat man said, throwing the brass money in his hand and smashing it into the shop.

After finishing this, the middle-aged fat man swearing and leaving again.

His family depends on the demolition, he does not lack money, but no longer lack of money, it is impossible to waste so much. It cost five million dollars to buy this fake.

However, there is no alternative. After all, in this antique market, there are a lot of fakes. If you don't have a good eye, you have to admit your bad luck.

This scene, Liu Jiacheng three people see in the eye.

, especially the as like as two peas of copper, which were thrown away by hand, are exactly the same as those of Huang Tongqian, who is very careful in holding the hand.

This makes Liu Jiacheng like a bolt out of the blue, standing on the spot like a chicken.

"Jiacheng, you..."

How can Xin Ru not see clearly that Liu Jiacheng was cheated. Seeing Liu Jiacheng's appearance, I don't know how to comfort him.

An Xiaoran glanced at Liu Jiacheng, shook his head and said, "what's the situation of antique market? At least nine of the ten so-called antiques are fake. But the shop owner or the stall owner, can say what truth, even such a little judgment. If you buy two hundred copper coins like that, you will lose even more if they are five million, just like the man

Since the last lesson, an Xiaoran has known the dangers of the world, so in any aspect, he has considered it clearly.

What's more, an Xiaoran inherited a school that had a certain understanding of antiques.

Not long ago, why didn't you remind Liu Jiacheng? That's because Liu Jiacheng is not one of her people. Besides, Liu Jiacheng, who lives next to her every day, has never been tired of it.

Although Liu Jiacheng was also a young master of a hermit family, he was also spoiled from childhood. Before entering the Pihua residence, he had never honed himself in the society.

Only in the aspect of killing demons, a little bit of means, other aspects are not.

As a result, the shop owner lured Liu Jiacheng to buy. At last, he felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong, so he bought it directly.

In particular, Liu Jiacheng now recalled that the shop owner said that he had a good eye, where is a good eye, is clearly satirizing his poor vision!

Liu Jiacheng's face at this time became more and more ugly.

But Xinru, also only in terms of killing demons and demons, is still more powerful than Liu Jiacheng's means. I don't know much about antiques.

So I didn't understand the shop owner. There was something in the last words.In fact, master Zhicheng and Taoist Xianning finally understood that the copper coin was fake. Although they didn't know much about antiques, the reason why they didn't explain it to Liu Jiacheng was that they still taught Liu Jiacheng a lesson.

At this time, Xinru heard an Xiaoran's words and quickly spoke for Liu Jiacheng: "an Xiaoran, you already knew that the copper money was fake. Why didn't you directly say it at that time? I think you don't understand and pretend to understand. You're only coming after the horse. "

An Xiaoran said faintly: "I may not understand other things you say, but I still know a lot about the antique market. Buyers should judge by themselves and judge according to their own vision and knowledge. If they are not buyers, they are not allowed to interrupt, otherwise it will disturb the market. After all, although 90% of the antique market is fake, 10% is true. This is because the merchants attract buyers and indeed reduce the price.

So whether you can get the real product or not depends on your own judgment. If you don't understand this aspect very well, you can only pay your own tuition first. If you learn more about it next time, you may have a greater chance to buy authentic products. "

An Xiaoran talks, to be exact, this is just like the stock market. A small part makes money, but most of them are still cut leeks.

Most of those who cut leeks firmly believe that they will be lucky and become the small part to make money.

New such as hear an Xiaoran said some of the truth, no longer speak, just hum.

Liu Jiacheng was not angry at an Xiaoran's words. On the contrary, he was extremely happy.

This was the first time he saw him. An Xiaoran said so many words to him, which made him very excited. He said with a smile: "Xiaoran, thank you, let me gain knowledge."

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