Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1469

Naturally, the stall owner couldn't let Lin Kai. The bargaining was so fierce that he shook his head decisively and said, "600000? No, I can't. I don't sell six hundred thousand. "

In fact, the stall owner wants to sell it, but the one-time price reduction is a little too harsh. If he really agrees, he must suspect it is false. If we don't sell it, we will cry without tears.

After all, it was not easy to wait for a fool who wanted to buy the copper money.

Even if someone told the fool was a fake, they insisted on buying it.

It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but you can't be too anxious.

The stall owner can set up a stall in antique street. Naturally, he is very smart. He is almost the same as the owner in the shop. His "acting skills" are first-class.

Liu Jiacheng scoffed at Lin Kai and said, "I said that you directly cut the price by one-third. How could you bargain like this? The boss must not agree to sell it to you."

"Then you can't buy it."

Lin Kai shrugged his shoulders and turned to leave.

Seeing Lin Kai's appearance, an Xiaoran smiles at the corners of her mouth. She seems to think that she has done something good and has successfully prevented Lin Kai from buying the bronze coin.

Liu Jiacheng was disappointed. He thought Lin Kai would buy it foolishly. In that case, he would be balanced.

However, the stall owner was shrewd at this time, but when he saw that Lin Kai was leaving without hesitation, he was in a hurry and called out: "little brother! Little brother! I can see at a glance that you are very fond of this copper coin, although as a businessman, I can earn a little. But when I see my little brother love him so much, I have to give up my love. 600000 is 600000! "

Liu Jiacheng was dumbfounded: "boss, did you bargain for 300000 yuan? You can promise that? "

On the one hand, Liu Jiacheng also wants Lin Kai to buy so that he can balance his mind. On the other hand, when he saw the stall owner and promised to sell it for 600000 yuan, he didn't want to let the stall owner sell Linkai at such a low price.

How to say, he spent two million to buy, if you see Lin Kai only spent 600000, but the difference is more than three times.

Although 900000 yuan is much cheaper than him, it is still acceptable.

Liu Jiacheng could not accept it.

At this time, the stall owner pretended to have a smile: "600000 is actually a loss. However, this little brother and I have eye contact. Since he likes it, I'll sell it to him at a low price."

Hearing what the stall owner said, Lin Kai turned around and went to the stall again. He picked up the brass money on the stall and pointed to the small black bottle beside it.

"Boss, if you said that, it would be 600000, and I would bargain for something. However, there is a certain risk for me to buy this copper coin. So boss, can you buy one get one free? Can you give me that little black bottle? "

The boss pretended to be in trouble

Before the stall owner finished, Lin Kai shook his head and said, "boss, look at the font carved on it. Which is the character of the Ming Dynasty? It is the character of the Tang Dynasty. You didn't do your homework at first sight. So I bought the bronze coin. Will you give me this little bottle? "

The implication is that your little bottle is also a fake.

How can the stall owner not recognize it and smile awkwardly. As the owner of these goods, he naturally knows the origin of each product.

So that the stall owner can only say: "little brother, line line line, buy a free one, buy a free one! If you buy Copper money, I will give you this little bottle! "

Liu Jiacheng was stunned. He didn't expect that he could bargain like this. He not only cut the price by one-third, but also let the stall owner give him a free gift.

Let's not say, this thing is true or false, but compared with his 200 million yuan price, Liu Jiacheng's face suddenly darkened, but his heart was very unhappy.

Then Lin Kai transferred 600000 yuan to the stall owner.

The stall owner also gave Lin Kai the copper coins and small black bottles, and gave them to Lin Kai happily.

Indeed, only 600000 yuan was sold, but the stall owner knew that the total price of these two things was only tens of thousands of yuan.

This profit has exceeded ten times, not to mention other sales of millions, the profit is too big.

In this era, there are many poor people, but there are also many rich people who are unjustly treated.

Seeing Lin Kai, an Xiaoran took two things and turned to leave.

She couldn't help catching up and came to Lin Kai's side. She was depressed: "Lin Kai, I've already said that the brass money is fake, it's not worth a few dollars. You have to buy it. Don't say 600000. If you buy it for 600000, you'll lose a lot of blood. It's pure imitation. It's a fool

Lin Kai laughed: "miss an, how do you know that this copper coin is imitated?"

Liu Jiacheng also followed. Hearing Lin Kai's words, Liu Jiacheng even more disdained: "boy, are you stupid enough to think that the copper coin you bought is genuine? Let me tell you, this antique street, the copper coins from the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, is not genuine. It's all fake and deliberately deceives people. "Lin Kai stopped his figure and raised the bronze coins in his hand and said, "during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, there was indeed a king of one country. In order to make his own unified coins, he initially made a gilded copper coin. In other words, the tomb of the king of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period found in Lushan is just the king of that country. "

An Xiaoran frowned: "is this copper coin to prevent the resurrection of the king or unify the coins to create a demonstration copper coin?"

Several versions of this antique have been circulated on the street, all of which are different. Lin Kai seems to know this knowledge.

Don't mention an Xiaoran. Liu Jiacheng and Xinru know the specific situation.

Because what Lin Kai said is different from several versions.

If it's not right, Liu Jiacheng will take the opportunity to laugh at Lin Kai, but out of caution, he is not in a hurry to mock.

Lin Kai said lightly: "if you look through the historical books about the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, you can see that although there are few materials about the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, there are also descriptions in this respect."

The reason why he knew that when he was drawing ancient architectural drawings, he went to the Internet to check the materials, and found the buildings of the Five Dynasties and ten countries, so he also found out about it.

When hearing Lin Kai say so, an Xiaoran does not doubt that there is him, after all, this one can be found.

An Xiaoran whispered to himself: "the owner of the antique street, who didn't understand it, made up several versions at random, and fooled the buyer like this."

Lin Kai laughed and shook his head: "no, in fact, these bosses understand better than anyone else. I just want to know whether I can sell through the buyer's reaction

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