Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1466

Lin Kai also knows that there is an antique market near the hotel, which is the largest and most popular antique market in several provinces nearby.

It is said that some people have found many good treasures from thousands of years ago in this antique market.

Lin Kai is interested in it. Others may just come to find out some antique treasures, collect them or sell them at a high price.

Lin Kai is different. He looks at the magic weapons left by the immortal cultivator.

He had already known that there were still immortal practitioners in ancient China. Although he was the only one left on the earth, he certainly left behind many magic weapons.

As a result, Lin Kai took a break in the hotel and went to the largest antique market nearby.

The antique market has several ancient streets, one of which is the most prosperous, named Tianxing antique street.

At that time, there was a shop in Tianxing antique street.

Xianning Taoist and other people strolled around the shop.

Liu Jiacheng seemed to show something by pointing to a yellow copper coin on the cabinet in the shop and sneering: "boss, your shop is too cheap. Even a copper coin can be displayed on the counter. Isn't copper money the most common one in antique market? What's so strange? Put it there

Hearing that Liu Jiacheng was so, Taoist Xianning, master Zhicheng and other people couldn't help but look at the yellow copper coin, which was no different from other copper coins except that the inscriptions on the coin seemed special.

The shop owner was a smart man in his fifties, dressed in the gowns of the Republic of China, holding two walnuts in his hand all the time.

The smart man said to Liu Jiacheng with a smile: "little brother, you don't know. If the copper coin can be put on the wooden cabinet and displayed separately, it naturally has its unique value. This copper coin was specially made from the mouth of a king in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. As you know, copper coins are usually put into the mouth of corpses to prevent resurrection.

However, it is impossible to put ordinary copper coins at the king's level. The copper coins are made of pure gold. You can see that the whole body is yellowing. It's because of the age that makes the color dim. Apart from other things, it is only from the period of Five Dynasties and ten countries that it is qualified to be placed here. You can't deny it? "

Hearing the shop owner say so, Liu Jiacheng's eyes lit up and asked, "it's true that there are still too few ancient artifacts unearthed from the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and the history of that period is not so detailed. I don't know, boss, what's the price of this copper coin? "

The shop owner continued to turn the two walnuts in his hand, then put out two fingers with the other hand and said with a smile: "two million, one price. In fact, I have already discounted two million yuan. Otherwise, according to the market price, at least another 500000 yuan will be added. But two and a half million, that's not good

Master Zhicheng saw the bronze coin and asked Xianning Taoist: "benefactor Xianning, is this true or false?"

Xianning Taoist is not wearing a Taoist robe, but wearing ordinary clothes.

After all, this is in the downtown area of Xunyang city. Xuandao temple is very famous in Xunyang city. If you see his Taoist robe, you will recognize him.

So now Xianning Taoist looks like an ordinary old man.

Xianning Taoist shook his head and replied, "master Zhicheng, to be honest, I still don't know much about this."

When Chen Guang heard the discussion between the two nearby, he said with a smile: "the two Taoist friends are all practicing there with one heart. It's normal that they don't understand this aspect. As a person in the capital city, the capital itself has the largest antique market in China, Panjiayuan. Decades ago, I was also keen to find some treasures there.

According to the experience I have known before, this copper coin is of some age, and it is also made of gold. However, it is hard to say whether it was unearthed in the Five Dynasties and ten countries. If it was not for the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, it would be 200000 at most. Yes, two million is about the same. "

Master Zhicheng and Taoist Xianning both nodded.

The three of them did not speak out directly, but used the voice.

The three men themselves are powerful ancient martial artists. In addition to Buddhism and Taoism, they are also deeply studied. Naturally, they will have some methods of transmitting sound.

Therefore, the other people could not hear the conversation among the three masters.

After the shop owner said the price, he looked quite calm and didn't seem to care whether this group of people would buy the copper coin and was idly turning the two walnuts in their hands.

When Liu Jiacheng saw this place, he immediately turned to the shop owner and asked, "boss, can I have a look at it?"

The shop owner laughed: "naturally, but because it's antique, naturally you have to wear gloves to see. There are gloves on the table. You can wear them yourself and then take them."

Liu Jiacheng immediately put on the gloves on the table, and then took the brass money on the cabinet and observed it for a period of time.

Immediately, he raised the copper coin in his hand and asked Xiao ran with a smile: "Xiaoran, do you think this copper coin is worth my buying?"An Xiaoran glanced at Liu Jiacheng and said, "Liu Jiacheng, do you want to buy it or not? What's the matter with me? Don't ask me."

Xinru, however, quickly responded to Liu Jiacheng: "Jiacheng, isn't it worth two million yuan to buy it. In my place, there are a lot of such coins. If you like, I'll bring you a pile of them next time

Liu Jiacheng looked at the new such as: "you are not me what person, give me a pile of copper money to avoid."

Liu Jiacheng this is to get rid of the relationship with Xinru, so as not to let an Xiaoran misunderstand, so that he went on to the shop owner and said, "I bought two million yuan, pack it for me."

"Get it!" The shop owner heard Liu Jiacheng's words, not as calm as before, but laughed: "this little brother, you really have a vision! To be honest, I'm not willing to sell the two million! It's cheap for you!

After all, this collection value, compared with its own value, is much bigger! But I'm not a collector. I'm a businessman, so I sold it to you at a low price. "

Liu Jiacheng heard the words, inexplicably felt that the shop owner's words were a little strange, but he did not know where the strangeness was.

Later, the shop owner packed the bronze coins, and there was an antique identification.

At this moment, Liu Jiacheng was relieved and paid the money.

After finishing the shop, he went to the shop.

Liu Jiacheng took the packaged copper coins carefully and walked out of the shop.

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