Special Forces God Level Extraction System

Chapter 1458

Lin Kai smell speech, face calm, eyes dew wipe a playful look, Xia Dongluo next to Xu Mochou.

Not long ago, he did not know Xu Mo Chou.

Just when refining the liquid of three color saplings, I heard that the group of technicians were discussing who Xia Dongluo invited.

He knew who Xu Mochou was.

Especially now, Lin Kai smiles when he sees Xu Mochou smoking wantonly: "speaking of all, I just know who your old classmate is. Isn't that Xu Mochou who has participated in a talent show, or the kind of Xu Mochou who speaks by wonderful flowers and is sacrificed by the program? It's said that singing is OK, but the character is not good. "

Hearing this, Xu Mochou's face was already very dark, but now it's a bit darker. She couldn't help but say, "well, you don't know me yet. Look, how famous I am now. I don't know if the star you called has my fame? "

"Your fame?"

Lin Kai shakes his head and laughs. The so-called fame is nothing more than hype from the program group, but also a false name.

As for Yin Suyan, who was invited by him, is really famous. After all, she acted as a national level TV drama hostess, which was watched by children up to 80 years old and down to several years old.

In addition, in recent months, Yin Suyan has appeared in front of the screen, not to mention on the Internet, even on TV, newspapers, and other places.

And just in time for the Spring Festival Gala, Spring Festival Gala is not only a performer, but also a very important venue host.

It can be said that this is unprecedented.

Yin Suyan is a national actress. Can Xu Mochou compare with her?

Therefore, Lin Kai is not a guest: "nature is more famous than you."

Lin Kai disdains to say who it is directly, and is too lazy to say it.

Xu Mochou thinks that Lin Kai is dead. He says, "is that right? I'd like to see if you are more famous than me, if you come here

As soon as she had finished, a large number of vehicles rushed into Lin Qianqian's company. First, several luxury cars were in front of her, two business cars were behind her, and then the last pickup truck.

On the pickup truck, at a glance, there are a lot of expensive shooting machines and so on.

There are seven cars in the parking lot of Lin Qianqian company.

The science and Technology Department of Lin Qianqian company is on the first floor, and the office is next to the parking lot.

The window of the office is facing the parking lot.

Seven cars soon got down, and ten or twenty people came down.

Lin Kai has told Yin Suyan and others that he is in the office next to the parking lot.

Dressed in an elegant blue dress and sunglasses, Yin Suyan walked into the office that Lin Kai said for the first time.

As soon as she entered the office, she took off her sunglasses and said hello to Lin Kai: "Mr. Lin, I've kept you waiting for a long time, because it's time for the crew to come."

Yin Suyan said that, from outside the office, came pan Liguo's command voice: "you first move down the shooting equipment, and then find a good site, and then start shooting, move quickly."

Also immediately heard, the staff outside the office, came bursts of startled voice.

"My God! Am I right? This is director Pan Liguo! "

"What? Is he director Pan Liguo? Why did you bring the crew into our company? "

"What is director Pan Liguo? Did you not see Yin Suyan, the goddess of the people, walk into the office of the Ministry of science and technology? Lin is always in it. "

"Isn't it? General manager Lin invited both Yin Su Yan goddess and pan Liguo director! What the hell is going on here! Besides, one crew is here

The employees outside were shocked.

At the moment, Xia Dongluo and Xu Mochou in the office, after seeing Yin Suyan, heard the words of the staff outside, all with big mouths and gaping.

If it wasn't for seeing Yin Suyan with his own eyes, they couldn't believe that the national goddess and director Pan Liguo were here! It's still the same crew!

Can Lin Kai invite the crew directed by Pan Liguo, or even Yin Suyan, the goddess of the people?

What's the situation! Impossible!

Both Xia Dongluo and Xu Mochou have doubts.

After Xia Dongluo was shocked, he turned to think about it and mocked: "let's not say Yin Suyan. If director Pan Liguo takes a crew to shoot the advertisement, it will cost millions at least. Yin Suyan, not to mention, any endorsement advertisement is tens of millions of levels, and large famous brands have tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of endorsement fees. With the current financial resources of the company, general manager Lin would not consider spending so much money to sign an advertising endorsement with Yin Suyan. That is to say, it's no use inviting you here! "

Xia Dongluo said, the smile on his face was even worse.

Xu Mochou, sitting next to him, resumed his previous indifference and continued to smoke.

After hearing Xia Dongluo's words, Lin Qianqian can't help nodding. She can't afford to invite Yin Suyan at present. She asks Lin Kai, "Linkai, you It's too much of a favor. Actually, we invited all the national goddesses, but you also know the current operating capital of the company. I'm afraid... "Before Lin Qianqian finished, Lin Kai said with a faint smile: "since I invite you, there is no problem. Miss Yin is free to advertise for skin care products. Director Pan there, I was to point to shoot advertising fees, but director Pan in my face, will not charge any fees

Xu Mochou immediately disdained to say: "are you kidding? What is Yin Suyan's name? How can a big guy come to speak for free? If she really speaks for your products for free, I'll smoke in reverse

Xu Mochou looks confident. She stepped into the entertainment industry with half a foot. She thinks that she is already a member of the entertainment industry, but she needs to know more than other people present.

What's more, Yin Suyan, a national actress, is what she dreams of and knows more about the price in the industry!

No matter how, Yin Suyan this level, it is impossible to go free why product endorsement and so on!

Even if there is one, it may also happen in the world's top hundreds of large groups and enterprises, because that is a debt of gratitude.

Xia Dongluo is also full of disbelief, a sneer: "Lin Kai, Miss Yin didn't say anything, you're talking nonsense there! Not afraid to be beaten in the face

Lin Kai looked at Xia Dongluo and said faintly, "since you say so, do you dare to bet?"

Of course, it's not that Lin Kai wants to gamble, but the system just randomly releases a task, so that he can bet with Xia Dongluo now. When the task is completed, it will have the ability to extract silver.

Nothing is better than nothing.

In addition, the system shows that Xia Dongluo has a bad heart. He colludes with Xu Mochou and comes to Keng Lin Qianqian company for a sum of money.

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